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I actually still haven't figured out how the third number is gotten

I think you add the first two numbers of the solution and subtract the middle number of the equation.

Edit:Too fast

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That part took me a while to figure out, yeah,

It takes a bit more trial and error than anything though.

How about this.

101 112 131 415 161 718

What number comes next in the series?

These are the worst for me

EDIT: Oh Sask... well damn I see it now.

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These are the worst for me

EDIT: Oh Sask... well damn I see it now.

there is a chance I might be wrong, what was the logic for the other one? I knew first was multiplication but the second and third were kinda tricky
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there is a chance I might be wrong, what was the logic for the other one? I knew first was multiplication but the second and third were kinda tricky

Adding the sum of the multiplied numbers, then subtracting them by the middle number in the equation

I think you add the first two numbers of the solution and subtract the middle number of the equation.

This basically

EDIT: I just noticed you said the second and third: You multiply the first and third numbers of the equation for the second number, then do the above for the third number.

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HAHA Gamespot's Conquest review:

I went into Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest with the understanding that it was a more difficult strategy RPG than its counterpart, Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright. I vowed to challenge myself and play in Classic mode--where characters who die in battle are permanently disabled--and I told myself I wouldn't back down from the loss of a valuable comrade by resetting my 3DS and reloading an old save. It would be a mark of pride to finish the game under these conditions, whether everyone I commanded made it out alive or not.

Eventually I had to relent; by allowing a few too many people to die (three), I had doomed my little army to a massacre. If I had the chance to grind for more experience to bolster my party, I would have, but Conquest wouldn't allow it. Conquest is a forward march that offers little time for anything other than story missions, and while the challenge of playing under strict conditions led to tense battles and meaningful victories, I ultimately missed having the opportunity to take a step back and enjoy the long-game of raising an army.


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No seriously, I can totally understand why the guy feels like he does, the version isn't for him, and that's totally okay and understandable and he reviewed the game the way he should. His review was exactly what I wanted to read, though.

Also, the reviews are coming and most of them are really positive, for all three routes!

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