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@Soledai: I'm sorry if that was the only correlation I saw (referring to poop v quality).

Of course you're free to dislike it. I'm assuming the ignore feature doesn't help much in this case, but you know... the poopie posting comes and goes in bursts. Maybe this is just me, and I know we're def seeing through different lenses here, but I see enough room to have a conversation amongst all the poop. Quoting people helps.

What I'm saying is it's not impossible. A hindrance? Yes. But the poop isn't forever at a time. And it would seem poopie posting won't be stopping soon.

You know Sol out of everything I think it's the tone you came across that made me "!!!!!!!!". Like saying "You should have left it that way" in response to the quietness of the thread and not to "wade in the mud around me" in response to Chen makes me feel like you put yourself above not just the posts, but the posters themselves. I'd really like to be proven wrong.

"You're caring too much about this Mei."

Yeah, I know. And you're def not the type to grin and bare (when it comes to things like this), so maybe there is a compromise. But the only one I can see that works for everyone is putting all annoyances on ignore.

I know quoting helps, but that wasn't the point I was driving at, but you kind of get it, I can tell. The fact that that happens was, yeah, ignore makes it more bearable, still...

No of course not, I don't expect any different.

Well firstly, me saying to "leave it that way" was a joke, hence strikethrough. Also Mei, I don't put myself above anyone, yeah sure, I word things in an incredibly unfriendly way, I won't even try to deny it, but try to act high and mighty over something like this? No, how can I? I just refuse to conform to some "predetermined" standard just because, and of course, gave it a colorful name, is all. My apologies for giving you that idea.

I cherish you as my equal, not as anything less.

Yeah but, oddly, certain scripts stop functioning properly once you've hit "a point", so it's half rewarding.

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i thought the problem was more people complaining about your posts against shitposting, and they come off as them wanting you to conform to it

This was it, mainly.

Particularly the instance of how not liking it suddenly means you want quality, instead of just not liking it. (Mei, this doesn't include you, so don't fret it)

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[4:06:55 PM] Adrian P.: On 8/28/16, at 3:05 PM, Gatoraiden Kotomeme wrote:

> yeah rudy i'm gonna shame you for being a masochist /s

“i want kirei kotomine to penetrate me like that knife penetrated tokiomi”

“kirei kotomine makes me sweat harder than a sinner in church”

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[4:09:23 PM] Dr. Rudy Mjölnir: Also it would be nice to have Attila for a good saberface Yep
[4:09:32 PM] Kotomemes: atilla isnt a saberface
[4:09:35 PM] Adrian P.: Later best Saberface
[4:09:36 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: Altera isn't a Saberface???
[4:09:42 PM] Adrian P.: Altera*
[4:10:00 PM] Adrian P.: fucking autocorrect
[4:10:08 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: yeah Altera isn't a saberface
[4:10:13 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: that made me feel really triggere
[4:10:15 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: d
[4:11:16 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: rudy why
[4:12:08 PM] Dr. Rudy Mjölnir: I love to make you triggered.
[4:12:19 PM] *** Shadowfrost Zenbiniar removed Dr. Rudy Mjölnir from this conversation. ***
[4:12:35 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: and he paid his life for it
[4:12:41 PM] Adrian P.: PLS
[4:12:49 PM] Kotomemes: i was gonna say are you gonna send him to jail
[4:12:50 PM] *** Shadowfrost Zenbiniar added Dr. Rudy Mjölnir ***

oh no now everyone will know i lust after a fictional psycho priest

i didnt post the kiritsugu one you're safe

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