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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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she summoned king gilgamesh

she's such a powerful mage

Oh my, has she used any command spells yet?

Well I am off to sl33p

See you o/


Edited by Soledai
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Somehow I feel calling people out will deter them from posting here...

nah, man

i just like

thought he was long ded

it's like when i saw acacia made a post after his hiatus and i was like

aww shit, he's alive

Edited by Trisitei
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nah, man

i just like

thought he was long ded

it's like when i saw acacia made a post after his hiatus and i was like

aww shit, he's alive

Don't worry, I was surprised as well.

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Man, I am happy. I just spend the last two hours or so debating history for a Victoria II fanfiction. Well, it was a cross-over with something else, but the main thing was HISTORY.

Which reminds me, hopefully tomorrow I'll continue with my African colonization in my playthrough.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Sol did that to me and it worked >u>

Awww, and you're great company too.

oh pf you make it sound like i wouldn't actually flatter you on purpose ever <w<

Oh my. *is flattered*

Pls >w>

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