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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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You know, it's been every other day, if not, every day, you make a post like this.

What's really going on? Talk about it. Is it March Madness?

No it's just.. What's the word..

I'm a little stressed right now, and my whole "split personality disorder" thing is acting up again. Also depressed. Mainly because SF depresses me, and the goal of trying to get myself killed on the site

That, and my paitence for you(read: most of you, not you) chucklefuck has worn thin, so I'm going to lash out at everyone I don't see as a friend.

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No it's just.. What's the word..

I'm a little stressed right now, and my whole "split personality disorder" thing is acting up again. Also depressed. Mainly because SF depresses me, and the goal of trying to get myself killed on the site

That, and my paitence for you(read: most of you, not you) chucklefuck has worn thin, so I'm going to lash out at everyone I don't see as a friend.

Comrade, when it was suggested that you go to purgatory, you should've considered it more, I mean, you don't have to, but the option is there. You've got to really clear up that head.

Although, it sounds a bit like how my January was, except replace angry with a real lack of focus, so I took a week away.

I dunno if it's life stressing you or sf stupidity or what have you, but some time away, and probably some games, sleep, exercise, or gains even, would do you quite a bit of good.

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the suggestion for purgatory mostly as a time by herself to think, contemplate and to resolve?

i already gave alicia some ideas on how to help

and if she ever need anything she can shoot me a PM and i'll see what i can do to help

Edited by Trisitei
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Any time is a good time for contemplation


Reflecting on ourselves as people and on how we change and what inspired us to be what we are today is always a nice thing to do in such times.

It's usually on those times of solitude and contemplation where one can hopefully find the positive resolve they need to help them in any way, regardless of how small said assistance is

that's how i usually see it anyway.


Edited by Trisitei
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Any time is a good time for contemplation


Reflecting on ourselves as people and on how we change and what inspired us to be what we are today is always a nice thing to do in such times.

It's usually on those times of solitude and contemplation where one can hopefully find the positive resolve they need to help them in any way, regardless of how small said assistance is

that's how i usually see it anyway.


I could most likely agree on that. Almost.

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i always listened to that one japanese instrument and i always wonder

"what kind of instrument produces such a noise?"

then i saw what the Sho looked like and i was like

"Oh, that explains it"

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Comrade, when it was suggested that you go to purgatory, you should've considered it more, I mean, you don't have to, but the option is there. You've got to really clear up that head.

Although, it sounds a bit like how my January was, except replace angry with a real lack of focus, so I took a week away.

I dunno if it's life stressing you or sf stupidity or what have you, but some time away, and probably some games, sleep, exercise, or gains even, would do you quite a bit of good.

It's a little bit of both, I guess. I've been doing most of these things, perhaps I'll go on walks more often.
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I could feel that guy's disappointment at the end

"Why is it so hard to write characters?"

gotta sacrifice characters for anime stor-




my body had a negative reaction to typing that

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