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i can't stop watching them play baby games and arin brings up the car breaking in street fighter and them just going "oh mah gahh"

i miss breaking cars in street fighter

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Chen, I have terrible news.

I was at this hotel last night and this morning, and all the food they served looked and tasted really artificial.

So this morning I took fried egg for breakfast because I thought: "It's egg, how could they possibly screw this up?" BUT THEY STILL MANAGED TO SCREW IT UP

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Chen, I have terrible news.

I was at this hotel last night and this morning, and all the food they served looked and tasted really artificial.

So this morning I took fried egg for breakfast because I thought: "It's egg, how could they possibly screw this up?" BUT THEY STILL MANAGED TO SCREW IT UP

RIP Hatt's taste buds.

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Chen, I have terrible news.

I was at this hotel last night and this morning, and all the food they served looked and tasted really artificial.

So this morning I took fried egg for breakfast because I thought: "It's egg, how could they possibly screw this up?" BUT THEY STILL MANAGED TO SCREW IT UP

those motherfuckers give me their address and I'll beat them up for you

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