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Don't feel bad, the PSP version has a whole lot of extra content to make it worth getting over the SNES version.

It's just that, gameplay wise, it's very inferior to the SNES version.

> Laguz

Pffft. You should let him use axes as well, iirc he learns skills with them.

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If I wanted to have fun in an srpg I'll just play fe for the millionth time

if you're having fun with video games, you're doing it wrong.

Edited by shinpichu
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Oh come on if you'd played fe9 before ogre emblem I'm sure you would've thought the same thing.

Yeah I got his finishing touch, pretty cool.

The weapon skills are pretty neat though, it's a bother that they use all the TP though.

And it goes without saying that the Archer skills are probably the best.

Also, what Chapter are you in and what battle?

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I'm right after the alignment question that leonar asks you at the end of chapter 1.

I decided I'll go be a bad boy chaos agent in a game for once.

Oh my a chaos agent?

So you agreed to it?

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Upon a whim I rewatched the Teen Titans cartoon(plus the movie). That whim grew into rewatching Young Justice(cue shinpichu cry of anguish). I felt like talking about them(again on a whim) so I will now take this time to post general overviews and my most current opinions on each series.

Well this basically turned into two reviews while typing this. Guess I can use this to flex some writing muscle, I don't do that very often.

Teen Titans

When discussing TV shows I like to break things down to their seasons to help organize my thoughts somewhat, so I'll give my thoughts on each one specifically and then as a whole.

Season 1

A decent start. The most important thing is that the five main characters are good. They're interactions are enjoyable, they're all likable enough imo and they get pretty even attention throughout the series. Going back, season 1 is rough around the edges, particularly some animation quirks, but hey first season. While there is an arc throughout, it mostly takes a back seat for a more episodic formula up until the last few episodes when the main arc comes back into focus. This formula is used for every season until the final one. Now this season was always just okay to me. The growing pains of a new show are apparent, but what makes it worthwhile is the main arc. This show is known for wacky, sometimes seemingly drug-induced, comedy focused episodes, and then by contrast surprisingly serious and dark stories. That becomes very apparent during the last few episodes. What's particularly worth mentioning is the main villain Deathstroke... who is called by his real name for reasons that I'll touch upon when talking about season 2. Luckily the character's real name is Slade which works as a villain name anyway. This is a very different version of the character which is generally a risk but ultimately works here. Ron Perlman's performance really makes this character. One of the greatest villain voices ever.

Season 2

Everything from the previous season is generally improved here. That includes the main arc of this one, which is a much more compelling story than the previous one and maybe even darker. It also introduces of the, er, rather unsettling undertones of Slade's character. Watching this season again, well it doesn't quite have the same impact. I blame this on two main issues that hold the main arc back. The first is the new character Terra, who doesn't have nearly enough screen time after her second appearance which does hurt the story. The other issue I have is, well, a product of the times I'm afraid: the no "die" rule. This is why Deathstroke's name couldn't be used, can't say "death". This is a problem because in the last few episodes they have to use every synonym of "dead" and "kill" they can think of. This is really awkward dialogue and it takes me right out of it every time. I'll say again, it's not bad, just doesn't hold up as well.

Season 3

The weakest season imo. Not so much because of an overall drop of quality, on the contrary, but because of the main arc, which was the highlight of the previous seasons, and that's mostly because of the big bad. They have John DiMaggio playing the main villain giving a hammy performance and yet Brother Blood ends up being boring and forgettable. That has to be the most disappointing writing failure in the series. That said season 3 is still worth watching if you liked the first two. In fact it has the episode "Haunted", which is probably my favorite in the series, a popular opinion it seems.

Season 4

This and season 2 are probably the most memorable arcs in the series, and this one holds up better I find. Much like the season 2 arc before, the tone is more serious generally darker and the stakes raised, the highest in the series in fact. I've spent a lot of time on the main story arcs, but I should mention the other, more lighthearted half of the show, which also generally improves after the first season imo. I bring this up now because of season 4's first episode, what I consider the best of these. There are a lot of gems in this one but my favorite has to be the zinthos commercial that pokes fun at the show's own writing.

Season 5

Aside from(off the top my head) a prequel episode showing how the team got together, every episode is connected to the main arc of fighting the main villains(slightly more memorable than Brother Blood) and recruiting new Titans. Also unlike the previous seasons this one has a more consistent tone throughout, never quite as wacky or as dark as before, though the final episode has an entirely different tone from the rest of the series. This season is good, just, good. Better than seasons 1 and 3 as a whole imo but not quite as memorable as 2 and 4. As mentioned one of the main focuses is introducing new Titans, as well as revisiting ones that haven't been seen in a while. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that almost half of the entire cast is introduced in this season and most of the newcomers are introduced in one episode. Not every character utilized much as you can imagine. Some don't even get any dialogue, and poor Wonder Girl got relegated to the tie-in comic because of licensing issues. While the stakes in this season aren't as high as before, nearly every single hero and villain from the entire show duking it out at the end is pretty cool... Though that's not the ending. Yeah that controversial finale; I respect going that direction especially for a show aimed towards kids, but like many people I didn't get into it.

The movie

It's alright. Provides better closure if you didn't like the last episode.


It's a good series, but it's lost some of its luster going back to it. Maybe it's because the show has aged, maybe it has more to do with me, probably both. There's definitely enough good here for me to recommend looking it up. Also since I have nowhere else to put this I'll mention here that this show was fantastic at getting crap past the radar(the twins that only speak Spanish(with no subtitles) curse at one point, seriously)

Young Justice

Season 1

Also a good start, not amazing, but good. While it's called Young Justice, it's more of a "general DC universe" show. The story is simple but that's not really a problem, the focus is on the main heroes and their development as a team and as characters, and that's done well. The animation is good and one thing I particularly liked right from the beginning is the art style, of all the DC cartoons over the years this one has my favorite. The tone is, well I don't want to say "darker" or "edgier" than other DC cartoons because that implies something like Batman TAS or Batman Beyond which is inaccurate. Basically this show is generally lighthearted and fun, just probably aimed at a slightly older audience, doesn't really dumb down things, and can do stuff older cartoons probably wouldn't get away with. It definitely has serious elements doesn't shy away from saying "kill" and "dead". I really appreciate when shows and movies aimed towards kids/adolescents actually respect the intelligence of the intended viewers. In fact I actually liked this season more the second time. So yeah, it's a good start. If I had to compare which first season was did a better job between this and Teen Titans I'd go with Young Justice. And way better than Justice League's first season but now I'm digressing.

Season 2

When I was first watching this series I learned that there were quite a few people who didn't like season 2 as much. To be blunt I think that's crazy. If you ask me season 2 improved basically everything. It starts by doing something I don't think I've seen before. It jumps ahead five years after the events of season 1. The second season does a time jump. This sudden change might contribute to why some prefer the first season, but that's speculation. The previous season focused on the development of the team and its members, and the beginning of this season does a great job of showing the results of that while setting up this story with the new characters and questions about what else happened during the time skip. I thought it was a good hook. While focus on character development is still there, there isn't really any focus on their development as a team(since that already happened), instead the story has focus here. Season 2's story is far more complex(not to a fault), compelling, and all around more interesting, with a more serious tone throughout(which also works with the time skip, the main characters from season 1 aren't kids anymore). The animation and art style praise from season 1 still applies of course. I enjoyed season 1, season 2 made me a fan.


I think it's clear by now that I really like this show and I think it's great and I highly recommend it. Whereas Teen Titans has become less enjoyable, I only like Young Justice more. How great is it? It has one of the lamest Jokers and I don't even care. It made Sportsmaster cool. Sportsmaster. It's the only thing I can think of that (spoiler for an unspecified episode)

does an "it was just a dream" episode and actually does it well.

The worst thing about this series is that it got cancelled so early, when there was clearly more of the story to tell.

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Nah, you should stick with what you went with first.

What, no, I said 'stop this lunacy'!

even though I really wanted to murder all those poor defenseless villagers but I gotta branch out sometimes.

But yeah, that answer puts you down chaos.

Oh, lol.

But doing the lunacy makes you a real bad boy though

I figured, but I had to ask anyway.

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Clearly the only way to play video games is touhou 15 lunatic difficulty reimu pacifist perfect run while blasting necrofantasia at volumes harmful to human ears

now we're talking.

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Pls, being about internet arguments and causing them are two different beasts

Besides: Undertale is just Tumblr V2, after Life is Strange. That shit is straight up Tumblr

Edited by Soledai
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tbh I feel like I enjoy talking about video games more than actually playing them.

i;d like to talk about vidjas

been then talking about them too much makes me actually want to play them

then i find out i got no money for video games or the copies are not around my area then i get : (

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Like that gosh darn God of War, turned an innocent man into a crazed shooter

Don't play video games man, they'll rot your brain and turn you into a mass murderer.

well only 1/2 is true for me though

The mass murder bit?

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Guess I'll try posting this again because now I'm actually really curious what people think of the review style I did here

Upon a whim I rewatched the Teen Titans cartoon(plus the movie). That whim grew into rewatching Young Justice(cue shinpichu cry of anguish). I felt like talking about them(again on a whim) so I will now take this time to post general overviews and my most current opinions on each series.

Well this basically turned into two reviews while typing this. Guess I can use this to flex some writing muscle, I don't do that very often.

Teen Titans

When discussing TV shows I like to break things down to their seasons to help organize my thoughts somewhat, so I'll give my thoughts on each one specifically and then as a whole.

Season 1

A decent start. The most important thing is that the five main characters are good. They're interactions are enjoyable, they're all likable enough imo and they get pretty even attention throughout the series. Going back, season 1 is rough around the edges, particularly some animation quirks, but hey first season. While there is an arc throughout, it mostly takes a back seat for a more episodic formula up until the last few episodes when the main arc comes back into focus. This formula is used for every season until the final one. Now this season was always just okay to me. The growing pains of a new show are apparent, but what makes it worthwhile is the main arc. This show is known for wacky, sometimes seemingly drug-induced, comedy focused episodes, and then by contrast surprisingly serious and dark stories. That becomes very apparent during the last few episodes. What's particularly worth mentioning is the main villain Deathstroke... who is called by his real name for reasons that I'll touch upon when talking about season 2. Luckily the character's real name is Slade which works as a villain name anyway. This is a very different version of the character which is generally a risk but ultimately works here. Ron Perlman's performance really makes this character. One of the greatest villain voices ever.

Season 2

Everything from the previous season is generally improved here. That includes the main arc of this one, which is a much more compelling story than the previous one and maybe even darker. It also introduces of the, er, rather unsettling undertones of Slade's character. Watching this season again, well it doesn't quite have the same impact. I blame this on two main issues that hold the main arc back. The first is the new character Terra, who doesn't have nearly enough screen time after her second appearance which does hurt the story. The other issue I have is, well, a product of the times I'm afraid: the no "die" rule. This is why Deathstroke's name couldn't be used, can't say "death". This is a problem because in the last few episodes they have to use every synonym of "dead" and "kill" they can think of. This is really awkward dialogue and it takes me right out of it every time. I'll say again, it's not bad, just doesn't hold up as well.

Season 3

The weakest season imo. Not so much because of an overall drop of quality, on the contrary, but because of the main arc, which was the highlight of the previous seasons, and that's mostly because of the big bad. They have John DiMaggio playing the main villain giving a hammy performance and yet Brother Blood ends up being boring and forgettable. That has to be the most disappointing writing failure in the series. That said season 3 is still worth watching if you liked the first two. In fact it has the episode "Haunted", which is probably my favorite in the series, a popular opinion it seems.

Season 4

This and season 2 are probably the most memorable arcs in the series, and this one holds up better I find. Much like the season 2 arc before, the tone is more serious generally darker and the stakes raised, the highest in the series in fact. I've spent a lot of time on the main story arcs, but I should mention the other, more lighthearted half of the show, which also generally improves after the first season imo. I bring this up now because of season 4's first episode, what I consider the best of these. There are a lot of gems in this one but my favorite has to be the zinthos commercial that pokes fun at the show's own writing.

Season 5

Aside from(off the top my head) a prequel episode showing how the team got together, every episode is connected to the main arc of fighting the main villains(slightly more memorable than Brother Blood) and recruiting new Titans. Also unlike the previous seasons this one has a more consistent tone throughout, never quite as wacky or as dark as before, though the final episode has an entirely different tone from the rest of the series. This season is good, just, good. Better than seasons 1 and 3 as a whole imo but not quite as memorable as 2 and 4. As mentioned one of the main focuses is introducing new Titans, as well as revisiting ones that haven't been seen in a while. I don't think it's much of a stretch to say that almost half of the entire cast is introduced in this season and most of the newcomers are introduced in one episode. Not every character utilized much as you can imagine. Some don't even get any dialogue, and poor Wonder Girl got relegated to the tie-in comic because of licensing issues. While the stakes in this season aren't as high as before, nearly every single hero and villain from the entire show duking it out at the end is pretty cool... Though that's not the ending. Yeah that controversial finale; I respect going that direction especially for a show aimed towards kids, but like many people I didn't get into it.

The movie

It's alright. Provides better closure if you didn't like the last episode.


It's a good series, but it's lost some of its luster going back to it. Maybe it's because the show has aged, maybe it has more to do with me, probably both. There's definitely enough good here for me to recommend looking it up. Also since I have nowhere else to put this I'll mention here that this show was fantastic at getting crap past the radar(the twins that only speak Spanish(with no subtitles) curse at one point, seriously)

Young Justice

Season 1

Also a good start, not amazing, but good. While it's called Young Justice, it's more of a "general DC universe" show. The story is simple but that's not really a problem, the focus is on the main heroes and their development as a team and as characters, and that's done well. The animation is good and one thing I particularly liked right from the beginning is the art style, of all the DC cartoons over the years this one has my favorite. The tone is, well I don't want to say "darker" or "edgier" than other DC cartoons because that implies something like Batman TAS or Batman Beyond which is inaccurate. Basically this show is generally lighthearted and fun, just probably aimed at a slightly older audience, doesn't really dumb down things, and can do stuff older cartoons probably wouldn't get away with. It definitely has serious elements doesn't shy away from saying "kill" and "dead". I really appreciate when shows and movies aimed towards kids/adolescents actually respect the intelligence of the intended viewers. In fact I actually liked this season more the second time. So yeah, it's a good start. If I had to compare which first season was did a better job between this and Teen Titans I'd go with Young Justice. And way better than Justice League's first season but now I'm digressing.

Season 2

When I was first watching this series I learned that there were quite a few people who didn't like season 2 as much. To be blunt I think that's crazy. If you ask me season 2 improved basically everything. It starts by doing something I don't think I've seen before. It jumps ahead five years after the events of season 1. The second season does a time jump. This sudden change might contribute to why some prefer the first season, but that's speculation. The previous season focused on the development of the team and its members, and the beginning of this season does a great job of showing the results of that while setting up this story with the new characters and questions about what else happened during the time skip. I thought it was a good hook. While focus on character development is still there, there isn't really any focus on their development as a team(since that already happened), instead the story has focus here. Season 2's story is far more complex(not to a fault), compelling, and all around more interesting, with a more serious tone throughout(which also works with the time skip, the main characters from season 1 aren't kids anymore). The animation and art style praise from season 1 still applies of course. I enjoyed season 1, season 2 made me a fan.


I think it's clear by now that I really like this show and I think it's great and I highly recommend it. Whereas Teen Titans has become less enjoyable, I only like Young Justice more. How great is it? It has one of the lamest Jokers and I don't even care. It made Sportsmaster cool. Sportsmaster. It's the only thing I can think of that (spoiler for an unspecified episode)

does an "it was just a dream" episode and actually does it well.

The worst thing about this series is that it got cancelled so early, when there was clearly more of the story to tell.

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