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Have you applied for another job? I do hope that it goes well for you no matter what it is though.

They really are, I literally said 'aww that's sweet' out loud when he showed me some of the drawings. Which is why I'm impatient to see their reaction.

It's been a while since I watched any anime. I started Magi during the summer, but I stopped mid-way through the season for no real reason that I can think of. Spice and Wolf is one I want to see, but I don't know if I could endure Higurashi. The OST sounds and opening sound great from what I've heard, but seeing a couple of scenes kind of traumatized me. Speaking of anime, have you seen Arkada's review of both FMAs and his review week of awesome?

Yeah, but I haven't had much luck. Deperession over various things the past couple months didn't help either. Thanx though.

I was the same way with wanting to avoid the series as much as possible, but they finally convinced me to watch with saying that if I could get through and even liked stuff like Mirai Nikki and Another, Higurashi was really nothing new besides being the quintessential horror anime represents how well the medium could be explored when effort in a good mystery and atmosphere was put in. I won't deny that it can get semi gruesome (but nothing worse than Yuno is capable of) and really creepy, but its worth watch at least once just to figure out the whole mystery. Which is very compelling.

Yup and I mostly agree with his review and assertion that while Brotherhood is essentially the better and more complete experience, the 2003 anime is just one of those shows that people should watch at least once. You owe it to yourself as a fan of the series, since I truly believe Brotherhood would not have been possible without the revolutionary success of the first one. Plus the fact the one of the best episodes ever from it, "The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13", doesn't appear in Brotherhood. Not to mention a crap ton of hilarious scenes like the Roy vs Ed fight. I miss them.

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so those kind of excuses, huh?


how is noragami?

haven't seen it myself but i hear it's pretty gud

Dunno, only got to episode 3 before my sis went to bed and we stopped for the night, but it seems promising so far. But then again I'm not too hard to please.

I was skimming the posts and literally zeroed in on this

Oh my my.

What brand is it?

Lenovo Y700. I really like it so far~! Cost me a frick ton too, but I got a nice 500$ discount since I bought on Black Friday.

I like the main characters scarf

the music is good too


And a theme'd LP?

i'd watch that

Yeah he's cool~! And kinda cute...I like those characters. My sis wants to cosplay him, so i might go as the main girl too.

Nothing too special, something like the screenshot based one that tonton was doing, but its a start. I've always had a secret dream of becoming a decent Lper. Now I have a proper PC for it at least.

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I like the main characters scarf

the music is good too


yeah Yato's design is pretty sweet.

The op for the second season isn't bad either

Yeah, but I haven't had much luck. Deperession over various things the past couple months didn't help either. Thanx though.

I was the same way with wanting to avoid the series as much as possible, but they finally convinced me to watch with saying that if I could get through and even liked stuff like Mirai Nikki and Another, Higurashi was really nothing new besides being the quintessential horror anime represents how well the medium could be explored when effort in a good mystery and atmosphere was put in. I won't deny that it can get semi gruesome (but nothing worse than Yuno is capable of) and really creepy, but its worth watch at least once just to figure out the whole mystery. Which is very compelling.

Yup and I mostly agree with his review and assertion that while Brotherhood is essentially the better and more complete experience, the 2003 anime is just one of those shows that people should watch at least once. You owe it to yourself as a fan of the series, since I truly believe Brotherhood would not have been possible without the revolutionary success of the first one. Plus the fact the one of the best episodes ever from it, "The Flame Alchemist, The Bachelor Lieutenant, and the Mystery of Warehouse 13", doesn't appear in Brotherhood. Not to mention a crap ton of hilarious scenes like the Roy vs Ed fight. I miss them.

Hopefully things will get better and will hear some good news come the new year!

I might give it a try since I'm a lot less averse to gore than I was before, though I'm still not a fan of horror and the image of someone stabbing themselves in the head with a kitchen knife while someone else watch them while laughing like a maniac and getting hit by splatter of blood is still quite disturbing.

The hard thing for me is that I read the full manga and watched brotherhood before I was aware of the 2003 adaptation. I don't think I could really enjoy it after hearing about the ending and certain plot twist while I love the story and ending of the 'canon' so much. Not too mention that some of my favorite characters don't appear in the 2003 adaptation.

The difference a year can give, huh?

You're a posting monster you know that? >v>

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Dunno, only got to episode 3 before my sis went to bed and we stopped for the night, but it seems promising so far. But then again I'm not too hard to please.

Yeah he's cool~! And kinda cute...I like those characters. My sis wants to cosplay him, so i might go as the main girl too.

Nothing too special, something like the screenshot based one that tonton was doing, but its a start. I've always had a secret dream of becoming a decent Lper. Now I have a proper PC for it at least.

I see

oh my >v>. sounds like it'll look ok

don't let your dreams be dreams

yeah Yato's design is pretty sweet.

The op for the second season isn't bad either

You're a posting monster you know that? >v>

I agree



that wasn't the point .u.


;W; Edited by Trisitei
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what did you doodle? :o

Too many things tbh

But I had a thing in my book for like a few days and I went: I need to finish this

Took me too long to finish off v~v

The difference a year can give, huh?

>v> One day Tiny...

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yeah Yato's design is pretty sweet.

The op for the second season isn't bad either

Hopefully things will get better and will hear some good news come the new year!

I might give it a try since I'm a lot less averse to gore than I was before, though I'm still not a fan of horror and the image of someone stabbing themselves in the head with a kitchen knife while someone else watch them while laughing like a maniac and getting hit by splatter of blood is still quite disturbing.

The hard thing for me is that I read the full manga and watched brotherhood before I was aware of the 2003 adaptation. I don't think I could really enjoy it after hearing about the ending and certain plot twist while I love the story and ending of the 'canon' so much. Not too mention that some of my favorite characters don't appear in the 2003 adaptation.

You're a posting monster you know that? >v>

Just find someone to watch it with and its alot better. Esepcialy since it always helps to bounce questions and stuff on how something happened, or why someone did that. Or why people tend to get creepy cat eyes and aggressively creepy personalities at the drop of a hat. Probably the scariest thing about this show is the inability to understand why all this crazy stuff is happening. Doesn't get explained until season 2, which admittedly alot less scary and gruesome than season 1.

Yeah, it is pretty hard to go back after Brotherhood, but trust me, its still worth it to watch. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't like or understand that ending and the resulting movie, but its a nice whatif secnario thats pretty interesting and surprisingly more original than what most shows that deviate from the original material do. And yeah, its missing some folks, but Martel (or Marta as she's called in that one) has a much bigger and longer role and some things get a lot more expanded upon that were kinda skimmed over with Brotherhood chugging right along with the plot. I find Scar and his motives somewhat more interesting in this adaptation as well, including certain Homunculi such as Lust, Envy, Sloth, and Wrath (the latter two are completely and literally different people than the canon version).

I see

oh my >v>. sounds like it'll look ok

don't let your dreams be dreams

Hope so. :>

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at least it looks good now, yeah?

one day..

and you too will make it to top ten posters <v<


And I'm pleased with how it turned out ;v;

Yeah but that'll take me too long ;_;

I would've done it if it wasn't for you meddling kids etc

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Hope so. :>

Yeah : D


And I'm pleased with how it turned out ;v;

Yeah but that'll take me too long ;_;

I would've done it if it wasn't for you meddling kids etc


that just requires more activity here :^D

so there's no more spamming >.>

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you might pull back, man


I'd need a mighty comeback since right now, I'm 5000 posts behind the nearest poster above me.

Just find someone to watch it with and its alot better. Esepcialy since it always helps to bounce questions and stuff on how something happened, or why someone did that. Or why people tend to get creepy cat eyes and aggressively creepy personalities at the drop of a hat. Probably the scariest thing about this show is the inability to understand why all this crazy stuff is happening. Doesn't get explained until season 2, which admittedly alot less scary and gruesome than season 1.

Yeah, it is pretty hard to go back after Brotherhood, but trust me, its still worth it to watch. And this is coming from someone who really doesn't like or understand that ending and the resulting movie, but its a nice whatif secnario thats pretty interesting and surprisingly more original than what most shows that deviate from the original material do. And yeah, its missing some folks, but Martel (or Marta as she's called in that one) has a much bigger and longer role and some things get a lot more expanded upon that were kinda skimmed over with Brotherhood chugging right along with the plot. I find Scar and his motives somewhat more interesting in this adaptation as well, including certain Homunculi such as Lust, Envy, Sloth, and Wrath (the latter two are completely and literally different people than the canon version).

Hope so. :>

I don't really have anyone to watch anime with. No one in my family is really interested and I don't often hang out with my friend who does at a place where we can watch it together. And we're also big bingewatchers, so if we had to stop before finishing an anime we're interested in, chances are we'd just watch the rest on our own lol.

Yeah, it's heavily affected by bias, but I feel like the ending of the manga was just perfect. The exchange Ed makes with the truth and their entire talk is pretty great. Knowing what happens to these characters that I like so much in an alternate universe just kind of make me sad.

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An alternative would be to breath down the neck of anyone who posts

I guess if I made a post every time Shock posts I'd get to 2nd place in 2 weeks >v>

Edited by LuxSpes
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