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Huh, so in my browse of sf for today:

The FE4 conformist crew(see: that new patch) look down on the Fates translation and content restoration team because of, and I quote, "namewanking"?

What kind of dogshit...?

what the actual fuck

To add: "Yikes, how dare you prefer the non-localized "weeb" name to our shiny new localized and completely correct herein american names!?"


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still sad how this is 2016 and people will still be looking down on each other over small things like name preferences in video games

tragic stuff on the state of being

among other things

but that's something i'll save for another day

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It's human nature. As long there is difference...

i suppose so

still annoying to watch and know it exists

but oh well, i'll only feel like they win to me if i or others i greatly respect succumb to that level

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I loved Jakob and Takumi's B support because Takumi gets tired of his attitude and gets back at him

Jakob: Just know that Lord/Lady Avatar only asked me to help with your training and that's all. I will not do anything that doesn't directly relate to your practice.

Takumi: You're incredibly difficult to work with.

Jakob: That's just a matter of opinion. Lord/Lady Avatar doesn't complain.

Takumi: *sigh* Fine. Just sit over there.

Jakob: Understood. I'm glad to be of service.

Takumi: Now put this apple on your head.

Jakob: P-Prince Takumi?! I don't see how this

Takumi: You're helping with my archery training. This will help me practice discipline. While it's tempting to aim a little lower, I must fight that impulse and hit my target. You can refuse, of course, but I'll inform Avatar that you weren't helpful.

Jakob: I... OK.

Takumi: Don't worry! I haven't messed this shot up yet. Though that could mean I'm due to make a mistake...

Jakob: Urgh... Maybe I could have been a bit nicer...

lmao i told myself i wouldn't read any of the supports but i'm happy i read this one
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