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It's like two different people.

kitty is a poopyface

Kitty's don't have poopyfaces.

Edited by Soledai
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Tbf, most people are pretty cool with it. Like, an overwhelming majority. The main ruckus at westeros.org is directed at Sansa, Cersei, Dorne, and Tyrion. Mostly Sansa though. (and i dont blame them...)

what exactly did they change my mind is so hazy about the books @_@

all i know is that sansa, dorne and arya stuff felt very not what was idk

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what exactly did they change my mind is so hazy about the books @_@

all i know is that sansa, dorne and arya stuff felt very not what was idk


[spoiler=Valar Spoilerghus]

Sansa definitely does not get engaged and marry Ramsay Bolton in the books. Littlefinger isnt so stupid as to do that. I mean, her identity is literally public knowledge and i dont even know what the fuck thats about.

Arya's actually on point for the most part. Like, right now, shes in the same place shes in at this point in the story in the books. I think they are just condensing that a bit.

Dorne...well theres no Arianne Martell so looks like Ellaria Sand is filling that role. Which kinda assassinates her character. I think we are only going to meet three of the Sand Snakes. Jaime Lannister is heading to Dorne for...some reason. /shrug Something something Myrcella/Trystane romance. I dont even know.

Cersei is so OOC, its insane. At this point in the story in the books, shes like paranoia incarnate. Well, shes just wandering around KL, drunk and forlorn in the show. She appointed the High Sparrow as High Septon which is on point. There are no Kettleblacks. Marg and Tommen actually consummated their marriage (yes ;/) so that whole plot with Marg is out. So whats going to be in its place? *looks worryingly at Loras* sigh...

Remember the Griffs? Tyrion travels Essos and runs into those crazy cats? Well they arent a thing. At. All. ;//// So instead, its Varys/Tyrion in a wheelhouse until come to Volantis. We get to see a Red Priestess talk about how Dany is a savior. And then we get Jorah kidnapping Tyrion.

Meanwhile, Brienne and Pod are following Sansa. Cuz apparently Mance Rayder is dead for realzies in the show (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu).

And the rancid cherry on top of the shit sandwich? They didnt have Jon Snow say "Edd, fetch me a block." Thanks a lot, Weiss and Benioff.


I have the nerd rage.

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[spoiler=Valar Spoilerghus]

Sansa definitely does not get engaged and marry Ramsay Bolton in the books. Littlefinger isnt so stupid as to do that. I mean, her identity is literally public knowledge and i dont even know what the fuck thats about.

Arya's actually on point for the most part. Like, right now, shes in the same place shes in at this point in the story in the books. I think they are just condensing that a bit.

Dorne...well theres no Arianne Martell so looks like Ellaria Sand is filling that role. Which kinda assassinates her character. I think we are only going to meet three of the Sand Snakes. Jaime Lannister is heading to Dorne for...some reason. /shrug Something something Myrcella/Trystane romance. I dont even know.

Cersei is so OOC, its insane. At this point in the story in the books, shes like paranoia incarnate. Well, shes just wandering around KL, drunk and forlorn in the show. She appointed the High Sparrow as High Septon which is on point. There are no Kettleblacks. Marg and Tommen actually consummated their marriage (yes ;/) so that whole plot with Marg is out. So whats going to be in its place? *looks worryingly at Loras* sigh...

Remember the Griffs? Tyrion travels Essos and runs into those crazy cats? Well they arent a thing. At. All. ;//// So instead, its Varys/Tyrion in a wheelhouse until come to Volantis. We get to see a Red Priestess talk about how Dany is a savior. And then we get Jorah kidnapping Tyrion.

Meanwhile, Brienne and Pod are following Sansa. Cuz apparently Mance Rayder is dead for realzies in the show (fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu).

And the rancid cherry on top of the shit sandwich? They didnt have Jon Snow say "Edd, fetch me a block." Thanks a lot, Weiss and Benioff.


I have the nerd rage.

what the fuck

that is so

rip game of thones

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I just wish they showed more Arya in Feast for Crows and Dance of Dragons.

I got bored reading boring Daenerys chapter after boring Daenerys chapter.

you mean cersei boring chapter after cersei boring chapter :v Edited by Tonton
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oh wait does that have stuff from episode 3 or 4(leak) i didn't watch them yet

nah episode 3 aired last night. I feel like its only going to get worse from here.

I just wish they showed more Arya in Feast for Crows and Dance of Dragons.

I got bored reading boring Daenerys chapter after boring Daenerys chapter.

Dany's chapters oddly enough, are probably the ones that would translate best on screen. But im not that confident because these guys like to fuck things up.

what the fuck

that is so

rip game of thones

Yeap. Season 5 had the possibility to be the absolute best season in the show. But they had to go shit in our cheerios like this. Ive always been pretty forgiving and lenient with the show's movements in regards to the books. But im tipped over the edge and cannot let this lie. Its hilarious irony really. A hilarious sad irony. This season unites the fandom. But not in the way we expected. We stand united in how bullshit everything has become.

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Also Sophia, as far as how to ask... ask politely and try not sound like it's your right to have the badge.

That's really all you don't do.

Edited by Soledai
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