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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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i could say because he's crazy, but that would be mean, wouldn't it?

He's just one of those people who believe they're christ reborn. He's kind of famous here in Brazil for that.

Once I saw him at the mall lol

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i could say because he's crazy, but that would be mean, wouldn't it?

He's just one of those people who believe they're christ reborn. He's kind of famous here in Brazil for that.

Once I saw him at the mall lol

did you shake hands with jesus?

i'm pronouncing it has


not jees-us

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did you shake hands with jesus?

i'm pronouncing it has


not jees-us


Why are you prounouncing it as he soos?

In portuguese we say "J" as in english (or most other languages) rather than as in spanish, if that's the reason >_>

Edited by Nobody
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I always found it silly how spanish pronounced J as H

If I were called "José" (which also exists in portuguese but is pronounced differently) and someone called me "Hosé" while I was abroad I'd be kind of pissed to be honest

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and i'm certain the whole

"I'M JESUS" story and things have happened a whole bunch of time before

when that usually happens i call them he soos instead


Edited by Shockmaster
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I always found it silly how spanish pronounced J as H

If I were called "José" (which also exists in portuguese but is pronounced differently) and someone called me "Hosé" while I was abroad I'd be kind of pissed to be honest

spanish is a weird

but exotic language

Going to Anime Detour in Minnesota on the... 28th, I think?

Gonna cosplay Link again. Expect pictures and stuff.

that's pretty cool :0

have fun!

and make sure to get the cool import figurines and stuff .w.

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I always found it silly how spanish pronounced J as H

If I were called "José" (which also exists in portuguese but is pronounced differently) and someone called me "Hosé" while I was abroad I'd be kind of pissed to be honest

Silly?! Why you...!

So what, it's just a different pronounciation rule... and I kinda like how we have a mute H, don't ask me...

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Dang, that's pretty cool. Know nothing about anime, but love to see that.

eh it doesn't have a lot to do with anime but it's just a convention and stuff

@bold, what, the Link pictures? If you look in the PICTURE THREAD you could probably find my old photos from last year.

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i looked back to lst night and that nerd finally posted to say hi to acacia

and then left

what a meanie @u@

Silly?! Why you...!

So what, it's just a different pronounciation rule... and I kinda like how we have a mute H, don't ask me...


it's just the beauty that is the spanish language =u=

Dang, that's pretty cool. Know nothing about anime, but love to see that.

i only know like

less then 10

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we also have a mute H is portuguese.

I'm aware. It's just that by being mute it's kinda the reason our J has the sound it has instead. Well, perhaps not exactly (and other letters share the sound anyway, like G or X sometimes), but I meant the general idea.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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[9:37:04 PM] *** Blackhawk Stinger removed Tristian. S from this conversation. ***

[9:37:14 PM] *** Blackhawk Stinger added Tristian. S ***

[9:37:16 PM] Blackhawk Stinger: <:

[9:37:18 PM] Tristian. S: pls

[9:37:33 PM] Tristian. S: that's b/c i have no power here

[9:37:42 PM] Alicia: gg

[9:37:45 PM] Alicia: hang on

[9:37:50 PM] Alicia: Poly gimme power

[9:37:56 PM] FROSTWALRUS: wait am I a mod

[9:38:17 PM] FROSTWALRUS: I'll check

[9:38:35 PM] *** FROSTWALRUS removed Tristian. S from this conversation. ***

[9:38:44 PM] *** FROSTWALRUS added Tristian. S ***

[9:38:52 PM] Alicia: why is tristian the dummy

[9:39:02 PM] Tristian. S: just another day -u-

[9:39:10 PM] FROSTWALRUS: Because Poly would get mad at me

[9:39:24 PM] FROSTWALRUS: Tristian is chill

[9:39:27 PM] Crizix: xD

[9:39:48 PM] Tristian. S: ;u;

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Is fine, the link's broken, to facebook anyways, so no stalking will be had. hey he saw my selfie there it's only fair

See, I'm too old to be a shota/young'in.

Too young to be a normal aged member.

Sucks living in this purgatory.

oh fek

My sister's posted the photos on Facebook (don't have one of my own), I could go look if you want to see them.

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