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Hey are you ready for the olympics btw.

(by you i mean braziland)

and more importantly is your country going to get greece'd by having to organize it.

Eh, i don't care about olympics and it won't affect me in any way

Dilma already "greece'd" brazil by herself lol

We're in the middle of our worst recession ever and running huge debts

I mean, that's sort of why she was/is being impeached

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It's funny because I had heard someone say a while back brazil was going to be the next world power after europe goes to shit.

good to hear your politicians prevented that from happening.

Oh well at least the portuguese memes will continue to get danker.

These past two year has really lowered my already low opinion of br politicians lol

Here we have 4 options: the corrupt, populist and extremelly fiscally irresponsible (and also arrogant) aka PT, the crazy left (these are probably the least corrupt but the worst ones because rip economy -REALLY RIP- and they're ultra arrogant), crazy right (huehue bolsomito) and then the ones that are "just corrupt" but hey at least they don't break the country and don't push it to recession or high inflation.

Oh and then there are the ones that follow whoever is in power (and these ones are probably the most corrupt hehe)

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>guy that i knew who threw a fit over not getting a girl and then proceeded to write a long apology letter in the form of a video game to his friend for throwing a fit supports trump

life is not so full of shocks and surprises

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This sort of thing seems to be happening wherever democracy is present in the world atm.

shitty candidate choices, with the options either being vote for corrupt establishment and let things get shittier or go for make (insert country) great again and watch it all burn.

that's it I'm joining blah and becoming a monarchist are you with me.

No, monarchy is stupid

Tbh i think anti establishment is the worst solution and i really dislike it, since it relies on populism and bad policies that don't work in reality

I'm the last fan of the "third way", you know, centrists who were quite popular in the late 90s early 2000s but that everyone hates now. There actually is a political party that i agree in like 85% of the political issues here in Brazil and i tend to vote for them, but as usual here they're also corrupt lol, so i lost faith in them even if i really agree with their policies.

Oh well, at least i really like the governor of my city (like in the US, cities have mayors and States have governors, but Brasilia is like a city-state). He seems honest and really cares about social issues while being fiscally responsible.

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yeah I guess that would be hillary over here, however I would be fine supporting her no matter how corrupt she was if it wasn't for the fact that her and her husband's policies are economically insidious as well. Bad trade deals, being wall street's pet etc kill the economy and rig it towards only a very few lucky oligarchs, while all the same letting the politicians on the left-centre escape blame.

if she wins the line of decline won't steepen but will continue nonetheless, and there's a good chance a recessions going to hit in 2017 anyways regardless of who's in office.

so hopefully if trump wins everything can burn and we can rebuild it again haha.

I don't really see it that way. If I were american I'd vote hard for her, specially considering the alternative is Trump. I'd also take her over Sanders without thinking twice. At least she supports free trade. Both Sanders and Trump share a very dangerous anti-trade sort of populism, that would not only harm the US economy badly, but also be terrible for the rest of the world. Oh well, at least imo. Edited by Nobody
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