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I don't remember, I was a writer >~>

Oh, okay, well you are a pretty capable writer so it makes sense.

i.e. the 'why is this a bow' bow

Lol yes, maybe a low strength, 1-2 range bow.

Not unlike the short bow from certain hacks.

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Even so, I did like the concept of the plot. From what I remember of it, anyway

We should collaborate again someday

Yes, we should.

[spoiler=From a old google doc with the script, forgive punctuation mistakes due to copy and paste errors]Prologue: Pirates of Purgatory

John: Duck! Wake up! Grab your Axe! Father has been calling you for an hour.

Duck: Zzzzz....

John: Are you really still asleep? What would the guy looking into the screen say if they saw? The protagonist of five whole chapters, sleeping during training?

Duck: *wakes* Huh? What? Did I miss something? ...John?

John:... Sigh. Just come on. I'll root from the sidelines.



Donald: I see you're finally here.

Duck: I'm so sorry, Father...

Donald: You need to learn some responsibility! But that will be worried over later. John!

John: Father?

Donald: You will be Duck's opponent.

John: O-okay!

[battle begins-Defeat John]

(Beginning the battle)

John: Here I come, Duck!

(Against John)

John: Ready? I won't hold back!

Duck: Same, so... Here I come!

(John Defeated)

John: I-I lost?!? B-but Weapon triangle!

Duck: Hahaha...

(after battle)

Duck: I-I won!

Donald: That's normal, and good for you. What's normal and bad for you is that I must always send John to wake you! The player disapproves of lacking responsibility! Do you feel no shame?

Duck: ...I...

Donald: For every day you come to training late from now on, you will lose a meal. No exceptions. *leaves*

John: Well, that was harsh...

Duck: I can't even stand him! So what if I sleep in? *storms off*

John: Oh, that fool...

End of chapter.

Chapter 1: An Actual Battle

Duck, the son of the Pirate commander Donald.

Always known for his irresponsibility, Donald chooses to show him why he needs to learn.

Leaving John in charge of Purgatory for the time, the set off for mainland Serenes...

Duck: You've never brought me with you, Father.

Donald: That's true.

Duck: So, why the change of heart?

Donald: You will know soon enough.

Duck: In that case, wake me when you are ready to say! *Prepares to leave, but is interrupted by cannon*. Whoa!

Donald: Those blasted... I need to fix this! Shinpichu! You make sure my son doesn't back down!

Duck: I wouldn't do that! Why do you doubt m

Shinpichu: No time to talk! We're under attack by the Awakened!

Duck: The what?

Shinpichu: Player forbid you actually attend meetings...


Duck: Whoa! There's so many...

Shinpichu: At least they look weak. I can see so many lances though... Not my cup of tea...

Duck: ha, Weapon Triangle. Sorry Shinpichu, but part one is my time to shine!

Shinpichu: Sigh... Kim, do me a favor and knock down all these soldiers before he can say Serenes.

Kim: Ay

Duck: Serenes.


(Battle Start- Rout the Enemy)


[boss]:These pirates think they own these waters! We'll just prove the might of the Awakened Empire!

[boss]: Long... ive... e awak...pire...

(after battle)

Duck: Huff... Haaaaaa...

Nobody: How pathetic...

Kim: Yeah, I don't think the player finds you to be an impressive hero...

Donald: The issue is fixed. How did Duck… oh...

Duck: Father... Promise... Never again...

Donald: Surprised, are you? Congratulations, you learned what real battle is like.

Duck: ...I'm going to rest... *leaves*

Donald: *cough*

Kin: Still holding on, Captain?

Donald: Yes…

Chapter 2: Castle Member Feedback

Cautious, Duck and company land on the shores of mainland Serenes in what was once the nation of Important.

Their next target, Castle Member Feedback, was once home to one of Important's three noble houses. Now, however, Important has fallen and its citizens subjected to the might of the Awakened Army.

It is here where Donald's Rangers must show the Awakened their might...

Donald: Everyone here?

Duck: Y-yes, Father!

Donald: Do you think you can not exhaust yourself today?

Duck: Of course, my stamina is brimming!

Kin: Yeah, like the player will believe that after the last chapter's pathetic display...

Duck: Kin, stop it! I was not pathetic!

Kin: You have been moved to the Most Outrageous tier since that is such an outrageous denial.

Donald: Now, now Kin... Come on, let's head in.

*With Glac and co. (They cannot be recruited in DM, they remain as green units)*

Naughx: Are we almost done?

Glac: Done with what?

Damian: Remind me, why is she in charge?

Glac: Damian! How ungrateful! You'd be out of a job if it wasn't for me!

Damian: I think I'd rather be out of a job, sometimes...

Makaze: Like it or not, we're stuck with her. Let's just hurry up and take this place. Should give these Awakened a good scare. We don't want them in FFN, after all.

Glac: And this helps how?

Damian: ...

Makaze: ...

Naughx: ... This was your idea, milady...

Glac: It was? Then it must be flawless! Come on, you three!

Naughx: ... *follows*

Makaze: ...Sigh. *follows*

Damian: No idea she has is flawless...

Glac: Coming, Damian?

Damian: ...Yes, milady...*follows*

*Back with Duck*

Duck: There's a lot of noise in here...

Donald: Might be another bandit group.

Nobody: Philip's Crusaders, perhaps? The word on the wind is they are brutal.

Duck: Why call them Crusaders, then?

Nobody: Beats me. Either way, we must be careful, as the Captain needs to stay behind.

Duck: Father? Why?

Donald: I have... Secret business to attend to here on the mainland. I'm afraid you cannot be told. When you finish meet me in the nearest village north of here. *leaves*

Duck: ... What was that about? No matter. Let's go, everyone!

(Battle Start-Seize.)

(Talk- Duck and Glac)

Duck: Is that the Awakened's other opponent?

Glac: Are you speaking to me?

Duck: ...Who are you?

Glac: Someone who doesn't concern you, Axe-user!

Duck: ...Someone is quick to judge...

Glac: Humph. *Leaves*

Duck: What a weird girl. ...Not as weird as Kin, though.

(Against Boss)

[boss]: Pirates? How did they get here?

(After Battle)

Nobody: Whoever else was attacking the castle left... I'm proud of you. You are not completely worn like last time.

Duck: I doubt we'll see them again. For now, we need to deliver these spoils to the poor around here.

Nobody: Correct. But before that...

Duck: Yes, Nobody?

Nobody: You haven't noticed anything... Odd about the captain, have you?

Duck: Besides his weird need to leave? Not really. *leaves*

Nobody: ...What a foolishly oblivious child...


Chapter 3: Village in Member Feedback

After capturing Castle Member Feedback, Donald's Rangers head to a nearby village to give away half the spoils to.

The Awakened were famous for dethroning resident lords, replacing them with ineffective ones who failed to keep rogues of unfair cloth in check. As a result, the village is overrun and in ruins when the Rangers arrive...

Duck: ...Look at this place! Shambles. Well, if it's where Father wanted to meet...

Donald: There you are, son.

Old lady: Ah, so this is the boy you spoke of? I can see the spark of mischief in his eyes...

Duck: Are you the one I am supposed to give these to?

Old Lady: No, I have no need of it. I am well off enough to escape. The others, however

Duck: We'll take care of.

Donald: Duck what are you?

Duck: We'll get rid of the bandits terrorizing your town miss. We only take from the rich.

Donald: ...Are you sure you can do this, Duck?

Duck: Yes.

Donald: Then I will stay here and watch how much you have improved since your last spar with John. Go now!

Duck: Yes, Father!

(Battle Start-Seize)

[boss/Notbatta]: You think you can stand up to Notbatta the notbeast?

(Boss Defeated)

[boss]:How? Notbatta the notbeast has... Fallen?

(After Battle)

Duck: That's all of them... My, it's late... I'm tired...

Donald: Bravo.

Duck: Father! Have I... Do I have your... Approval... *collapses*

Donald: ...*cough*

Nobody: You've been hiding it from him...

Donald: Yes... He'll know... Tonight...

Kin: ...What a weird way to say next chapter.

This emotion stuff is terrible.

Nobody: ...As usual, you sap all the seriousness from this story...

Chapter 4: Growing Up

After dealing with Notbatta and his gang, Duck collapses into sleep with all speed.

However, he is later awoken by the sounds of someone slipping into the night...

Duck follows the person into the night with all haste...

It is this night that will set the course of Duck's future...

Donald: ... Ah... I'm glad... I made it here...

Duck: Father? Is that you?

Donald: Duck!

Duck: Father! This isn't you. Why did you sneak off like that?

Donald: Because I... *collapses*

Duck: Father! Wake up!

Kin: Saving the drama for after the battle, are we Captain?

Duck: Where did you come from?

Kin: I'm here to help you fight those Awakened in the bushes.

Duck: Wha? *Awakened appear* Kin and... Whoever else is here to help with this! Focus on defending Father! We can't let him be touched!

(battle start-Defend Donald 8 Turns. FOW active)

(after Battle)

Duck: Huff... They're retreating... I'm exhausted...

Donald: Duck...

Duck: Here Father... Lean on me, I'll get us back to camp.

Kin: Let's go everyone. These two need some space for plot reasons... *leaves*

Donald: I ask we stay here...

Duck: Huh?

Donald: Seventeen years ago, I met a small boy who lost one of his eyes with two toddlers in tow in this clearing...

Duck: ...Do you mean... ?

Donald: Nobody was desperate... The Awakened invasions of General had slain his old master and his wife... He needed to take his master's heir and the child of another knight to safety...

Duck: ... What are you telling me?

Donald: Those children... Were raised as your siblings with no idea of their heritage... Ahh...*cough*

Duck: John and Dodge... Are... Nobles?

Donald: I didn't want them... At first...But as Nobody pleaded, I... Please, give this to Nobody... Don't tell John or Dodge... Until it's time... Duck... I'm proud to see you have... Grown... [Duck's mother]...


Duck: ...Father...

You can't... I'm so sorry that I was ignorant...

*Back at camp*

Duck: Nobody.

Nobody: Yes? Where is the captain?

Duck: Gone... He asked me to give you this...

Nobody: ... The Knight Crest I had when he took us in. The Captain knew I couldn't let my past go... Please excuse me... *leaves*

*Scene swaps to a grave*

Duck: ...

Just wait, Father. I couldn't make you proud while you lived, but...

I will fill you with pride. From here on, I will be the best son I can be!

John: Father...

Dodge: We won't back down!

We can't...

*Scene swaps to Dodge, Duck, and John preparing to leave*

Duck: Duck's Rangers will stand tall!

For now and ever!




Prologue: Mercenaries Pirates


The continent of Serenes.

Twenty years ago, this normally peaceful continent was enveloped in a great war.

The Fire Emblem Empire in eastern Serenes witnessed an uprising in its western territory of Awakening.

Claiming act under the command of the Waifu God Robin, the Awakened, as they called themselves, steadily took the continent. The nobility of all other nations and the eastern portion of the Fire Emblem Empire were executed or fled.

The Island of Purgatory in the north is home to a group of nobility-despising pirates known as Ducks Rangers, led by the novice captain, Duck, son of the late Captain [Ducks Fathers Name].

It is on this island where our story begins

(Beginning dialogue)

Duck: Where is he? I need to deliver that message Father said I should tell him only in the event this happens...

John: Who are you looking for?

Duck: Right on schedule. I was looking for you. I need to tell you something.

John: Yeah?

Duck: You’re actually not one of Ducks Rangers by birth.

John: I’m not?

Duck: Ask them.

John: What? A ship?

Duck: They’re after you. We need to leave. *Exits*

John: What? WAIT! *Follows*


Duck: Dang... Shinpichu, Kim, Fre and I need to ready the ship. You and the rest must fight them from here. I shall explain more later, but for now we need to act! *leaves*

Dodge: The Captain always under-explains. Who attacks little islands like this? Especially with these thick fogs that always cover the place.


Dodge: Something the matter, Nobody?

Nobody: Nothing...

Dodge: If you say so.

(Battle begins: Survive 5 turns/defeat boss. FOG OF WAR IN PROLOGUE YAY!)

(Conversation: John and Nobody)

John: Nobody? Are you sure nothing’s wrong?

Nobody: I’m very sorry, forgive me. I actually know what the Captain means.

John: What!?

Nobody: He’ll explain later. For now, we need to focus on the foe before us. Ready your sword!

John: R-right.

(Against boss)

[boss]: Wheres dat lordling? I don care for the others, but I want im dead at my feet!

(Against Boss- John)

[boss]: Is dat im? Is dat da lordling?

John: Huh?

[boss]: Come ere kid, and die at my axe!

John: I’m a pirate, not a lordling! I wont just die here!

(Boss defeated)

[boss]:Ughh... This kid sure is something...

Soldier: Fall back, everyone! The commanders down!

(End of Turn 5)

Kim: Everyone! We’re ready! On the ship!

(After Battle)

John: What what was that all about? Duck! Finish explaining.

Duck: Like I said, you aren’t actually one of us, by birth anyway. Actually, you’re a blasted noble.

John: What?! That cant be true!

Nobody: He speaks the truth. Your parents they were of a rising house from General.

John: So I’ve been raised by Duck’s father to hate nobles, only to be told I am one? Did he know?

Nobody: Oh, he knew. I had to do a lot of convincing to secure us, you, Dodge, and myself, safety with him. The moment he saw me, a tiny squire with three small children tailing me, he tried to send me back.

Duck: According to Father, you were eventually accepted when Nobody agreed to hide all traces of your old lives. The clothes you wore when Nobody brought you are right here, as proof.

Nobody: Your parents died twenty years ago in the Awakening War, along with Dodge’s mother.

Dodge: Just my mother?

Nobody: Long, boring story, but the short version is your father bolted with your brother. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the Awakened know were here.

Duck: We... we can’t return to Purgatory anymore. It IS home, but we need to go to the Awakened Nations Capital. It’s likely that the Awakened won’t stop their pursuit. Best take what we can of their territory, slow down their nobility hunts.

John: I’m still a part of Ducks Rangers, right?

Duck: You may be a noble, but you are not a noble. You are and always will be one of us, a pirate in all but birth.

John: Thanks...

Nobody: I’ve held onto these for a while, your family’s crest and a Rapier of your fathers.

John: ...

Kim: Yeah, touching stuff is cool but players want a game not a novel. We need to go anyway.

Duck: Oh yeah. *Runs off to steer the ship*


Chapter 6: Unhappy Noble

The truth has finally been told to John—he was of noble birth. Why did Duck and the others keep this fact away from him for so long? Many thoughts ran rampant through John’s mind, but he was soon interrupted by his stubborn foes.

John: Where are we going, Duck? You haven’t said a word since you went to steer the ship.

Duck: We’re going to your fath- ... your castle.

John: What? But-

Nobody: *appears* We’re going there because of an order your father gave to me, Jo- milord. It was one of his last commands he gave to me before he ordered me to look after you and go.

John: ... I don’t buy it; there must be more to this story.

Nobody: Well...

Fre: *appears* G-guys! We’ve-

Duck: What is it? Spit it out already, damn it! Can’t you see I’m steering?

Fre: The Awakened, they... they’re pursuing us.

John: What? But I thought we-

Kim: *appears and Nobody disappears* Looks like someone needs a couple of lessons in being the main protagonist! Lesson one: one battle does not mean the end of one’s adventure! Lesson two-

John: I get it, Kim. Let’s smite these fools. *leaves*

Fre: Um... they also seem to have a couple of fliers of their own. Duck, should Kim and I exchange blows with them?

Duck: No, you aren’t exchanging anything. Just swat them out of the sky.

Fre: Aye, aye! Let’s go, Kim! *Fre and Kim leave, and Nobody reappears*

Nobody: ... Why does it feel like we’re forgetting someone?

Duck: Huh? Stop talking nonsense and assist John and the others, will ya? I’ll assist our Pegasus duo.

Nobody: As you command. *both leave*

???: ... *Shinpichu appears* ... Forgot about me again, did they? *sighs* Figures. I’ll just uh, sit back and watch the clouds stride by, I guess. ... Oo, I wonder what they would look like if I sliced them up into little pieces of fluff? Mm...

-talk command with John and Nobody-

John: Nobody, why didn’t you tell me about my tainted past before?

Nobody: Because Donald told me not to.

John: I thought knights were only loyal to their liege?

Nobody: Well yes, but your father never told me to inform you. Besides, when Donald took us in, he strictly informed us to not bring up our past. Ever.

John: This is bollocks.

Nobody: Language, milord.

John: ... I deserved to know that, Nobody. I may dislike the harsh reality, but I deserved to know.

Nobody: ...

John: ... What, no apology?

Nobody: I’ve done nought wrong.

John: Pah, never mind. I’m not impressed with you, though. *leaves*

Nobody: ...

-boss quotes-

Boss: Gahaha! Feel the weight of my lance pierce through your tender heart!

Boss: Guh... this is. ... Aww, crap.


Nobody: That wasn’t too hard. How is everybody?

John: Fine, I guess. ... Whew, they really want to get me, don’t they? Don’t remember a pirate being this famous in a long time.

Nobody: Milord, I say this as knight sworn to both you and your father: I really wish you looked at this whole situation a bit more maturely—these people are out to kill you. You, and all of your friends.

John: ... Are you reprimanding your lord, Nobody?

Nobody: ...! I... forgive me, sire. I was completely out of order; not suitable of a knight.

John: Hmph.

Duck: *appears* Finished squabbling, you two? ‘Cause if so, we could use some help repairing the hull of the boat. Pesky flies punctured the poor gal a right beauty.

John: Brilliant. ... Loyal companion, are you coming? Hard work plants the seeds to a successful future, as you once told me! *leaves*

Nobody: Y-Yes...

Chapter 7: Phillip’s Crusaders

Duck's Rangers managed to defeat the Awakened once more. Demanding to know why they were heading to his father's castle, Nobody explained that John's father, Grass, commanded him to escort John back to the castle once he learned of his heritage and to raise John into a fine lord. Duck couldn't ignore the plea of a dead man, but John was ever so reluctant to comply.

Duck: Shouldn’t be much farther, now. Looking forward to see what you inheritably claim, John?

John: Can I be honest and say no? I was raised to hate nobility, and now I must become one? It’s like I’m being played like a puppet.

Duck: Who said you were going to turn into one of those fancy sods sitting on his throne eating grapes from his maids? No, we’re here to see if your House’s heirloom is here.

John: You still haven’t told me what exactly we’re looking for...

Duck: It’s a sword. Looks like a scimitar, if I remember Nobody’s words correctly.

John: And why do we need this? Less fancy stuff, the better.

Duck: That’s up to you, my boy! Sell it; keep it, matters not to me. I imagine, like her siblings, it was used in the days of old—a weapon that could cut through otherworldly magic in order to achieve the desires of whoever wielded it. May want to keep that in mind.

John: You believe in those crooked old stories?

Duck: I’m just saying it’s something worth considering, is all.

John: Hmm...

*scene change to Dusk inside the castle*

Steve: Sir, the last raid was a bloomin’ success! Look at everything we stole!

Dusk: Amazing. Store it up in some of those chests for now, and deliver it to those deserving on the morrow.

Steve: Aye, sir!

Dusk: Guards are swapping shifts soon. Think I’ll join the next lot up in the watchtowers; need some fresh air. Mind sitting on the throne for the next hour or so in my place, Steve?

Steve: Course. Stretch those weary muscles of yours, sir!

Dusk: How diligent. *leaves*

Grunt 1: That Dusk, thinkin’ he owns the place! Who the bloody hell does he think he is, eh?

Steve: Calm your horses, mate. These last few hours will be the last of his pathetic life!

Grunt 1: Eh? Oh, you’re talkin’ abou-

Steve: That I am, lad. Once his shift is up, some of the guys’ll ambush him down the stairs. His bow is useless at range; he won’t be able to stop the barrage. I’ll take lead of the castle, and we can keep the loot to ourselves! His father might have been a strong man, but a child leading? Pah, I’ll show ‘im!

Grunt: Sounds like a plan, boss! I can hardly wait!

*scene changes to Dusk*

Dusk: (Curses, that Steve did it again! Fair dos trying to conceal it, but I saw the dried bloodstains on his vest. Lad must forget my perception is quite far above the norm. ... How did Father manage to keep these idiots in line? Do I not have his charisma, or is it perhaps... my age? Fool’s pride won’t allow them to be ordered by one as young as myself? ... Oh, this is pointless. But I can’t leave, not now. This is Father’s legacy I’m holding up; the Phillip’s Crusaders! I believe they can be just once more! ... But perhaps I am not the one they should take orders from. Hmm...)

Grunt 2: *appears* Dusk, is that you? The guards ‘ave seen a bunch o’ folk walking towards the castle. What should we do?

Dusk: ...

Grunt 2: Dusk?

Dusk: Huh? Ah... yes, what is it?

Grunt 2: We’re being attacked!

Dusk: What? Who has the nerve to-... get the ballista out on the watchtower, and the rest of the men on the ground floor. We take these intruders out!

*scene change to John*

John: So that’s it, huh? My castle?

Duck: Aye. Beauty, no?

John: I guess. Near the sea, too; could be a nice place to use as a base of operations for Duck Rangers.

Duck: Ship not good enough for ya, lad?

John: Of course it is! Just hypothesising about additional storage space, that’s all.

Duck: Let’s just find this sword, yeah? We can- what?

John: Huh? Something the matter?

Duck: Left watchtower had some movement. I think your castle may have unwanted guests, mate.

John: Are you serious? Gah, ‘course it wasn’t going to be this easy. Let us advance! That is my property, and no trespassers should be allowed to sit comfy on it! *leaves*

Duck: John, wait! They could be people that worked for your father... *attempts to follow, but Shinpichu appears*

Shinpichu: Duck, the ship’s under attack! Those dastardly Awakened have gorged through the ship once more, and are attempting to stake us out like a pack of filthy hyenas. I managed to slip out without being noticed, but I fear our two ladies won’t be lasting much longer without your help!

Duck: What? Oh for the love of... Nobody! *Nobody appears* Protect and assist John, yeah? I’m going back to the ship.

Nobody: What? Just you four? Isn’t that a bit-

Duck: Nah, Shinpichu’s going with ya.

Nobody and Shinpichu: WHAT?

Duck: You’re looking at the greatest Ranger ever to have sailed the seas, lads; me and the girls will be fine. Besides, John’s a child in a man’s body; he needs you guys looking after him. And Nobody?

Nobody: Yes?

Duck: I know John’s being a bit difficult right now—you know this too—but he needs you. Tutor him to become a fine young man, you hear me?

Nobody: You make it sound as if you’re... you’re –

Duck: Look, I gotta go and rescue my ship. ... See you around. *leaves*

Nobody: ... Let us go, then.

Shinpichu: ...

*scene change to John; Nobody appears*

John: Took your time. What was with the hold up? And where’s Duck?

Nobody: Shinpichu came over and informed Duck and I that the Awakened had struck the ship yet again. Duck ordered the two of us to assist you in this struggle, while he went back to the ship.

John: What? Forget this castle, we must-

Nobody: If you expose your tail to the enemy now they will yank it off you without any remorse. Our best course of action is to eradicate the enemy from your castle and seize it. After that, we can go back to them. I understand how hard it must be for you right now, but you cannot-

John: We. Are. Going. If they want our tails, then they will have to sever them from our cold, dead bodies.

Nobody: No!

John: You are officially the worst knight in the world. Consider your knighthood and services abolished.

Nobody: Don’t you think that’s a bit-

John: Nope.

Nobody: ... In that case, under the orders of Duck, I am to protect and assist you in this and the upcoming battles.

John: Are you actually being serious? ... Pah, whatever. Let’s seize this damn castle.

Nobody: Yes... John

*Dodge and Dusk – recruitment*

Dodge: You’re the leader of this ravenous group, right? I’m surprised you aren’t making yourself comfortable on milord’s throne!

Dusk: One of my subordinates is there, so it’s pointless for me to be there. Besides, I’m planning for this skirmish to be my last.

Dodge: You what?

Dusk: I may be young, but I’m fed up with what filth life has chucked at my face. My father died, so his son took the reins of the stallion and lead his troops into what he hoped to be the goal his father wanted—the poor living a decent life. But how did he expect his naive son to lead, when he hadn’t reached manhood yet? I had no responsibilities, no care when he was around. ... When I was forced to lead, I had to quickly grow up and assume responsibilities for these people. I tried nurturing into a decent bloke that could keep his father’s dream on the right path. Needless to say, it didn’t work.

Dodge: You tried to—

Dusk: Well trying isn’t enough, it seems! I tried to mature, to be a leader that would be respected by his fellow men. ... These foul-mouthed cutthroats have lost all sense of reason, but I am bound to them by blood and duty. If I am to escape them, I do so by a death I hope dignified.

Dodge: ... This act of self-pity is really appalling!

Dusk: What? Who are you to—

Dodge: Shut up, just—... look, you want to fight to protect the poor, right? Then suck up your pathetic display and join us! You said so yourself—these monsters aren’t going to stop now, and I can see you’ve a noble heart. Leave them now, and fight for your own beliefs!

Dusk: ... That’s that, then. You’ve convinced me. I just hope the leader of your merry band of friends wants me.

Dodge: I’m sure he will. Until then, however, prove your worth! *leaves*

Dusk: ... Forgive me, brothers. ... I wish I didn’t have to do this.

*Dusk and John – talk command*

Dusk: Are you the leader of this entourage? You certainly give off a sense of regal authority.

John: That I am. Who are you?

Dusk: I’m Dusk, ex-leader of the ruffians you’re slaying today. Dodge told me that you’d accept me into your embrace. I pray she did not lie.

John: You’re the leader of the enemy forces?

Dusk: Was. The lass convinced me to join up with you guys, though.

John: I find that hard to believe, considering the ferocity of our foes. No man is naturally that brutal.

Dusk: So in order for me to kill you—an archer—I stride this close to you? I’m useless against your sword right now. Cut me down if you wish, but I don’t intend on hurting you today.

John: You orchestrated this assault on my beloved castle; had the audacity to get comfortable here, and now you want me to accept you? You need a lot more than Dodge’s “good” word. Too naive, she is.

Dusk: Is it normal for leaders to insult their companions? This is certainly an interesting development.

John: She’s a fantastic combatant. Bit too upbeat, however; like she has no care in the world.

Dusk: Hmm... This was an entrancing conversation, John, but I must get back to the fighting. See you around.

John: Wait! One final thing!

Dusk: Hmm?

John: You can stay, but... it’s, “milord,” not John. *leaves*

Dusk: Right...

*boss quotes*

Steve: So you made it this far, eh? No matter, you shall meet your end here!

John: You...

Steve: Intruder? Die!

John: ... You are not allowed to sit there!

Steve: Just who-

John: I am John, son of the man who rightfully sat on that throne. And you, fine sir, are trespassing. Gladly roll over and die so I can seize this damn castle!

Steve: Dusk? Would you fight against your father’s ambitions?

Dusk: On the contrary, I fight for them. This group has lost all meaning in this world, so it is time for you to be ripped out from the pages you’ve already tainted with the blood you spilled by your contorted ways.

Steve: Big boy using the big words, eh? How pathetic.

Dusk: No... it is you that is pathetic.

Steve: No... not when I was... so close...

*if Dusk is recruited*

John: Finally, the fighting’s done. ... I don’t feel like celebrating or anything, though.

Dusk: Not all victories are meant to be celebrated. Some battles should never be fought at all.

John: Hmm... how long have you been here for, can I ask?

Dusk: Few years, why?

John: I came here looking for my family’s heirloom—a sword shaped like a scimitar. Was wondering if-

Dusk: It’s in the second base.

John: ... Are you serious?

Dusk: Children are pretty awful liars. I can show you the way, if you’ll accept me.

John: Come, then. I just hope Duck and the others are all right...

*if Dusk was killed*

Nobody: John, there’s no point in continuing this search. We’ve scoured the entire castle and fruit is simply not bearing! It’s not here.

John: Gimme one of the prisoners, Nobody. I will know where it is!

*Nobody leaves them comes back with a prisoner*

John: No niceties; your life is in my hands now. If you wish not to perish, you will tell me where my family’s bloody sword is!

Prisoner: I-I’m not sure whatcha on ‘bout exactly, but I ‘member a fancy curvy sword being taken back t’the second base.

John: And where is this base?

Prisoner: In the local mountains, near the peak.

John: Thank you. And now you die.

Prisoner: Wh- *John crits and Prisoner dies*

John: Let’s go. *leaves*

Nobody: ... As you... as you command.

*scene change*

John: This is the place we ported the ship, no? Where is it? It’s just... gone.

Nobody: Hmm... no wreckage or anything. ... I have no idea, John. It’s pointless to linger here, though; time to get your family’s heirloom, else Duck’s disappearance was for nought.

John: I guess…

Chapter 8

The Rangers took another step towards unearthing the truth of his identity as a noble by retaking the castle that was once his from the Philip’s Crusaders. Everything was as it was; save for the singular sword heirloom that was passed down through the generations of his family. According to one of the captured crusaders, the sword’s whereabouts lie within the mountains, and is part of their next objective, along with doing away with what is left of the Crusaders. Despite all of this, John wasn’t very enthusiastic of the info. He already wasn’t well accustomed to the fact that he was noble, but he only grew more and more irritated towards it all, as he continued. And it didn’t help that Duck left the group to defend his ship, which only added to his irate. “The sooner this is over with, the better”, is what he spoke to himself, as they went onward in hopes of retrieving the artefact and returning to the confirm Duck’s well-being. Little did they know of the danger that lies ahead…..

(Beginning Scene)

John: Is this the place? Good, now we can get this damn artefact and be on with it already!

Nobody: Let’s not be reckless, sire, lest we find ourselves caught within a predicament. We’re not completely out of the woods just yet. This place….. It gives me an uneasy feeling

*If Dusk is present*

Dusk: Caution would actually be the best course of action, actually.

John: What makes you so certain?

Dusk: This mountain base is home to the more covert and lethal units of the crusaders. They’re unrelenting and cold blooded force that excels at stealthy predation. If you’re not careful, you may find your entire group annihilated, one by one, by blades and weapons you didn’t see

Nobody: How familiar are you with them? Any information on our enemy would prove to be vital.

Dusk:The faction itself wasn’t very cooperative with the Crusaders as a whole, and more often than not, looked after only their selves. Anyone who objected to their actions were massacred, be they ally, or enemy. Heck, I probably would have been dead, if I wasn’t the son of our leader, Philip.

*If Dusk isn’t present*

*scene change*

Enemy Boss: Well would you look at this? More prey for the predator. Heh, this should be fun

Enemy 1: Hold your eagerness. These people are the same ones that wiped out a good number of us, along with taking away our castle, Dusk being one of them, and their leader claims to be the rightful heir to this sacred sword

Enemy Boss: Oh? Did I just hear that right? Well that saves us the trouble of killing him ourselves. The childish bantering of his late father was just unbearable. Like father like son, I suppose

Enemy 1: Right, and as for this “John” person?

Enemy Boss: Nothing worth worrying too much over. Initiate Operation: Dark Mantis!

Enemy 1: Sir!

*scene change*

John: Fascinating story. Am I supposed to be-- What the? Who turned out the light?

Nobody: Dear God, have they already taken notice of us? Grr… all units prepare for battle!

*Dennis Scene*

Dennis: Philip, are you watching me right now? Your son’s whereabouts elude, but your beliefs still have a home within me… We’re not even the Philips Crusaders anymore with how much things have changed. I just…. can’t do this anymore. Hopefully, these rangers aren’t anything like the Crusaders are. If my words can’t prove my allegiance, then I’m certain the sword will. Its rightfully theirs after all.

Chapter 19

Chapter 19? (End of JM): Long-Lost Brother

The day has come.

John, Glac, and Duck have found the prized heirloom of House Serious Discussion, the [sword Name].

At last, they march on the Palace of the Awakening, where an unexpected foe is to greet them...

(Outside the Castle)

Glac: So we’re here. Time to end this.

Duck: Ya ready, old friend? Today we stop those Awakened dimblubs once and for all.

John: Correct. Time to enter.

(With enemies)

Heavy: Those pirates still aren’t stopped? Are you almost done, sir?

Sorin: Almost. The charm is almost complete. Soon, the power of [sword Name] will be ours! For the sake of the Awakened, I need you to hold that boy and his crew off until I’m ready.

Heavy: Your command is mine to follow.

Sorin: Good. I will be preparing in the room behind the throne. Don’t disappoint me. *Leaves*

Heavy: Humph ZM!

ZM: Yes, sir?

Heavy: Take your men [Myrmidons, Nomad Warriors, and Nomads] and preempt them. You’re mercenaries from FFN, correct? That is your assignment.

ZM: Of course.

(With John and co.)

John: It’s time everyone! Today, we defeat the Awakened Empire once and for all!

(Battle Start- Victory: Seize the throne)

(ZM recruitment-1 (Before Heavy is defeated))

Glac: A nomad of FFN?

ZM: Yes?

Glac: Why are you fighting for them? We of FFN are entrusted with the Fire Emblem!

ZM: ? I threw away everything to do with FFN some time ago. They hired me, and that’s that!

Glac: Then what if I hired you? A nomad fighting for them is such a disgrace that I’m willing to fork over some cash

ZM: Sorry, that’d be bad for my reputation

Glac: I’m gonna kill that employer of yours! *Storms off*

ZM: What’s with her?!

(ZM recruitment-2 (After heavy is defeated if Glac spoke to him before Heavy was killed))

Glac: There! Now you’re out of employment!

ZM: What did you think that would do?

Glac: If you have no employer you don’t get any cash! So you have to find a new one! Lucky for you, theres a girl from the plains willing to hire you What’s your fee?

ZM: Sigh 10,000 Gold. You willing to pay?


Glac: BUT OF COURSE! I will pay any price necessary to end this disgrace! Here!

ZM: Yep, exactly 10,000. Thank you very much.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)


Glac: W-whoa! Thats expensive I didn’t realize you charged so much! These Awakened must be swimming in cash!

ZM: No pay, no work. But I might just be able to cut the price. 5,000 work?


Glac: That works. Here!

ZM: Yep, exactly 5,000. Thank you very much.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)


Glac: I don’t think I can afford that, either

ZM: I’ve gotta work! 2,000?


Glac: I think that’s low enough. Here you go.

ZM: Low sum, but I’m paid. Thank you.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)


Glac: I...

ZM: Free?

Glac: Really? But don’t you need-

ZM: Something to do? Yes. The pay is a nice bonus. I’m just bored.

Glac: Well then.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)

(ZM recruitment (After Heavy’s defeat if Glac didn’t speak with him beforehand.)

Glac: A nomad?

ZM: Killed my employer, did ya? No one will hire me now

Glac: You’re fighting with them for PAY?! We of FFN were entrusted with the Fire Emblem! We shouldn’t be fighting with them! Come on now, come with us!

ZM: You want to hire me?

Glac: How much:

ZM: 10,000 Gold. Will you pay?


Glac: BUT OF COURSE! I will pay any price necessary to end this disgrace! Here!

ZM: Yep, exactly 10,000. Thank you very much.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)


Glac: W-whoa! Thats expensive I didn’t realize you charged so much! These Awakened must be swimming in cash!

ZM: No pay, no work. But I might just be able to cut the price. 5,000 work?


Glac: That works. Here!

ZM: Yep, exactly 5,000. Thank you very much.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)


Glac: I don’t think I can afford that, either

ZM: I’ve gotta work! 2,000?


Glac: I think that’s low enough. Here you go.

ZM: Low sum, but I’m paid. Thank you.

(ZM is recruited and his remaining soldiers become green)


Glac: I...

ZM: Free?

Glac: Really? But don’t you need-

ZM: Something to do? Yes. The pay is a nice bonus. I’m just bored.

Glac: Well then

(Against Heavy)

Heavy: Gwahaha! You cannot stop the might of the Awakened!

(Against Heavy- John)

John: You’re the Awakened Leader?

Heavy: Nope, but I’m in charge for today. Wahaha!

John: This guy is worthy of a facepalm...

(Against Heavy- Duck)

Heavy: One of them pirate lads, I see.

Duck: Who the heck are you? I was expecting someone regal--someone who would pose a challenge!

Heavy: Wahaha! I am Heavy, of the Three Star Generals! And you, sir, appear to have underestimated me!

Duck: The Awakened become weirder with each battle

(Heavy Defeated)

Heavy: Hahaha you’re late! Lord Sorin will have finished the charm by now. Wahaha!

(After Battle)

Duck: John! Theres a passage behind the throne!

John: Are there more soldiers down there?

Duck: I dunno. But it’s quite spooky. I get the strangest sense of foreboding as I approach it

Glac: ...

John: Something the matter, Glac?

Glac: Nothing. Go on in. I’ll follow.

Duck: Right-o. *Leaves*

John: *Leaves*

(Glac and Fire Emblem CG)

Glac: You know what’s back there, don’t you? The one we need to stop. I’d at least like to size up the enemy, even though we don’t stand a chance *Follows Duck and John*

(The Chamber of [Name])

John: What is this place?

Duck: Whoa! John! C’mere!

John: Yes. Oh my. It’s a summoning circle of some sort. This the work of some Awakened necromancer?

Sorin: No. It’s the symbol of your doom.

Glac: Both of you, you must look out!

John: Glac? Where did you--Ahh!

Sorin: The charm is complete. Your mind and mine will be one

Duck: What!? You-

Sorin: Im sorry for the delay I had with my introduction. My name is Sorin of House Serious Discussion.

Duck: ! That’s-

Glac: Duck! We need to escape!

Sorin: Run little Pirate and Nomad. Your friend is already lost. There’s nothing you can do to spare my dear brothers mind.

Duck: Wha?

Glac: Quit standing there! *Suddenly moves close to Duck* Theres nothing we can do! We’re no match as is! Come on! *She leads him out*

Sorin: Those two do not matter, for I have one of rich blood. No one can stop the Awakened with this child at my side. Finally, the world will experience the return of the dark serpent!

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I don't get it


[spoiler=skip this tag]................................................


















[spoiler=Read this one]...I see...

Tonson, I snagged Hotline Miami 2 earlier today o:

Managed to do poorly in the first mission, I got a C+ <_<

Edited by Soledai
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