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But now Turgon's host came forth and joined the battle, and Fingon's retreat was halted. Then in the East at last were heard the trumpets of Maedhros, and Maedhros's host too joined the battle, and the forces of Morgoth were driven back again.

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But now Turgon's host came forth and joined the battle, and Fingon's retreat was halted. Then in the East at last were heard the trumpets of Maedhros, and Maedhros's host too joined the battle, and the forces of Morgoth were driven back again.

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suju recently celebrated kangin's bday on instagram and antis were like "wow they celebrate his but not sungmins" ok kangin sucks but they did celebrate sungmins birthday wat the fuck

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suju recently celebrated kangin's bday on instagram and antis were like "wow they celebrate his but not sungmins" ok kangin sucks but they did celebrate sungmins birthday wat the fuck

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Now Morgoth loosed his last might from Angband: beasts and Trolls and Werewolves and Warghs and Balrogs and Dragons. Then many of the less valiant of the Easterlings turned and fled. Yet still might that day have been won, had it not been for the treachery of the House of Ulfang. For now the House of Ulfang turned against their own allies, and so they caused great hurt and confusion, and they got close to the banners of Maedhros before their evils were discovered. And out of the East now came that army of Easterlings that had lain hidden in the hills; now it was clear that all was lost. 

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Now Morgoth loosed his last might from Angband: beasts and Trolls and Werewolves and Warghs and Balrogs and Dragons. Then many of the less valiant of the Easterlings turned and fled. Yet still might that day have been won, had it not been for the treachery of the House of Ulfang. For now the House of Ulfang turned against their own allies, and so they caused great hurt and confusion, and they got close to the banners of Maedhros before their evils were discovered. And out of the East now came that army of Easterlings that had lain hidden in the hills; now it was clear that all was lost. 

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But the Dwarves had now surrounded Glaurung, Father of the Dragons, and they were a great threat to him. For the Dwarves wear strong helmets to battle that are resistant even to dragon-fire, and their strong arms and heavy axes can pierce through even a dragon's scales. And so the Dwarves hewed at Glaurung, and he went mad and rampaged over the battlefield. In his madness he struck Azaghâl, Lord of Belegost, to the ground; but as he ran over him, Azaghâl drew a knife and plunged it into the dragon's belly. If only Azaghâl had had a sword in his hand; then much future sorrow would have been prevented. But now the dragon fled back into the pits of Angband in pain; and Azaghâl died from his wounds. Then the Dwarves picked up the body of their lord, and singing a slow chant of mourning in their own secret tongue, they slowly left the battlefield in a burial procession. And so awe-inspiring was that sight that no enemy dared assail them.

10 minutes ago, bling said:

i just found out that BwpZKuH.png happens to be the same size as the portraits so maybe it can have a cameo in a future episode which is pretty cool imo

i love how u use this

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But the Dwarves had now surrounded Glaurung, Father of the Dragons, and they were a great threat to him. For the Dwarves wear strong helmets to battle that are resistant even to dragon-fire, and their strong arms and heavy axes can pierce through even a dragon's scales. And so the Dwarves hewed at Glaurung, and he went mad and rampaged over the battlefield. In his madness he struck Azaghâl, Lord of Belegost, to the ground; but as he ran over him, Azaghâl drew a knife and plunged it into the dragon's belly. If only Azaghâl had had a sword in his hand; then much future sorrow would have been prevented. But now the dragon fled back into the pits of Angband in pain; and Azaghâl died from his wounds. Then the Dwarves picked up the body of their lord, and singing a slow chant of mourning in their own secret tongue, they slowly left the battlefield in a burial procession. And so awe-inspiring was that sight that no enemy dared assail them.

10 minutes ago, bling said:

i just found out that BwpZKuH.png happens to be the same size as the portraits so maybe it can have a cameo in a future episode which is pretty cool imo

i love how u use this

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Then all the host of Fingon and all the host of Maedhros sounded the retreat, for they knew that the battle was lost. But the House of Bór fled not, so enraged were they at the betrayal by their kinsmen; they fought until the very last man, and Bór and his sons slew Uldor and his sons before they were themselves slain. But the army of the Sons of Fëanor was decimated in that battle, and they were reduced to an insignificant nomadic people. And Fingon, King of the Noldor, was killed by Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs; and flame sprang from his helmet as he fell. Now Húrin said to Turgon: "Lord, now all seems to be lost. But not all is yet lost. For your city is safe and its location is unknown to Morgoth. As long as it is kept standing and hidden, hope lives still! Therefore flee now! We, the House of Hador, shall make a stand here so that you may flee to safety and Morgoth shall not find out the location of your city."

4 minutes ago, bling said:

this kinda fucks me up tbh

kpop fandom perplexes me

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Then all the host of Fingon and all the host of Maedhros sounded the retreat, for they knew that the battle was lost. But the House of Bór fled not, so enraged were they at the betrayal by their kinsmen; they fought until the very last man, and Bór and his sons slew Uldor and his sons before they were themselves slain. But the army of the Sons of Fëanor was decimated in that battle, and they were reduced to an insignificant nomadic people. And Fingon, King of the Noldor, was killed by Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs; and flame sprang from his helmet as he fell. Now Húrin said to Turgon: "Lord, now all seems to be lost. But not all is yet lost. For your city is safe and its location is unknown to Morgoth. As long as it is kept standing and hidden, hope lives still! Therefore flee now! We, the House of Hador, shall make a stand here so that you may flee to safety and Morgoth shall not find out the location of your city."

4 minutes ago, bling said:

this kinda fucks me up tbh

kpop fandom perplexes me

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And so it was done. Turgon fled, and his retreat to Gondolin was hidden from Morgoth's eyes. The House of Hador now made a valiant last stand, until at last all were slain; all save Húrin. For Morgoth knew that Húrin had been to Gondolin, and wanted to take him alive to learn of its location. Now Húrin slew Orc after Orc; a hundred Orcs he slew and more, until at last he was buried under their corpses and the ever oncoming army. Then he was bound in chains and imprisoned in Angband.

3 minutes ago, bling said:

i love the way u write hatt


also thx it's my favourite and fits my emotions always

w-whoa thx i'm trying to stay true to tolkien in my style


heh nice i love it!

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And so it was done. Turgon fled, and his retreat to Gondolin was hidden from Morgoth's eyes. The House of Hador now made a valiant last stand, until at last all were slain; all save Húrin. For Morgoth knew that Húrin had been to Gondolin, and wanted to take him alive to learn of its location. Now Húrin slew Orc after Orc; a hundred Orcs he slew and more, until at last he was buried under their corpses and the ever oncoming army. Then he was bound in chains and imprisoned in Angband.

3 minutes ago, bling said:

i love the way u write hatt


also thx it's my favourite and fits my emotions always

w-whoa thx i'm trying to stay true to tolkien in my style


heh nice i love it!

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The House of Ulfang was not given their promised lands. Instead Morgoth shut them in Dor-Lómin. Here they executed what was left of the men and forced the women into marriages and enslaved the children. And they were full of hate: hate for their enemies whom they had betrayed, the House of Hador, and hate for their master, who had cheated them out of their reward. 

Thus ended that battle which is called the Nirnaeth Arnoediad: the Battle of Unnumbered Tears. For no song or tale can contain all its grief.

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But the Easterlings dared not touch Morwen or her child, for Morwen was fierce and strong. A witch they called her and they shunned her and came not near her house, save occasionally to raid it while she was away. And the still pregnant Morwen saw no hope for Túrin in Dor-Lómin, and she sent him away with two of her servants to find safety in Doriath. Long and hard was their journey, and they were close to death when at last they were found and rescued by Beleg Strongbow, who gave them food and healing and brought them to Menegroth, Thingol's halls. And Túrin was received very kindly, and Thingol took him in as his foster-son. 

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my favourite super junior lyrics

- "sexy free and single im a pretty ok guy / sexy free and single youre a pretty awesome guy" (sexy free and single)

- "twinkle twinkle little star im trying to get a hot girl" (boom boom)

- "super junior is only missing the 'man' from the name of 'superman'" (superman)

- "donghae agrees" (mamacita)

- "the reason why im happy is bc this world is with too many beautiful girls" (too many beautiful girls)

- "hey baby love crash" (a-cha)

- "move out of the way for the these two hot guys" (can you feel it)

- "hey won't you take me to funky town im international baby" (oppa oppa)

- "go kick it in the butt" (spy)

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Meanwhile Húrin was released from prison and brought before Morgoth. Morgoth now promised him mercy and freedom and great riches and, if he so wished, a position of great power in Morgoth's armies, if he would betray the location of Gondolin. But Húrin did not betray Gondolin. Then Morgoth reminded him that if he continued to refuse, he would be imprisoned until his death and be tortured terribly for as long as his imprisonment lasted. But Húrin did not betray Gondolin. Then Morgoth became angry and threatened him with all kinds of terrible torment. But Húrin did not betray Gondolin. Then Morgoth tortured Húrin and Húrin's torments were long and terrible. But still Húrin did not betray Gondolin. And for this reason Húrin is called Thalion, "the Steadfast".

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Meanwhile Húrin was released from prison and brought before Morgoth. Morgoth now promised him mercy and freedom and great riches and, if he so wished, a position of great power in Morgoth's armies, if he would betray the location of Gondolin. But Húrin did not betray Gondolin. Then Morgoth reminded him that if he continued to refuse, he would be imprisoned until his death and be tortured terribly for as long as his imprisonment lasted. But Húrin did not betray Gondolin. Then Morgoth became angry and threatened him with all kinds of terrible torment. But Húrin did not betray Gondolin. Then Morgoth tortured Húrin and Húrin's torments were long and terrible. But still Húrin did not betray Gondolin. And for this reason Húrin is called Thalion, "the Steadfast".

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