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Hatt when will you read about the Heian Period/Sengoku/Meiji Restoration?

(or actually if you read about the legend of Shuten Doji, that's okay too

Or Tamamo no Mae)

I actually have a pretty busy schedule, so these kinds of things really only happen as occasional spur-of-the-moment things.

But I feel like they should occur more often. I remember those good old days where I stayed up deep into the night studying the juridical validity of calling Odoacer's rebellion in 476 the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

TL;DR: Can't say, I hope sometime soon.

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my computer works again

a living miracle

I actually have a pretty busy schedule, so these kinds of things really only happen as occasional spur-of-the-moment things.

But I feel like they should occur more often. I remember those good old days where I stayed up deep into the night studying the juridical validity of calling Odoacer's rebellion in 476 the fall of the Western Roman Empire.

TL;DR: Can't say, I hope sometime soon.


well, whatever fits

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