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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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cause they're not teens anymore



So I beat Thunder Force 5 a few minutes ago.

I don't know if there's a hard mode ending or not, but stage 4's boss, stage 6, and the final boss can just... go.

how much bs was it?

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Yamato then?

[4:46:42 PM] Masae Takemoto: I haven't played Bote Girl adventure in a weeeeeek

[4:46:49 PM] Masae Takemoto: i don't deserve the title admiral

[4:47:10 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Im gonna be inactive in Kancolle for a month or two

[4:47:25 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Cause remember when my Hiyou sunk?

[4:47:31 PM] Jackie (Mocha): She was almost gonna be kai ;_;

[4:48:32 PM] Masae Takemoto: rip

[4:48:41 PM] Masae Takemoto: are you in depression mode

[4:48:47 PM] Jackie (Mocha): No not really

[4:48:53 PM] Masae Takemoto: When's Hiyou theme

[4:48:55 PM] Masae Takemoto: oh

[4:49:03 PM] Jackie (Mocha): That was the day when Hiyou sunk

[4:49:30 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Im also inactive from Kancolle cause i'm saving my material for some rarer ships I may get soon

[4:49:39 PM] Masae Takemoto: oh I see

[4:49:51 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Even tho I dont have dev material ;_;

[4:49:58 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Or maybe..

[4:50:16 PM] Jackie (Mocha): I might just even come back when the summer event comes on and do Easy

[4:50:23 PM] Masae Takemoto: lol

[4:50:27 PM] Masae Takemoto: probably

[4:50:43 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Cause of the fact that I DONT EVEN HAVE HIYOU ANYMORE ;_;

[4:50:57 PM] Jackie (Mocha): But I want to participate in the Summer Event

[4:51:05 PM] Jackie (Mocha): So i'm still deciding

[4:51:47 PM] Masae Takemoto: secretly depressed Jackie LaBeouf

participate in the event bum

[4:52:13 PM] Jackie (Mocha): XD

[4:52:30 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Its 10:00pm and your phone is broken

[4:52:40 PM] Jackie (Mocha): You go out to the woods

[4:52:47 PM] Jackie (Mocha): And see a strange figure.

[4:52:53 PM] Masae Takemoto: lmao

[4:52:57 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Its.. JACKIE LABEOUF

[4:53:00 PM] Masae Takemoto: you mean you go out to sea

[4:53:04 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Ohhh

[4:53:07 PM] Jackie (Mocha): xD

[4:53:26 PM] Masae Takemoto: >v>

[4:53:32 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Okay, lemme tell the actual lyrics..

[4:53:59 PM] Jackie (Mocha): You're walking in the woods

[4:54:13 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Theres nobody around and your phone is dead.

[4:54:21 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Out of the corner of your eye..

[4:54:29 PM] Jackie (Mocha): You spot her

[4:54:34 PM] Jackie (Mocha): JACKIE LABEOUF

[4:54:51 PM] Jackie (Mocha): He's following you, about thirty feet back

[4:55:26 PM] Jackie (Mocha): She gets down on all 4s and breaks into a sprint

[4:55:26 PM] Masae Takemoto: she

[4:55:41 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Shes gaining on you..

[4:55:47 PM] Jackie (Mocha): JACKIE LABEOUF

[4:56:05 PM] Masae Takemoto: now are you listening to the video when you do this?

[4:56:08 PM] Jackie (Mocha): You're looking for your battleship Yamato.

[4:56:17 PM] Jackie (Mocha): But you're all turned around

[4:56:27 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Yes I am

[4:56:46 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Now lemme continue

[4:56:56 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Shes almost upon you now

[4:56:59 PM] Jackie (Mocha): And you can see..

[4:57:11 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Theres blood on her face..

[4:57:22 PM] Jackie (Mocha): MY GOD, THERES BLOOD EVERYWHERE!!

[4:57:52 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Running for your life from Jackie LaBeouf

[4:58:23 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Shes brandishing a knife, Its Jackie LaBeouf!

[4:58:37 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Lurking in the shadows!

[4:58:59 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Fundemental Admiral Jackie LaBeouf

[4:59:11 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Living in the woods

[4:59:19 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Killing for sport

[4:59:27 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Eating all the bodies

[4:59:48 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Battleship Hunter Jackie LaBeouf

[5:00:02 PM] Jackie (Mocha): Thats it!

[6:21:33 PM] Masae Takemoto: oh my god

[6:21:36 PM] Masae Takemoto: im ded

[6:27:09 PM] Masae Takemoto: Jackie I heart u no hetero/homo

i want to thank my friend jackie for doing this

made my day today :'D

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how much bs was it?

Not very much.

Stage 4 boss had a suicide attack(that got me). In fact, I think it has two of them(That also got me). I also left out that the stage 6 boss was also a pain.

Edited by Soledai
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Not very much.

Stage 4 boss had a suicide attack. In fact, I think it has two of them. I also left out that the stage 6 boss was also a pain.


that sounds annoying

do they spam it?

how bad is stage 6?

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that sounds annoying

do they spam it?

how bad is stage 6?

Lol, nah. One was a sword, the other was a beam.

The stage itself isn't too bad, but you have small green enemies coming at you on a green background... so yeah.

Honorable mention to stage 5 for having too much stuff on screen, but you get a bulky ship upgrade that makes things either really easy or doesn't help at all.

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but that fe3 cg tiki art

Lol, nah. One was a sword, the other was a beam.

The stage itself isn't too bad, but you have small green enemies coming at you on a green background... so yeah.

Honorable mention to stage 5 for having too much stuff on screen, but you get a bulky ship upgrade that makes things either really easy or doesn't help at all.

thank goodness

my eyes hurt already trying to imagine that

how does a shield upgrade not help in a stage that throws crap at you?

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