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dude fuck outta here Cyberking Triple H was the best entrance he's done

I think the only match I didn't pay attention to was Cena/Rusev because CENAWINSLOL

hell even the supposed piss break Divas tag match wasn't actually one for me because I like seeing AJ and Paige compete

and the battle royal was gonna go to Show eventually and the crowd went white hot again right after anyways considering what came up as the show's opening match

overall some great booking especially at the end (though I can't help but think they called an audible on that booking to make sure we had an over champion)

Excellent booking




Rusev vs Cena was the only match i really wasn't paying attention to

it was just 'MURICA and things

and of course CENAWINSLOL

all the people i know watch wrestling

the only wrestlers i know are macho man, hulk hogan, john cena and rey mysterio

Ricky Steamboat is the greatest old school wrassler ever

watch his match against Macho Man at Wrestlemania 3


It was better than last year's for sure!

Speaking about the Divas match, Paige is hot and I was happy the two of them won, they are good performers.

Trips entrance was a-ok by me.

it was just irrelevant with the whole concept

Divas match was pretty good

Paige and AJ sure do know how to push the competition

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Also Bret Hart is the best Canadian wrassler ever

scratch that

best wrassler ever

best there is

best there was

and best there ever will be

I didn't like how they wanted to make it an America vs. Russia thing...there was no reason for that, it pretty much spoiled everything...

i thought the results would have been clear already when they put cena in the match

it was a good match, but cena hardly loses :/

That was mostly the whole feud was based around

i don't like it either

but what can ya do, huh?

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i thought the results would have been clear already when they put cena in the match

it was a good match, but cena hardly loses :/

That was mostly the whole feud was based around

i don't like it either

but what can ya do, huh?

It was a thing with Hulk Hogan back then...but they need to get over it...

It is the same thing with Brock Lesnar more or less...

They need to let some people seem more...human...

I dunno...I just hope they can still come up with ideas there in the WWE...

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did Rusev lose?

I hope so.

just because of his name

Rousseff is a romanization of Rusev huehuehue


he did



i'm ded

It was a thing with Hulk Hogan back then...but they need to get over it...

It is the same thing with Brock Lesnar more or less...

They need to let some people seem more...human...

I dunno...I just hope they can still come up with ideas there in the WWE...

Vince is an old timer

they got some good ideas sometimes

other times..


but seth being champion must be heading somewhere

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Like, I wanna talk more about how they booked that main event.

You could tell right away that WWE wanted to make Brock look strong and yet eventual lose so that Roman looked really really strong (meme aside) but the crowd completely did not want Reigns to win. Even with the resigning, they could immediately tell that Roman was not ready to go over Brock, but at the time that they likely wrote the match, they wanted the belt off Brock in case he didn't resign and left as champion, thereby losing face again.

But they couldn't go with Roman since the crowd would have resoundingly "NOPE"'d that, so they went to Plan B.

Now, I dunno whether or not they booked it that way from the start, or if they went "oh shit this is gonna go really bad if Roman wins, abort now", but bringing Rollins in to cash in MITB was great. And it now ties a lot of people into the main title hunt:

-Brock Lesnar, the former champ who never even got pinned

-Randy Orton, the guy currently feuding with Rollins and who beat him at WrestleMania pre-cashin

-Roman Reigns, the chosen golden boy with a grudge against Rollins

-Dean Ambrose, aka Seth Rollins' worst fucking nightmare (who is still hunting for championship gold)

Add in The Authority now finally having their golden boy as World Champion, The Rock likely feuding with Triple H after last night (unless he leaves again) and potentially guys like Dolph Ziggler (who had a sorta-feud with Rollins pre-Orton) and Rusev (now hopefully free from Cena feud?) and the WWE Title picture was shaken up big time, and with nobody coming out worse for wear.

WWE's made some fucking awful booking decisions over the last few years, but this is clearly one of their best already.

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Like, I wanna talk more about how they booked that main event.

You could tell right away that WWE wanted to make Brock look strong and yet eventual lose so that Roman looked really really strong (meme aside) but the crowd completely did not want Reigns to win. Even with the resigning, they could immediately tell that Roman was not ready to go over Brock, but at the time that they likely wrote the match, they wanted the belt off Brock in case he didn't resign and left as champion, thereby losing face again.

But they couldn't go with Roman since the crowd would have resoundingly "NOPE"'d that, so they went to Plan B.

Now, I dunno whether or not they booked it that way from the start, or if they went "oh shit this is gonna go really bad if Roman wins, abort now", but bringing Rollins in to cash in MITB was great. And it now ties a lot of people into the main title hunt:

-Brock Lesnar, the former champ who never even got pinned

-Randy Orton, the guy currently feuding with Rollins and who beat him at WrestleMania pre-cashin

-Roman Reigns, the chosen golden boy with a grudge against Rollins

-Dean Ambrose, aka Seth Rollins' worst fucking nightmare (who is still hunting for championship gold)

Add in The Authority now finally having their golden boy as World Champion, The Rock likely feuding with Triple H after last night (unless he leaves again) and potentially guys like Dolph Ziggler (who had a sorta-feud with Rollins pre-Orton) and Rusev (now hopefully free from Cena feud?) and the WWE Title picture was shaken up big time, and with nobody coming out worse for wear.

WWE's made some fucking awful booking decisions over the last few years, but this is clearly one of their best already.

and with the main even they made brock look strong and were able to see that roman was still not ready



All the players that came in came out looking even better imo

no one came out looking weak

even Wyatt, who was mostly a jobber to undertaker still gave Undertaker his best shots and Taker felt them, still came out good


The Rock vs HHH verison w/e would be great


also adding on

i love how Rollins is the eternal plan b

"Shit we got nothing..



Edited by Shockmaster
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The main issue with Roman is just that; his character feels too underdeveloped, and they pushed him too fast. Like, give him a few months and build up his character, then let him go to town after the fans start warming up to him again.

And for god's sake, get someone else writing his promos so they don't sound all corny and shit.

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they're pushing him too fast

give the dude time :/

another year imo

but then again they did a forced push back with Rocky Mavia and look how that came out >w>

I remember a few times Roman talked his promos without a script and he sounded so comfortable and normal sounding instead of corny hero shit

maybe give him practice on the mic too

like what John Hennigan needed


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They destroyed Roman totally with that move...it was totally dickish in my opinion, just because they saw that people didn't like him that much...

Who said they liked Rollins that much either, he got just as much push...the Shield was a good stable if you were to ask me but they disbanded freaking too soon...

Those guys are not ready yet for the big leagues...

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looks like all the wrasslin scared peeps off

They destroyed Roman totally with that move...it was totally dickish in my opinion, just because they saw that people didn't like him that much...

Who said they liked Rollins that much either, he got just as much push...the Shield was a good stable if you were to ask me but they disbanded freaking too soon...

Those guys are not ready yet for the big leagues...

They were the BEST as a stable

but they had to get a new golden boy soon :T

but hey

all three of them are doing great

they're not gonna stop pushing Roman, Ambrose is the eternal fan favorite and Rollins is world champ


before all three of their careers are over with

all three would have had a hold on that belt

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why is that?

I just got a citation to act as witness in my parents' divorce procedure. And the date is for the day after my birthday. Can I kill myself now?

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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