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Oooh...well I guess I could use magatamas that null death/expel to cover for that.

Crits seems important though...

Also my stats right now are something like.






I went mag early game but I'm thinking I might be a hybrid since skills seem to be more important to MU than stats, and I missed the boat on life drain.

How should I level up from here.

agility is pretty unimportant in nocturne since its only good for multi-hit moves

Also magic is only good early-midgame

since phys is definetly best build for mc

and hybrid is never a good idea in smt

but thats just my opinion

so focus on str, lu and most importantly vit

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I beat chapter 16

I was mainly doing paralogues today because I want to do all the maps

Oh. The only paralogue I've beaten so far was Mozume's.

If I were you, I'd increase luck.

Isn't the high amount of misses, expels and stats ailments bothering you?

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lol, Corrin already capped his SPD, and that's not even his asset. Oh well, I guess Ninja's SPD growth is that high.

Also Felicia kills everything with fire shurikens
Gave her all the spirit dust

My Felicia was first a pair up bot for Corrin and then for Leo lol

I guess I should use her next time

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Alright thanks for the advice. I just hope it isn't too late to fix this...

lvl 35 is nothing in smt terms though.

I've gotten expelled once in my entire playthrough.

Status ailments have never been a problem.

Misses though...yeah, those have been annoying.

But building that all the way up from 3?

Not ALL the way up

but like, I'd make it my priority raising it some points.

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If you give her fire shurikens she can do a lot and this is also chapter 15 Felicia cause I went female so


True. The fact that chapter 15 Felicia comes with C shurikens probably helps. I remember thinking it would be cool to use her with the fire shuriken, but it took a lot of time for me to raise her weapon rank.

Still, she's like the perfect pair up for Leo. Mainly SPD with some MAG is all he wants

Yeah at this point I'm really freaking out for endgame, is all.

A lot of people say early game is the toughest part of smt but I usually don't have too much trouble with the games until I get to the later parts, where demon fusing becomes a nightmare, and things get too complicated.

Mag has helped me literally breeze through the game spamming force boost tornadoes on every troubling situation and doing ridiculous damage.

And I don't have any strength skills available other than berserk anyways so...


I never go with Mag as the main stat for my in game avatar units


or as my newly wed waifu Effie would say: STRENGTH IS EVERYTHING

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True. The fact that chapter 15 Felicia comes with C shurikens probably helps. I remember thinking it would be cool to use her with the fire shuriken, but it took a lot of time for me to raise her weapon rank.

Still, she's like the perfect pair up for Leo. Mainly SPD with some MAG is all he wants

My Felicia is almost at B-rank

I use her a lot so

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If you give her fire shurikens she can do a lot and this is also chapter 15 Felicia cause I went female so

My Felicia is almost at B-rank

I use her a lot so

Btw, which units are you two using?

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Btw, which units are you two using?

Aside from Corrin and Felicia(keep in mind I'm on ch.11):

[spoiler=THE TEAM]





Mozu(yeah you read that right, had her paired with Arthur for a bit to give him +still/luck and now I'm trying to make Silas/Mozu happen, we'll see how that goes)




Will definitely use Camilla and probably Beruka too

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