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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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Shezzy's theme is pretty. What is it from?

i knew that

i'd say mobile posting was pain

but now it's only 2nd worst pain

Oh. Because you just quoted the waifu part so yeah lmao.

I was gonna ask what's the first and then you answered. But what's periwinkle?

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I know right. 8) Waifu.

I've been there, but only like a few rooms for some quest and curiosity sake. But oooh, I better go there after the next mission then.

Oh yeah, I do recall you mentioning that once before...

Good Shirley. Also, who else do you use besides Trey and Deuce?

soledye i see u

Then I passed out

Shezzy's theme is pretty. What is it from?

She's Ravness Loxaerion from Tactics Ogre.

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I was wondering why things seemed to be getting more expensive lately. Finally realized that it's because our dollar's value has been in free fall since 2012.

Thanks Harper.

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Oh. Because you just quoted the waifu part so yeah lmao.

I was gonna ask what's the first and then you answered. But what's periwinkle?

First pain?

repeatedly getting bent over by the rng

and periwinkle is a color


a sort off light blueish purple

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I was wondering why things seemed to be getting more expensive lately. Finally realized that it's because our dollar's value has been in free fall since 2012.

Thanks Harper.

It could be worse

It could be the Brazilian real.

Just look for your self


Even though the Canadian dollar has been in a free fall, it skyrocketed in comparison to the real

American dollar to real is even worse


In 2012, a canadian dollar was worthy 1.8 reais. Nowadays it's worthy 2.90 reais.

In 2012, a dollar was worthy 1.9 reais. Nowadays it's worthy 4,16 reais

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Reminds me of the Mexican Peso. I just saw this morning it's already practically closing in to 20 MXN's per USD...

The Real also got devalued in comparison to the mexican peso lol


there's no currency that got more devalued than ours

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It could be worse

It could be the Brazilian real.

Just look for your self


Even though the Canadian dollar has been in a free fall, it skyrocketed in comparison to the real

American dollar to real is even worse



If it looks like our dollar went up in comparison to the real, that certainly doesn't bode well for the real :/

Know any reason why the real is falling like that? For the C$, most people seem to put the blame on the Harper government who over-centralized Canada's economy on exporting tar sand oil, so the dollar took quite a hit when the OPEC made the price of the barrel drop.

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If it looks like our dollar went up in comparison to the real, that certainly doesn't bode well for the real :/

Know any reason why the real is falling like that? For the C$, most people seem to put the blame on the Harper government who over-centralized Canada's economy on exporting tar sand oil, so the dollar took quite a hit when the OPEC made the price of the barrel drop.

Our president is so bad at running the economy that she makes Harper look good.

Basically she and her predecessor enjoyed a commodities boom last decade (as did Canada), and never bothered investing in infra structure and the industry, since our economy was growing relatively fast. Now, that commodities boom is over, the economy is suffering. To make things worse, there's a lot of red tape in Brazil, which makes foreigner investment harder, which in turn means less dollars entering the country in times of crisis, therefore, a devalued currency. Government spending is also huge and the deficit is growing. With a huge deficit in a market that wasn't that reliable in first place, even less foreigner investments. Add the fact that they lowered interest rates right before the crisis began, and you have even less investors, and even less dollars entering the country. The worst part is that we're also in the middle of a huge recession and also getting 2 digits inflation, which isn't to be expected in times of recession; Basically, it's a economic train wreck, due to a mix of unfavorable external environment and MAINLY a stubborn populist government that doesn't know how to handle the economy and calls everyone who disagrees with them a "nay-sayer".

This explains it well enough:


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Oh yeah, I do recall you mentioning that once before...

Good Shirley. Also, who else do you use besides Trey and Deuce?

Then I passed out

She's Ravness Loxaerion from Tactics Ogre.

Yes, I believe I have...

Hmmm... It's mostly those two. I've tried Ace, since I also maxed him out as well. He's alright, but I'm not completely confident in my usage of him just yet. Rem's just in my party but sometimes I use her for like... the Undying Wish mostly lmao. OH DUDE I GOT THE REGAL CROWN AND THE GRAND BANGLE. Er, to go back to the characters, I'm somewhat okay with King too. I maxed out Eight as well for your brother's sake lmao. And... I managed to finish off that BIG DRAGON (you know who I mean, I think) in a replay mission with Eight after I couldn't dodge fast enough with the others lmao.

I'm totally not making Deuce into an op machine nopenopenope


And I see. So shinpichu is correct.

First pain?

repeatedly getting bent over by the rng

and periwinkle is a color


a sort off light blueish purple

Oh, that. Yeah, RNG can be such a dick. Although for some reason RNG has been treating me rather nicely in this Touhoumon hack... I think there's an ulterior motive behind it.

Oh, I saw you mention that so... lmao

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