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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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u guys are the thinkers of the century

you flatter me too much

[spoiler=thinkin about buying these in celebration, thoughts]AINxolU.jpg

buy it

Everybody wants anime artists for the next FE and the Urobutcher for writer and I'm thinking

"Get the Binary Domain team for next FE"

any team would be good as long as they're actual writers

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Hopefully Intsys learned a valuable lesson; don't hype a writer no one knows jack shit about.

Alternatively; when all else fails, break your game up, sell it separately, then make dlc for each version

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this would be my army

this is reminding me of that one cgi disney movey

dan how could you do this to me

Hopefully Intsys learned a valuable lesson; don't hype a writer no one knows jack shit about.

Alternatively; when all else fails, break your game up, sell it separately, then make dlc for each version

they were hyping him?

fuck dude, they must be regretting that now

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