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ill just leave this from tv tropes

The support set between Rhajat and her father Hayato, in which he tries to apologize and make up to her for leaving her in the Pocket Dimension and unintentionally contributing to her issues. Rhajat keeps pushing him away and later claims it's fine since it let her study her Dark Magic but Hayato realises she's not looking at him in the eye and that she did feel lonely no matter what she says. The chain ends with Hayato saying "I'm So Proud of You" and Rhajat saying that her dad's affection makes her happy and feel less alone.

Rhajat's supports with her mother, too. There has been an illness outbreak in a nearby town and the villagers think Rhajat caused it with her curses, so her mom is caught between helping the village and believing in her Creepy Child daughter. As it turns out Rhajat not only did NOT cause such a mishap, but was actually trying to help the people with protective spells (though sadly, they were casted a bit too late)... and then she decided to Find the Cure without telling anyone. Rhajat's mom is so moved and proud that she hugs her daughter and cries Tears of Joy.

Thats actually very touching, I didn't know her character was drawn out like that, I stand corrected I guess.

I never hear about that though, I usually hear about Rhajat being another localization mess, she does mean well in some of the supports I have read in the game so now I'm questioning everything else people have criticized about her.

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Thats actually very touching, I didn't know her character was drawn out like that, I stand corrected I guess.

I never hear about that though, I usually hear about Rhajat being another localization mess, she does mean well in some of the supports I have read in the game so now I'm questioning everything else people have criticized about her.

Everything is a localization mess depending on who you ask ._.

I honestly don't think it was really bad (@the localization)

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So I decided to redo that lost progress.

The thing was, I got really lucky last time.

The Hojo are defending a highland province, which means they get to form up their armies on the hills and get to fight downhill, while I have to fight uphill, which is basically a death sentence. Last time I got lucky enough that the Hojo decided to give up their defensive position so I was able to fight downhill.

This time they weren't so stupid. So first, I just tried manoeuvring my army, trying to get it as high up as possible. For a little while, things are going well; my cavalry chase down the enemy archers while the main body of my army engages the enemy infantry.

But then the enemy cavalry charges, downhill. My army's morale takes a hit and everyone starts running away. My daimyo gets into combat as a last resort and all his bodyguards are killed in battle. It looks my daimyo is going to lose his life.

Then my reinforcements start showing up. One unit of yari cavalry at a time. In what I think is a desperate attempt to do some last damage to the enemy I order them to charge. But, as more and more cavalry reinforcements get into the battle, the more the odds start turning in my favor. They manage to rout the the cavalry they're fighting and kill the enemy daimyo.

This turning of the favor and the death of their damyo takes such a toll on Hojo morale that their entire army starts running away. I stay on my guard because I know they have reinforcements coming, but eventually I notice that their morale has hit such a low that their reinforcements start routing only moments after entering the battlefield.

And so, I won the battle. With the Hojo daimyo dead without heirs, the Hojo clan is defeated.

all fire emblem games are good

said no fire emblem fan ever

Does that mean I'm not a Fire Emblem fan?

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He doesn't even get a different weapon triangle advantage from using swords

It's useful against enemies with tomebreaker, or that have low def and high res

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Does that mean I'm not a Fire Emblem fan?

actually, yeah. One of the terms you have to agree with while signing your "fire emblem fan" certificate is: "I think at least 1(one) of the fire emblem games suck"

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actually, yeah. One of the terms you have to agree with while signing your "fire emblem fan" certificate is: "I think at least 1(one) of the fire emblem games suck"

"at least one"? that's pretty optimistic

wow selena sounds like a loon when she kills someone in Fates

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"at least one"? that's pretty optimistic

wow selena sounds like a loon when she kills someone in Fates

Yeah, that's the minimum needed. I, for example, only think Radiant Dawn sucks.

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Im really cool and think the most popular games likes Fe7 and awakening suck. Does that make me a better FE player?

Kinda. Nowadays, we're going through a brief Zelda cycle moment, so disliking awakening isn't as cool as it used to be, and disliking Fates is "in"

then you aren't a real fire emblem fan

you're only a real fan if you hate everything innovative IS does with the series

that's not what the license terms said

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then you aren't a real fire emblem fan

you're only a real fan if you hate everything innovative IS does with the series

I hate every game other than FE1

I hate the remakes too.

I'm a REAL fire emblem fan now

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im starting to ask why I come to this thread

or go to SF at all

something about the past two pages rubbed me the wrong way


What rubbed you the wrong way? I hope I didn't cause it, sorry if I did

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Today is birthday of the flawed me

im starting to ask why I come to this thread
or go to SF at all
something about the past two pages rubbed me the wrong way

because you want to have the opportunity to interact with the best person in the whole world aka me

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You did nothing wrong, it's just that I hate the FE fandom, and it's known I hate most people here(because split personality issues)


Today is birthday of the flawed me

because you want to have the opportunity to interact with the best person in the whole world aka me

well if I wanted to do that I would've done that "privately" bby
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Happy Birthday even though I've only talked to you like a couple times

You're only semi-nobody to me

it's not my birthday haha

There's a member named "Flawed Nobody", and it's their birthday today, according to the forum's birthday list

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