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Travis Willingham is a boss

23 minutes ago, Shadowfrost Zenbiniar said:

[7:59:16 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: http://puu.sh/tDd16/dcb07c28e3.jpg
[7:59:22 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: not Lloyd
[7:59:25 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: not Linus
[7:59:42 PM] Adrian ;p.: game needed more tits?
[7:59:45 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: not even fucking Jaffar but they decided to reveal the most non memorable member of the black fang
[7:59:48 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: beautiful tbh

i thought people liked ursula though

for two good reasons, but still

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So, before starting Stage 31, time to move Amuro into the Hi-Nu Gundam. The Nu itself is still a viable unit even without its HWS upgrade, but I think I'll go on without it. Just for this first playthrough. So, I shuffle pilots around. I move TOTALLY NOT A CHAR 1 (Quattro, Harry is TNAC2, if you're curious) into the Nu Gundam from the Doven Wolf, Four into the Doven Wolf from the Hyakku Shikki Kai, Emma into the Hyakku Shikki Kai from the ReGZ, Monsha into the ReGZ from the GM Quell, Keith into the GM Quell from the Gun-EZ, and Katz into the Gun-EZ from the Gundam mk II. Does it really matter? Most likely not. Oh well...

As a note, I've been getting more Aces (pilots with over 50 kills who get a permanent +5 to their starting Will) since the last few stages. The list is composed with: Garrod, Tetsuya, Kamille, Usso, and Heero. Not surprised they're mostly the Gundam pilots.

Now, time to begin Chapter 31!

After taking a little break, the Frost Brothers are finally back into the main picture (they've been here in Jop all this time, apparently). Olba thinks the Innocent are finished, but Shaggia brings up that Moon Race records speak of one more dome, located in the Aegia Continent (no points guessing which part of Earth it used to be). A place filled with ruins... and Mountain Cycles. Olba thinks they shouldn't let them obtain all that, but Shaggia states it's time they went back to the Moon. Now that they have Tifa, they can open the seal to D.O.M.E....

Back with the heroes, turns out they did raid Jop Point's hangar. They also note the Breakers have fled, due to no more pay from the Innocent (amusingly enough, Torres brings up about the J9 Team, but Poncho states Banjou has already paid them enough to ensure they stick around). Bright is worried about the Innocent's next course of action, considering they've lost Jop. Just then, the alarm goes off. It's the Moon Race!

Been a while since we've fought these guys. They've come here to pick up the Frost Brothers. They inform Garrod they plan to take Tifa to "unseal the demon on the Moon", which shocks Jamil and Diana, saying they're referring to the Moon Craddle (those within the Irregulars that weren't aware the MC was still around, they find out now).

And thus, Stage 31 begins.

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I find amusing Diana is still referred as Kihel by the game. I suppose it's because she still is using Kihel's "image", so to speak, so the name assignation is also Kihel's. I guess doing that instead of using two extra unit slots, one for Kihel's portraits to use the name of Diana, and vice versa, was less of a hassle for something minor.

Anyway, the enemy is in two groups. A small one with the Frost Brothers and 4 Rig Contios. And the main Moon Race force, with Messalas, Doven Wolves, Zaku III Kais, and Wodoms, alongside three Almeyer battleships. Olba will make a beeline to the Almeyers. If he reaches them, stage ends. For the skill point, I must reduce his Gundam's HP to below 10%. Well, must box him in.

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7 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

my apologies
what, some anime you're catching up on being on the weird end of the scale?

Ah, no worries. It's not your fault c;

Not really, some random link I followed in youtube to a song from what seemed like an anime; sounds good and all, but then it turns out it's not an anime but an eroge, at which point I kinda just quietly walk away.....

Not the first time great music shows up in bad anime/games. I feel sad for the music and the composers.

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Alright, I can now box Olba.

It's times like this when I wonder why they never bothered to give Captain Bright sub-pilots (in the gameplay). If the Freeden could have up to three when Jamil was in charge, I don't see why Torres and Saegusa couldn't be sub-pilots as well. I think Alpha 3 (or perhaps Alpha 2?) finally makes Torres a sub-pilot, but other than that... oh well...

Well, a good thing about the Zaku III Kai is that it's most powerful weapon only has B terrain ranks in Air and Ground. Makes them more easy to fight as long I avoid 1 range.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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48 minutes ago, ___ said:

Ah, no worries. It's not your fault c;

Not really, some random link I followed in youtube to a song from what seemed like an anime; sounds good and all, but then it turns out it's not an anime but an eroge, at which point I kinda just quietly walk away.....

Not the first time great music shows up in bad anime/games. I feel sad for the music and the composers.

Good music is good music either way, yeah?

35 minutes ago, Shadowess said:

they have cipher cards???

i know Lloyd does, idk about Linus

28 minutes ago, ___ said:

Cold Steel has turned out to be surprisingly long...

how long to beat says its something like
62 hours long

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Annoyingly enough, Olba will either Defend of Evade against any incoming attacks. At least he's now boxed in. Now I only have to worry if some sort of hidden turn limit is present in the stage as well...

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Just now, 0w0 said:

So I bought a Visual Novel game for the 3DS via Eshop.

And so far, it hasn't gone cringy or lewd so far.

Perhaps my 20 bucks wasn't wasted something bad after all.

Which one?

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