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FE7, FE8, Xenoblade X, watching something on netflix or playing FFT on my phone?

Help me I'm dying of boredom, I can't decide what to do and I can't get myself to decide on what to do and I'm doing nothing hdsjvbdfjvkdfbkdfnbvkfdbjkfhvjfbhkfgjbfg

pls help

what kind of stuff is on netflix atm?

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Hmmm... I see. Well, I dunno... I'm still quite addicted to FF-0 lmao...

It works lmao. Lmao, I know. But it's a bit hard with flying enemies even if I can use like Fira or something like that, but I just have to practice more so I don't waste her mp. Oh right, her stats thing: http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/365157185049212418/E087EB8AAAEAD0B88AB9D95AA8FCF1E7CB5DC6E5/

And ouch. Offline? Kinda glad I'm living alone for that.

> Screenshot of Level 99 Deuce

My oh my. Growth Egg? Let's see Trey next

Understandable, flying enemies are terrible in nearly any game I can think of, good luck with that practicing. Also, where are you in the game currently?

Yep, it didn't help that while I was trying to get back to sleep, this person kept being loud... ah well, I'll catch a nap later. <~<

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Oh well I got my ass handed to the Gypceros


What weapon are you using?

m-m-m-m-monster hunter?!

need any advice kiddo just ask dusko i am the best hunter in the world

did you ever leave g2


wait you actually didn't? lmao

no i'm incredibly lazy

I must say this exchange really made me laugh.

And get on my level Dusk, I solo'ed my way to G-crown

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tbh i probably could but i have other games to play right now

capcom monster hunter stories localisation when

Soloing Gogmazios was a major pain. I managed to kill it with seconds to spare. Was pretty happy to have taken it down solo though.

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Soloing Gogmazios was a major pain. I managed to kill it with seconds to spare. Was pretty happy to have taken it down solo though.


a friend wanted me to use tiny text


well lucky for you i can still read it without problems!

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It was 1AM when I finally beat it, so I couldn't do much, but had I been alone during the day, I'd have probably let a big 'YES!' of victory. I should farm myself a set so that I can take it down in 20-30 minutes since I enjoyed the fight aside of the stress of failing despite having wailed on the thing for 50 minutes.

uh checks an insect glaive I think?

I haven't played too much Insect Glave, but against the gypceros, I'd recommend trying to pole vault whenever you see an opportunity and to aim for the head whenever you make him fall, since you can destroy the crest on his head and thus be free of the annoying flashes (though you can jump dive evade those if you time it right). Also try to stay on his right side and hit the legs whenever you can. It should help you avoid the rubber tail spin, the poison globs and the charge, though it's been a while since I fought a gypceros, so that might be wrong.

And he's pretty weak to fire, so if you can make one, it should help you. Oh and don't try to use a shock trap on him. Rubber skin=lightning proof.

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It was somewhat meant as a Vice City reference.

only thing i truly remember about vice city nowadays is just the radio stations =_=

should get it over steam sometime

remember some stuff

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well lucky for you i can still read it without problems!

Good... and I probably won't stop until after a while

I haven't played too much Insect Glave, but against the gypceros, I'd recommend trying to pole vault whenever you see an opportunity and to aim for the head whenever you make him fall, since you can destroy the crest on his head and thus be free of the annoying flashes (though you can jump dive evade those if you time it right). Also try to stay on his right side and hit the legs whenever you can. It should help you avoid the rubber tail spin, the poison globs and the charge, though it's been a while since I fought a gypceros, so that might be wrong.

And he's pretty weak to fire, so if you can make one, it should help you. Oh and don't try to use a shock trap on him. Rubber skin=lightning proof.

i kinda figured out that he had rubber skin because an NPC told me I think... But this advice will help me in the battle thank you ;_;

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