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jesus christ i'm watching two best friends play escape from bug island and this game went berserk fast


they're playing that rn?

kingdom karts?

Is that like the mario kart of kingdom hearts?

watch this be a fan thing

like that persona go karting thing i saw once

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Don't you wish you were doing Terra's story and playing Kingdom Karts?

dude i love donald's nephews but FUUUUUUUUUUUUCK


they're playing that rn?

nah its an older-ish one

they did a full lp of it

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man I love that game.

Poast it.

Sure[spoiler=The knight's tale]

>Guy name Thesues (alpha Chad Mcmuscles) conquers kingdom

>Two knights, Palamon and Arcite become prisoners of war

>While in prison, Palamon sees 8/10 fair maiden

>not buxom farm wench, she's the princess of athens and thesues' daughter, with class. (think helen but without tits)

>Palamon rants about tfw no gf to arcite

>Arcite sees her and wants her too

>"I want her more than you" he says

>"I saw her first so yeah" palamon

>"Well you claimed she was a mortal but I claimed she was a goddess so I should love her more"

>"fucking really man"

>A few years later arcite escapes prison

>comes back in disguise and becomes a palace worker

>still thirsty af though

>palamon eventually escapes, and he hides out in a grove

>him and arcite meet again


>They both get ready to beat the shit out of each other

>Thesues walks in on them

>"fuckign casuls" he says

>his wife starts crying like a bitch once they explain why they're dueling

>thesues gives in

>alright tell you what, you guys go and organize your own armies, then we'll arrange a big battle and whoever wins gets to fuck marry daughter

>they come back and get ready to fight.

>the entire city of athens is hyped, it's pretty much the super bowl

>before the battle, palamon prays to aphrodite, and arcite to Mars

>during the battle aphrodite does shit for palamon and he ends up getting rekt

>arcite wins easily

>then saturn gets really salty and kills arcite

>palamon gets the girl

>he's depressed though and he doesn't even care

>thesues becomes a chen-nihilist

>the girl is in emotional fuck-all


It's actually quite well written though I enjoyed it more than I made it look

The middle english wasn't too much of a hinderance in it, actually.

[spoiler=the clerk's tale]

The clerk's a badass, basically the canterbury tales takes place at an inn and a bunch of people are getting drunk and telling stories however he just sits there reading his book not giving a fuck

Then they ask him to tell a story and he redpills the normies.

(a clerk is pretty much a scholar in case you didn't know)

>Italian prince, alpha, pretty chad, but no gf fsr.

>His people want him to get laid so he gets an heir and their kingdom doesn't get taken over by some tyrant

>He's reluctant because he's misogynist but eventually he starts looking

>finds pure, innocent farmgrill

>marries her on the spot

>she becomes the ultimate medieval wife, pure af, obedient, and wise

>they have child, but it's a grill so nobody cares

>eventually italian prince gets bored with her godliness

>"let's fuck with her for fun"

>devises "tests of fidelity" to see just how godly she is

>he sends a henchman to "kill" her baby with some bullshit excuse that "the villagers want a male heir"

>she obeys, and holds back the tears.

>"lol" says prince

>eventually they have a male child

>sends another henchman to kill the boy

>"hurr durr the noble's don't want an heir with villager blood"

>she obeys yet again

>"what the fuck" says the prince

>years pass by

>he devises the ultimate emotional torture

>he dumps her and says he's getting a new wife

>she obeys, goes back to her village and is still perfect

>he then invites her to the wedding of his new wife

>she comes and she still loves him but is still respectful and not salt

>"alright I'm done"

>he goes to her with his new wife

>turns out the "wife" was actually her long lost daughter she thought was kill

>the bridegroom was the son

>mfw she's so happy she doesn't even care about the ridiculous torture he sets up

>they all live happily ever after


Lol I feel the same way

I literally have the internet and thus access to all the knowledge in the world and I choose to shitpost instead.

yeah...and that's if the book was in your own language, and not latin/greek/even arabic.

im sure there were greekaboos though who learned greek to read homer's mangas before it was localized though.

my room usually isn't this messy, ok yeah it is but whatever: 1 2 3

"chen-nihilism", please, what is that

that's why you shouldn't kill friends to fuck pussies. see what happens? you become like me, apparently

i heard that people who are related but don't know that they're related for some reason have a higher chance of being attracted to each other. nice and realistic

shitposting is also a form of expression, so i could be making art, we could be, maybe

i don't want to imagine reading latin on a tablet without the comfort of printed text and spaces, i'm already regretting latin but i also love it

speaking of which, early translations are fun. some early translations of the art of war outright cut out sections and moved them around, old chinese is apparently dicks

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chipp had a great expression tbh

i'm happy dizzy's back in it, i've been waiting for her more then baiken or bridget

still like jack o' most

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Elphelt is my favorite SHES SO CUTE im in love.............

y'know Pride gave me his copy of xrd since he has Revelator or w/e the re-release is called and was all "btw Elphelt is dlc" and I'm just like


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Elphelt is my favorite SHES SO CUTE im in love.............

y'know Pride gave me his copy of xrd since he has Revelator or w/e the re-release is called and was all "btw Elphelt is dlc" and I'm just like


i won't lie, i don't much like elphelt, but i also can't say i hate her

they could have made her so much worse, i'm happy the story did what they did with her instead of having her just be terrible all around

i still have normal xrd sadly, i want revelator a lot so i can use nobody except sin, jam, and jack o'

just as i was meant to

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Like that jump stage at the end of FFXIII-2? There a only a very few things a game can do to kill the tension in the final chapers in a more effective way....

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