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No I just feel like shit right now.

It's nothing. Don't worry about it... I don't really want to talk about it.

I'm sorry for that. Whatever happened I hope it all turns out alright Tiny.

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Third, and last foray into the ALLTYNEX Trilogy:

[spoiler=For people who play shmups not called touhou, and/or those who read my first two forays]

ALLTYNEX Second was third, but not least, and let me preface this by saying: ALLTYNEX Second was a task in and of itself. There was little improvement over RefleX and it was almost cumbersome at times; Slow ship again, removal of the barrier, and 1 shield health instead of RefleX's 6 or Kamui's 4.

However, some things that I liked was the music, the energy bar for your bullets; The higher it is means stronger bullets and they fan out more, "Armor Mode" which allows you to use the blade, which can slash bullets as well as being quite powerful(at the cost of mobility), and special weapons(Consumes energy) which changes depending on which mode you're in: Fighter mode(which is default), lets you fire homing lasers only taking a small bit of energy. Armor Mode fires a large beam that consumes energy based on how long you hold the button... and will be your primary boss killer.

Speaking of; boss fights in this game are pretty absurd because of the 3D approach the game has at times; one minute you're fighting the boss normally, then all in the same second you're trying to figure what the hell just happened and why you aren't moving in the right direction while this camera moves around too much. This will surely cause a number of deaths against certain bosses, like stage 3's boss, for example. Anyway, the safest bet for bosses is the beam and the blade for if you run out of energy.

As for the story, it is the beginning of the trilogy canonically. You learn the story after the last mission and a bit of it during the opening. (And of course, if you can read fast, you'll be fine; if not, internet)

Meaning if you want the story in order, it goes: ALLTYNEX Second > Reflex > Kamui.

Also, in the earlier report, I said the RefleX run was unsuccessful... This has been rectified.

Finally, this game wasn't bad, but with the plentiful ways you can be screwed over, I would suggest regular breaks and use of the practice mode. I did enjoy the armor mode because the blade was cool, and I could see myself playing it again, but not before RefleX, I guarantee it.

Verdict of the Trilogy? RefleX >>> AS > Kamui. All of them were enjoyable, but RefleX was easily the best.

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