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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Also, Acacia, whAlso, Acacia, why can't you recognize me? :(

We used to talk about Yggdra Union all the time...

Terrible memory.

I see. Hmm...

Well, if it's any consolation, knowing you're Proto makes it easier... but other than that mention of the Oujay thread, no idea from where... I'll take it it's from there then.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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poor proto

Better than having trouble sleeping...

Last night was torture...

that's exactly whats been troubling me

that and waking up with a slightly annoying headache has been


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that's exactly whats been troubling me

that and waking up with a slightly annoying headache has been


I wish form my part it could only be a headache.

It's hard to escribe, it was like several things at once going on...

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i wake up in the middle of the night

then toss and turn and cant go back because headache

and then have to adjust my blanket

lather, rinse, repeat until i finally sleep an hour later

it sucks

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Yeah, I also woke up several times in the middle of the night.

But feeling like my body could fall apart, or like it wasn't my own, or something like that.

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Yeah, I also woke up several times in the middle of the night.

But feeling like my body could fall apart, or like it wasn't my own, or something like that.

my condolences

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I'm writing a gothic horror adventure comedy, and I have the gothic and the horror and the adventure down, but not the comedy. My humour tends to come out spontaneously, but when I sit down and try to think of jokes, I'm at a loss.

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The opportunities for spontaneity are few and far between, because I need to plan ahead and set up for a joke, it's difficult for me to come up with one out of nowhere during action scenes and scenes where the main character is alone.

Hmm, perhaps then I should keep the characters closer together... it's a lot harder than I thought, doing comedy. It's easier to react to something with a witty comment or joke than it is to prepare a situation where a joke will come out of.

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My friend thinks SMT is weeb trash now.

My only friend who plays video games.

Why IR#FE.

Thanks Sakurai.

You know, I never would've thought that a SMTxFE crossover would look generic of all things

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All my friends have wildly different gaming tastes from mine. My one friend is an elitist PC gamer, my other friends play a lot of JRPGs and life sims, my uni buddies play nothing but Monster Hunter, Magic and Smash. I guess there are games in each genre I like, but I mostly enjoy single-player action-adventure. My brother is pretty close to me in gaming preference, but he refuses to acknowledge the masterpiece that is Metroid Prime.

I wish I could enjoy writing more... but it's always something dragging that desire down. Makes all those ideas go to waste remaining in my mind...

If you have an idea, it's always a good idea to at least jot something down, you never know when you want to revisit old ideas. Heck, a lot of my ideas are concepts I made as a kid but I improved upon them.

You never know when you might hit an opportunity where your brain says "I wanna write!"

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Today we have a test but my professor is late


One time my class had a test, but the teacher forgot that we had a test, so he quickly wrote a test (by hand) and put it in the copying machine so everyone could still do the test.

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