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okay thanks I'll just post what I need help with here and when you get to it just quote this

also I don't need help with like the number answers I just need help with getting a formula set up

[spoiler=Physics yay]


Number 4


number 7

Okay, so for ideal gas law problems you've got the basics down based on the problems you've already solved.


which you've solved for P = (nR/V) * T

in this case you've got constant volume setup and are not adding any additional gas, which is why I just lumped parentheses around the constant terms (moles of gas, volume, gas constant R).

When you're looking for temperature, you just solve it around the other way:

T = [V/(nR)] * P

and as always, make certain you're using Kelvins for your unit of temperature. You might want to change atmospheres to an SI unit, just to be safe, but I'm not sure if it's absolutely needed in this case.

Does that help at all?

Edit: Whoops, didn't refresh the page.

Edited by Balcerzak
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rain has been cutting off my connection all yesterday so i woke up to this

[4:10:16 PM] DavidSW: >watching the ending cutscenes and final boss of Lightning Returns
[4:10:33 PM] DavidSW: wow
[4:11:20 PM | Edited 4:11:28 PM] DavidSW: this probably isn't fair to say as I haven't played through the trilogy but how can anyone take this seriously
[4:41:23 PM] DavidSW: the final boss's death scene actually made me laugh irl
[4:41:31 PM] DavidSW: holy shit
[4:41:51 PM] DavidSW: this is even sillier than XIII's ending

[spoiler=so get this]

-Religious themes even FFX thinks could stand to be a bit more subtle

-The final boss is God. No really, they refer to him as God. His actual name is Bhunivelze but he's called by both

-God uses Hope as a vessel talking to Lightning and then Hope's body dangles from puppet strings while doing crucifixion pose

-God's plan is to make a new world but everyone will die and the people there will be soulless puppets or some shit

-Lighting becomes the goddess of death so she can kill God

-Lightning 1v1s God

-Lightning wins, also during the fight she has a literal voice clip yelling "God is dead!"

-Everyone is saved and can go to the new world without being soulless puppets but Lightning has to stay behind so she can keep Chaos and God in check or something

-The power of friendship saves Lightning and also a soulless puppet of Serah God made who decides to do what the real Serah would've done and I really don't get this part

-All of the main characters come back including real Serah

-God's not quite dead, BUT THEN

Lightning- "Know this Bhunivelze: it wasn't just me that destroyed you. You've been defeated by a power that you never understood. A power that you cannot see. It comes from the bonds of love that unite us. Together... We change the world."

-But then the other main characters turn into a giant friendship sword of light and LIGHTNING USES THE LITERAL POWER OF FRIENDSHIP TO KILL GOD

-And then some shit with Caius but who gives a fuck

-And then they all go to new world...



bruh i paid sweetass money to get this game because i really liked ffxiii-2 and thought maybe this one wouldn't be so bad

how do you think i feel besides dead inside

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rain has been cutting off my connection all yesterday so i woke up to this

bruh i paid sweetass money to get this game because i really liked ffxiii-2 and thought maybe this one wouldn't be so bad

how do you think i feel besides dead inside

Ebony i'm

i'm so sorry

i dunno but i guess it worked cause to this day my boyfriend still likes lightning and still finds her hot :T

he'd probably find Seven in Type 0 hot

b/c seven looks exactly like lightning

and a better character even though she doesn't have much of a personality

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