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Alright, time to start with Stage 8.

Which, surprise, surprise, opens up with the Mycenae Empire. These guys had barely an appearance back in Alpha, and due to route splits shenanigans, I barely saw them even. But now they'll have a more prominent role starting with Alpha Gaiden. In any case, Duke Gorgon reports to Ankoku Daishogun (Great Dark General) that a Mechasaurus Plant from the Dinosaur Empire has reactivated on its own. Considering the other underground empires don't seem to be resuming activities, Gorgon can only conclude that the plant reactivated due to something else. Especifically, something the humans have been building underground since the end of the war. As such, the General sends Gorgon to investigate.

The party is finally in route to Dakar, after Henken and Gomez depart with the Lean Horse Jr. to Preventer HQ, taking Relena and the others with them. Before that, though, more visitors arrive, bolstering our forces further. It's Alan who is the fifth and last member of the Dancougar team, Viletta and Musahi, Sarumaru from Mutropolis (is he an actual PC? Who knows, I'll have to check that out when I can), Doctor Yasunichi (an OG character that for a long time I thought was actually one of the Giant Robo characters, since she would usually appear with them and it's been long since I saw the OG games), and... Shakti and Karuru. The last two sound like a very odd decision even if it makes sense for them to want to be with Usso. Well, more Shakti's decision than Karuru's, since he's a baby! Because having a baby on board sounds like a wonderful idea... then again, I'm pretty sure he was brought along back in Alpha when the group departed to the final battles there. Oh well...

Just then, Yasunichi brings up that she has detected the Mechasaurus Plant the Mycenaeans were speaking about. The group reaches the same conclusion of being reactivated by something else, and unlike the demons, Banjou's assistants do have an idea of what exactly. Turns out the Moon Cradle isn't the only shelter Bian thought up building. However, this Earth Cradle wasn't greenlighted, which means someone else must have built it in secret. However, they're interrupted by detection the Mechausures have begun fighting someone, so off they go. Are we ever gonna reach Dakar? At this point, beats me...

Turns out, it's more La Gians. Tyutti and Mio who are the other two Masoukishin pilots, Presia who is Masaki's little sister (adoptive, well, Masaki was the one adpoted, to be more exact), and Langran Kingdom princesses Xenia and Wendy. They were here to deliver the now repaired Cybuster, but it seems their entrance to Earth wasn't a welcoming one.

And thus the fight begins with them against the Mechasauruses. And to boot, the objective is to protect the Cybuster, which can't do anything. At least the other initial units aren't bad. It's the other two Masoukishin (Gaddeath and Zamzeed), and a Masoukin (Diablo). And there's a base for terrain utility, which Cybuster starts in, so that's good.

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i would be incredibly happy but most of it is due to me not being able to eat much so i'm wondering if its healthy weight loss...

Hello, Hi, Hey everyone~

How are you all?

i'm alright

i suppose

how you be

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I've only heard certain plot twists

It's been pretty good so far. You have to alternate between episodes, though, as it's how they're meant to be watched. (Episode 1 of Future arc, then Episode 1 of Despair arc, and so forth)

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I was joking, but [spoiler=Small Spoiler for Chapter 4]I do like him a lot more after what happened under the old schoolhouse. Would've been cool if he fought alongside Rean and Crow.

If I had to choose one character from VII, it'd have to be Gaius. Just an all-round bro, plus his line attacks do work in field encounters.

Gaius has the potential to be VII's most interesting character. I can't say much without delving into spoilers. Just be observant in any scene he appears in.
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Gaius has the potential to be VII's most interesting character. I can't say much without delving into spoilers. Just be observant in any scene he appears in.

You've made me want to pick up the game again. It's been a little while since I've played it.

I've been trying to clear out my JRPG backlog. Bravely Default is getting long-winded, Fates is great but it's hard to play Revelations so soon after finishing Birthright.

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Man, even with the few times I fought Mechasauruses back in Alpha, I can still tell the ones here in Alpha Gaiden got buffed...

That, or the La Gian units at base stats aren't really stellar...

Who knows.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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Did you at least play Conquest?

Nah, but I get the feeling I'm going to regret not playing it. I'm only a few chapters into Revelations, so I guess it doesn't matter too much if I stop to play Conquest.

Just don't have the money right now, really. Probably should've bought Conquest over Revelations as my second route...

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Nah, but I get the feeling I'm going to regret not playing it. I'm only a few chapters into Revelations, so I guess it doesn't matter too much if I stop to play Conquest.

Just don't have the money right now, really. Probably should've bought Conquest over Revelations as my second route...

You should have, yeah. Conquest also has some of the best gameplay in the entire franchise.
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You should have, yeah. Conquest also has some of the best gameplay in the entire franchise.

Gaaaaaah. Oh well, I'll probably get it at some point, when I feel the urge to play more Fire Emblem.

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tbh if that really was the case and you're concerned about your weight loss i'd rather not gain any more money

no i need to lose more then i'll feel pretty

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And now Duke Gorgon finally arrives with enemy reinforcements. Despite this being a recon operation, he opts to nab the Cybuster now.

And they're still mostly aiming for Cybuster. Thankfully it has good avoid, plus the base.

But now there's Mycenaean mechas to deal with as well.

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