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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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1 hour ago, Trisitei said:

Sounds worth it

i suppose 

the game?

eh if you're a fan of dynasty warriors and fate its fun

i wouldn't say its a day one pick up, i'd probably wait for it to be on sale

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dynasty warriors doesnt surprise me

considering it was made by the same people

and im pretty sure is due to the results of a poll asking people what they'd like them to team up with

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KT worked on Extella?

thought it was just Marvelous, which explains why it looks kind of like Senran

2 hours ago, Hattusili I said:

i feel like there's a bunch of people i haven't talked to in ages even though i actually talked to them a few days ago

Sounds like something to fix

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7 minutes ago, Soledai said:

KT had nothing to do with extella, actually.

I figured

1 hour ago, Ebony said:

the game?

eh if you're a fan of dynasty warriors and fate its fun

i wouldn't say its a day one pick up, i'd probably wait for it to be on sale

I meant speeding for Alteria but that's good to know

it really doesn't look like something to buy day one 

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[7:56:57 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: lmao what the fuck
[7:57:26 PM] poly-whirl !: the sweet embrace of death calls to him
[7:57:54 PM] Adrian ;p.: wake him up inside
[7:58:15 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: http://puu.sh/tDcX5/26e36df7f7.jpg
[7:58:48 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: http://puu.sh/tDcYI/ea70b71dad.jpg
why the fuck does Subaki look like a smug dick
[7:59:00 PM] Adrian ;p.: because he is a smug dick
[7:59:16 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: http://puu.sh/tDd16/dcb07c28e3.jpg
[7:59:22 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: not Lloyd
[7:59:25 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: not Linus
[7:59:42 PM] Adrian ;p.: game needed more tits?
[7:59:45 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: not even fucking Jaffar but they decided to reveal the most non memorable member of the black fang
[7:59:48 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: beautiful tbh
[8:00:23 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: http://puu.sh/tDd4T/d729260596.jpg
my dick is on fire
[8:00:38 PM] Adrian ;p.: calm down there please
[8:01:34 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: his voice is deep as hell too

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