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remember when vocal team went off to do something without inviting joshua and the other members were like "why arent you gone lmao" and he was like what the fuck did they forget about me

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im crying @ vernon in the last gif


i got a 90% on my dang term PaPer oAWWwwww


so much handsome on this page

and now that u've posted theres a lot of cute too =)

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i knew you could do it

thank you friends


and now that u've posted theres a lot of cute too =)


sometimes i cry

this is one of those times

thanks again, you too

What, do you see into the future or something

i smiled

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So, I am able to move Isamu to the objective area within the turn limit. Either way, the Iron Gear shows up, and the vaccine is delivered. However, Breakers now show up, led by Kyaron, who happens to be Birin's sister. Even more Breakers deploy, and then... well, it seems Cotset's insanity hasn't subsided, and now has taken control of the Iron Gear!

And then this happens:

Cotset can't be controlled for this stage. Fortunately, unlike Berserk Eva-01 back in Alpha, he won't attack the PC's, only the enemies. That's good, at least.

Anyway, since most of the cast got inflicted with Rat Fever, even if it was already cured right now, they will still deploy with the -20 Will penalty. Except Cotset, who due to his madness starts at 130. I forgot to mention, but Kamille and Hikaru have now more than 50 kills, which means Ace status, which is +5 to their starting Will. My first Ace units, which for Kamille would be something good due to instant Hyper Mega Launcher... if it wasn't for the -20 of the Rat Fever.

Anyway... well, can't be bad dealing with these Breakers at low Will? At least, not everybody was affected. Too bad most of those are the benchwarmers, heh.

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