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You have a three-year-old imouto. I need to spend some time with Parsee right now.

Gah, I really want to explore more on this, but I'll get to him later. Imouto first!

English only, please.

This is interesting. It may influence your perspective, so thank you for informing me. However, the three of you have been living together, and you were their older "brother" since their birth. So I don't think this unique situation changes much.

Yeah, my parents have been married for...sheesh, six or eight or so years now, I don't know, I was in Elementary school at the time. Still, same is simple and simple is good.

So would it be accurate to say that you are able to appreciate pseudo-sibling bonds that other may have, but you yourself don't consider yourself as currently having anyone close to you like that?

I'd say that, yes, not a bad way of putting it.

Actually, I was implying that I thought she was, and that it was my immediate reaction to your response.

Hm. Good.

Hmmm, your responses here seem to be surprisingly one-sided in the positive. Does it ever feel like a burden to take care of your sister (even if you understand that you should be doing it anyway)?

Heheh, thank you, I try to be a positive guy, negatives are for downers. I think that comes down to a dislike of serious negativity (ignore that contradiction) in general. I don't think I feel any notable burden, it may be something I have to do but it's never something I feel very 'ugh' about or have to struggle with.

Interesting. You may be very bossy, but what about other stuff besides commands? For example, do you actively go to play with her or talk to her and discuss her silly three-year-old thoughts? Or do you only do so if she pushes you to it first?

There are other ways to interact with children?!

Actively play?...no. I've played if she's asked or I've been asked to, but I can't say I've instigated the idea. To my memory, I do however ask if what she's doing or has and get a three year old response with a relatively high frequency, so...there's that.

On that note, here's another separate question:

6. How do you react when your younger sibling wants to play with you or ask you silly questions? I assume, from all the data I gained so far, that you are the type to entertain her, but how far are you willing to go? Just the minimum level to keep her satisfied so you can quickly go back to doing what you'd prefer to be doing? Or would entertaining your sibling become what you prefer to be doing, while you actively enjoy indulging her to whatever extent you are able to?

You guess correctly! Have a prize. I normally entertain her until she wants/needs to go see mom, which admittedly isn't to long. She's a little mama's girl. I don't want to shoo her away or anything, that seems a little...wrong, but if things go on for long enough I may ask if she wants to do something else, though I recall only one or two instances that's happened.

This is so goood~

So are you okay with the way she treats you? Even if you feel that it's justified for her age, do you still wish that she would treat you better or something? Or are you very happy with the way she treats you, for both the pleasant and the annoying experiences?


Um...no? I mean, if she was my age and acted this way I'd obviously be disturbed, but I think the heart behind it is fine. A bit selfish, messy, because she's three, and I wish she was cleaner and maybe even quieter, but she's a sweet little thing.

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1a. Yes

1b. Both of them are younger; oldest child here.

1c. They are loveable but they're really spoiled at times with what they're trying to change/keep the same. The middle one's trying to grow up too fast and the other one's trying to remain as a baby.

Gah, Kitty answering these questions are not good for my imagination!

Adorable little siblings, yay~

This is a really interesting situation. I'm gonna re-post (and alter) some of my questions to Anon for now and think up more for these specific situations later.

3. There were likely multiple instances in which you've had to directly tend to the needs and/or reasonable demands of your youngest siblings, for whatever reasons. How do you feel about having to take care of your sibling in these situations? This likely varies depending on the specific circumstances, but can you outline the different kinds of feelings you've had?

4a. If there were also instances in which your younger siblings have made unreasonable demands, how do you generally react?

4b. And how do you feel about the fact that they're making such demands?

4c. How do you feel about your response to them?

5. Outside of taking care of your younger siblings' needs, how often do you feel the desire to dedicate some time into just bonding with your younger siblings as opposed to doing something else? Does it differ with the sibling?

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This is a really interesting situation. I'm gonna re-post (and alter) some of my questions to Anon for now and think up more for these specific situations later.

Yay, things pertaining to me! These are the best things in the world.

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Tsukihime. A thing that could have just been about the characters that are any good but you can't because you need a male protagonist to drag everything down with it. Also VN.

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