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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Mobile really does suck. I get ninja'd by at least five posts every time I say something. :/

Good activity here, though.

this is like after

a few days were there was nothing lel

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the worst of spoilers i've seen around would be spoiling a few character looks

nothing on the story

but hey, what i consider as a spoiler is different then a few others

it's ok

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the worst of spoilers i've seen around would be spoiling a few character looks

nothing on the story

but hey, what i consider as a spoiler is different then a few others

it's ok


Well, I don't like being spoiled by any content in the game. Even just mechanics, new or returning (especially new). Music, cutscenes, and plot too, I can avoid reading about the plot, but if I see the title of music of a cutscene (especially a cutscene), then it's all ogre.

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Well, I don't like being spoiled by any content in the game. Even just mechanics, new or returning (especially new). Music, cutscenes, and plot too, I can avoid reading about the plot, but if I see the title of music of a cutscene (especially a cutscene), then it's all ogre.

I get this, something as trivial as a scene name or a song name can spoil something rather large, if you can do the math, or hell, a tiny bit of productive thinking.

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Well... you're not ditching the internet, just certain parts

I just camp around Far From the Forest here, and I have nothing better on the Internet to do without YT.

So yeah, I'd essentially be ditching the Internet. I usually find one thing to do that lasts me a while, like a forum.

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