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are the mages any better in hoshido

because the nohr mages are



and i like using mages, so

Leo is great and so is promoted Elise

but yeah, Odin and Nyx kind of suck, specially the former

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Odin is the only unit on Nohr (bar Mozu) I see no merit at all in using honestly

Mozu would probably be better on Hoshido honestly, but I'm not playing hoshido, so

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Odin is the only unit on Nohr (bar Mozu) I see no merit at all in using honestly

Mozu would probably be better on Hoshido honestly, but I'm not playing hoshido, so

Mozu is actually very redundant in Hoshido. At least she has a niche in Norh.

niles as a bow user is insane though. Glad to see i can actually find some use for bow units outside of FE 12.

Yeah. The funniest thing is that he gets even better on the late game.

After getting Shurikebreaker he's just insane.

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like where to input your answers or something?

Its a hybrid class. Meaning, all work (including exams) are done online. The only redeeming thing about the class is that everything is open book/note, with the only rule being that you can't have outside help, as per the Honor Code I had to sign at the beginning of the class.

The professor has slides for everything that we go over, and the book is more or less, just for reference

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Also, it appears that I'm gonna be ending up with Conquest first, instead of Birthright, merely due to no store having it. (Well, a BestBuy does, but I'd have to pick it up at the store, which there isn't one nearby. I want it shipped to me.) As for why I waited so long to even make an order.....

is it safe to come out from hiding yet

you should prolly head back, tbh

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if you want to talk not Fates

which im all up for tbh

not gonna make much progress atm unless my lucky stars shine tonight

which wont happen, but a man can be optimistic, can he?

haha i might take you up on that offer

you should prolly head back, tbh

**goes back into hiding**

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yeah didn't see birthright at target or gamestop. Plenty conquest copies though

interesting, according to our gamestop guy conquest was far more popular

maybe people in ohio are a bunch of fe veteran elitists

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