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Primal Arceus should have this. :333

Base Stat total should be 150 in everything! Immunitiy to the types own moves with whatever plate that he has equipped on him.

Then again, any base 120 Speed stat Poke with Endeaver and Extremespeed should be able to kill it! It's not 100% invincible as Smogon claimed for him to be!

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Without that and, or Mindreader+Sheer Cold...otherwise surrendering is the only option. -.-

It's supposed to be better than Primal Groudon and kyogre for they wouldn't dare to mess with him in the Emerald version when he came to calm them down!

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It's supposed to be better than Primal Groudon and Kyogre for they wouldn't dare to mess with him in the Emerald version when he came to calm them down! But, it's over the charts and it is now a special case as it is the only poke that doesn't need a Mega Stone to Mega Evolve!

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I'm not really a fan of SMT2's music. Way too high pace for me.

Strange Journey's ost is fucking demonic, I get freaking nightmares from it.

For all the spinoffs are worth they have great music

But SMT4's is still the best I've heard.

Nocturne's seems pretty great too.


I have some nostalgia for 1's tracks despite being kinda short

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and hey when I was used to playing touhou I did actually manage to make it so stage 3 on hard without bombing or dying before ragequitting when uh that wolf boss? (I forgot her name) hit me with her first spellcard. I did not expect that mass of bullets to come at me.

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Hey Iceflare.

but then I do legitimately get bored and don't want to play. Even if I suck i'm enjoying myself way more at least.

Do you want to slowly improve or 'suck' forever? Your call.

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i guess i'll take a nap

my fucking head hurts...

I hope it's temporary. Did you tell a doctor about it?

this has been happening for years

and i won't because someone is gonna send me to the nuthouse

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well a lot of game besides touhou i'm trying to clear right now are about as hard as a touhou hard mode. (and don't have an easier difficulty mode) I feel like playing on hard will prepare me better for those games. TBH this reminds me exactly when I play a arcade shmup and have to continue on stage 2 but i've gotten a bit better and could make it to around halfway of stage 4 and such.

I'm certain that if I try I will be able to get through it eventually.

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Remember, this only affects informal competitive players that agree to Smogon rules. So expect the entirety of official Pokemon online matches to become a festival of unbeatable steroid-jacked dragons repeatedly eating Leftovers... good luck out there.


More like this affects only to tournaments and battle maisons. Expect to see alot of people having a team of like 5 of them at once with different movesets as this is already happening!

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