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either my brother fucked himself so hard that it's hard/impossible to save every every keep and the ally fortress

or i just suck

My condolences.

I'm near the end of Disc one in Tales of School.

The last few endgame bosses are annoying, but I've been doing fine up until now.

I've heard there's a difficulty spike in Disc 2 though.

Might have to grind a lot more.

All the grinding.

Time to find the "best" grind spot, get your arte usage up, and learn your Mystic Arte.

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Speaking of grinding, I have to commend the current Disgaea games, they give you various tools to grind with, because they know their games are grindfests.

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did fucking SF eat the post i was trying to make?

My condolences.

either way, restarting this shit

Yes, the library enemies drop lots of experience.

libraries make the perfect grinding spots

max out all the artes, get best armor

don't forget those ultimate weapons

Speaking of grinding, I have to commend the current Disgaea games, they give you various tools to grind with, because they know their games are grindfests.

all the levels oAo

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Hyrule Warriors...

Maybe I would appreciate more if I was actually a Zelda fan.

But I really liked that game.

Music, made me actually stop and enjoy Zelda songs in all their overplayed glory.

sounds like you might find some appreciation for the musou games

or the fe musou that is gonna happen

in this life time

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Tales of School is simply how I perceive my daily routine through school.

How many jokes did I miss.

Oh, I see, you were talking about real life. My mistake.

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By that point, I don't even want to know what Fire Emblem would look like.

A Jugdral-esque warriors game would be amazing though.

I remember a time when I said the exact same thing

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Oh lol, I should've specified when I said that, I meant the last time I said it.

But yeah you remember right, I've been wanting it for a very, very long time.

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you mean fersona musou right



You know, at one point FE will get so warped that it will go all the way back around and become normal again.

This is an interesting possibility

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FE4 remakes on the horizon, I'm sure.

Well, goodnight thread.

With IS handling FE the way they are now... that would be an tragedy waiting to happen. Similarly, Current SE handing FF7 remake.


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With IS handling FE the way they are now... that would be an tragedy waiting to happen. Similarly, Current SE handing FF7 remake.


se should do a ff7 remake changing only the one thing they seem to know how to do now


specially since ff7 is godawful ugly

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