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Possibly top tier for me. I mean, Ike, Shinon, Gatrie, those are some pretty sweet characters. FE10 had fun gameplay, and Nolan, who would be on that list if he had the development he deserved.

My kingdom for Laura x Aran and Vika x Heather paired ending.

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i forgot there were power rangers beat em up games on the snes

With this current team of IS

Do you guys REALLY want them to do more Jugdral?

Oh hell no,

this exactly

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there were two

one was a movie tie in

in name only though

Power Rangers on the snes, oh my.

There was also that Sailor Moon beat em up on the snes as well.

*remembers odd stuff*

i remember more that sailor moon fighting game the two best friends played once

and the page master platform game i remember seeing an ad for on my page master vhs

same for Pocahontas


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I do like FE8.

They better not make any more Magvel games until they change directions for the series.

I agree.

The next FE should have waifus only :Kappa:

Sounds like a harem anime.

So, any anime now.

ZM just send me a skype request thing.

Pretty much.


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Japanese culture isn't only about weird crap.

It's actually really interesting.

Eh...I somehow get the feeling the weird outweighs anything interesting, based on my knowledge of it.

I'm an anti-culture guy in general though, culture never seems to be very civilized.

I do play video games from Japan though, so I'm not 100% ignorant of it.

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