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i keep thinking that yari person stole my text colour and almost having a freakout :B

really sol you wait till i go to sleep to post battle network music! omg

i HATE that boss of bn3 btw. that fricken boss. worst bn boss ever made and not in a good way snflrfnrlrfrgflreelglgalfgeg

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really sol you wait till i go to sleep to post battle network music! omg

i HATE that boss of bn3 btw. that fricken boss. worst bn boss ever made and not in a good way snflrfnrlrfrgflreelglgalfgeg

Oh my.

Heh, but he was easier than Bass to me though, oddly. And a few of the secret bosses.

Also BN5 was okay, but not again. I might do BN6 one day.

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Oh my.

Heh, but he was easier than Bass to me though, oddly. And a few of the secret bosses.

Also BN5 was okay, but not again. I might do BN6 one day.


it wasnt exactly about difficulty, but did you ever fought that final boss of bn3 with woodshield style?

its SO easy, because the shield makes bass super easy and almost never hit you, and the wood attack just takes down the final boss's shield and hits him a lot.


i think i played every single bn game except bn3 blue version? ah but i didtn finish 4 blue...

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Sol Cross eh?

...There's some sort of pun there..

Name pun. >w>

But the weapon or "chip" you get with sun based powers is pretty neat too

It actually hits multiple times, the enemy just died because 10 hp.


it wasnt exactly about difficulty, but did you ever fought that final boss of bn3 with woodshield style?

its SO easy, because the shield makes bass super easy and almost never hit you, and the wood attack just takes down the final boss's shield and hits him a lot.


i think i played every single bn game except bn3 blue version? ah but i didtn finish 4 blue...


Oh I see! You disliked him from a design perspective? o:

Nope, I had fire'something' style for roughly the whole game, bubbleman wasn't fun at all, lmao.

My my, such completion. good Hoshi, use the force.

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Oh I see! You disliked him from a design perspective? o:

Nope, I had fire'something' style for roughly the whole game, bubbleman wasn't fun at all, lmao.

My my, such completion. good Hoshi, use the force.

when i got to him i had fire, so i was having a lot trouble and my folder kept running out of chips before i could beat him

then i was like....is this boss only hard because i have fire???

then i used a cheat code to get wood shield and beat him like nothing....i was maddrdrrdrrrdrdrdrr, but i still went back and beat him without cheating after.

i dont remember any fire style in bn4 blue moon...but i didnt finish P:

there's bubble, number, metal, junk, dust i think.....forgot the rest :B

alsol my surprise when i saw that glyde was in a game before BN....tron bonne!

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when i got to him i had fire, so i was having a lot trouble and my folder kept running out of chips before i could beat him

then i was like....is this boss only hard because i have fire???

then i used a cheat code to get wood shield and beat him like nothing....i was maddrdrrdrrrdrdrdrr, but i still went back and beat him without cheating after.

i dont remember any fire style in bn4 blue moon...but i didnt finish P:

there's bubble, number, metal, junk, dust i think.....forgot the rest :B

alsol my surprise when i saw that glyde was in a game before BN....tron bonne!

That was me, kinda. I don't remember running out of chips so much as I kept getting boxed in by the destroyed panels. >_>

Since I was on hardware, I had to tough it out. Eventually I got it, yeah!

Oh, you mentioned Glyde before, now that I think about it. o:

@Underlined: Not gonna lie, I never thought to type that until now, lmfao. And I got the reference(I think). <W<

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hi alicia :K

That was me, kinda. I don't remember running out of chips so much as I kept getting boxed in by the destroyed panels. >_>

Since I was on hardware, I had to tough it out. Eventually I got it, yeah!

Oh, you mentioned Glyde before, now that I think about it. o:

@Underlined: Not gonna lie, I never thought to type that until now, lmfao. And I got the reference(I think). <W<

i only had bn4 on cart and it was enough to make me want to play them all!

you should play tron bonne. the first mission in the game is literally "F the police i have a mech"

oh yeah, i forgot you can get those references >W>

doooooonkeyyyyy~ i got something for yooouuuu!!!

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i only had bn4 on cart and it was enough to make me want to play them all!

you should play tron bonne. the first mission in the game is literally "F the police i have a mech"

oh yeah, i forgot you can get those references >W>

doooooonkeyyyyy~ i got something for yooouuuu!!!

! I might! o: You should play Star Force too.

I remember watching you play it in a call once, I think it was you, Criz(unsure), doofus and myself.

<W< Yeeeep.

Donkey bitch ass

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or Tales of Returnia

The strange thing:

I only own the Wii because of the Tellius series and the PS3 because of the Tales of series.

Atm the only games for the PS3 I own, are Tales of games (Symphonia 1 + 2, Xillia 1 + 2, Graces and Vesperia). The collection will rise, when Zestiria is out.

Edited by Mister IceTeaPeach
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! I might! o: You should play Star Force too.

I remember watching you play it in a call once, I think it was you, Criz(unsure), doofus and myself.

<W< Yeeeep.

Donkey bitch ass

cant play star force ;;

crizzie wasnt there, but i was telling her about it :B

omg so i got in the mood to play racing games a little while ago and since super mario kart is the devillll i played mario kart 64. i was being donkey so instead of him giving me a problem it was princess peach bitch peachbichpichbich <:

....by the way if you ever play diddy kong racing, NEVER pick the crocodile.

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cant play star force ;;

crizzie wasnt there, but i was telling her about it :B

omg so i got in the mood to play racing games a little while ago and since super mario kart is the devillll i played mario kart 64. i was being donkey so instead of him giving me a problem it was princess peach bitch peachbichpichbich <:

....by the way if you ever play diddy kong racing, NEVER pick the crocodile.

Oh yeah, your computer hates DS emu, iirc?

Ahh right. Then it was two pals and a complete doofus. Like almost always >~>

This post is great, lmao.

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Isn't Banjo the same type like the croc (at least he has pretty much the same size)?

I always thought it.

Racing games were pretty much the worst videogames for me besides any 3D adventures, if even my mum had to beat DKR for me.

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Oh yeah, your computer hates DS emu, iirc?

Ahh right. Then it was two pals and a complete doofus. Like almost always >~>

This post is great, lmao.

mhm....i really need a new computer.

well the screen sharing at sophia's chat is pretty boring now, because now there's like 3 people who all screen share really long rpgs. one day i screen shared dkr, but since sophia is EVIL and knew about the game she asked me to play as krunch. i didnt even know how bad he was.

xD dashie is a really good casual LPer....he's always excited and wacky, he has variety with games he plays, and he listens to comments! omg its so rare to see a popular LPer that listens to his fans so much.

"but dashie, thats donkey jr BITCH I KNOW"

was so ded ^^;

Isn't Banjo the same type like the croc (at least he has pretty much the same size)?

At least I always thought it.

krunch has the same stats as banjo, except his turning is sooo much worse. i kept losing because it was so hart to get coins and items, and hes the type of driver where youre never supposed to let yourself lose speed like hitting walls.

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