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"Blanny49 minutes ago

I can't speak for the HF movie because it hasn't aired, but hopefully it has more than one movie or else there simply won't be enough time to properly showcase all of the route.

The Fate route hasn't really received a proper adaption, and that's where most of the world building comes from in the series. I know F/Z has done some of the world building for people who need a refresher on the series (and have read the VN), but it's not enough with the UBW anime to understand and enjoy HF. Most of the things won't make sense unless you have played both the Fate route and UBW routes beforehand.

Also, if you finish the VN, rewatching Fate/Zero ends up being a better experience because there's more you will understand that you may have missed before."

someone on MAL tried to lecture me about fate

this is what they said

Edited by Asuka Fujimoto
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