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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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kim ur allowed to sleep if it means you'll be around to shit up hhh tonight =D

Maybe post the kpop

after you sleep

gotta rest well for maximum kim posting

u guys are the thinkers of the century

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senpai i'll make a post in your honor

you also have to start paying attention to chen thread b/c it's latin chen thread now

i-i haven't taken latin since fourth grade

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senpai i'll make a post in your honor

you also have to start paying attention to chen thread b/c it's latin chen thread now

Do the Nero U WOT MVIII meme and I'll be slightly less sad. Also tell everyone how terrible Nero was.

I am paying attention to Chen's thread, but I can't participate right now because it's midnight and I'm in my bed questioning the purpose of my existence. =(

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