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Someone taunted at me after an SD.

So I switched to link next game, and played the most spammy, annoying, Link complete with taunting after every move.

I 2-stocked him.

Then I used the tags 'LOL' 'GETREKT', flashing them both in intervals for about 30 seconds.

And then I left.

For Glory has become For Vengeance for me at this point.

I do stuff like this way too much.

For Glory became my Ganoncide playground, complete with my DORFPATROL tag

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How do you do it, man.

well, to make it easier I got an extend overdrive XX augment and also the winged viper skill that extends the overdrive by 10s. Then I kept using Green arts, to increase the time, alongside Side Slash, to get TP and Hundred Shells in order to quickly increase the overdrive count. This way, I quickly got 3000 TP and kept re-using the overdrive before it ran out.

Edited by Nobody
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For Glory, you're so silly

time to expand booz

*DK hits the front of the screen*

tfw expanded on

Another good one was the "well then" after Roy's shield broke and he fell to his death.

Someone taunted at me after an SD.

So I switched to link next game, and played the most spammy, annoying, Link complete with taunting after every move.

I 2-stocked him.

Then I used the tags 'LOL' 'GETREKT', flashing them both in intervals for about 30 seconds.

And then I left.

For Glory has become For Vengeance for me at this point.

I do stuff like this way too much.

For Glory became my Ganoncide playground, complete with my DORFPATROL tag


Edited by Levant Colthearts
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Yes, Law supreme.

Trick answer.

Law and Chaos are both the worst paths.

We don't need Yahweh or Lucifer's help to screw ourselves over. We'll do it ourselves.

Neutral path only path. sukuface

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Sol I replayed chapter 1 of ogre emblem.

You were right, archers are amazing in this game.


I made him a ninja later on. He's quite deadly that way.

What route are you taking, btw?

And Afterwards, you'll be able to try the true ogre emblem : Knight of Lodis.

I have to say, Ninja are second place to Archers in the PSP, but the Ninja were god-like in the SNES version.

The "true" TO indeed.


I wanted to take law but my therapist told me I needed to start breaking my addiction of mass murder.

Is that on psp/vita?

That's terrible. But Leonar still does the deed, even if you agree to it.

Knight of Lodis is GBA

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