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-- good necklace

-- shirt has an odd neckline and im not even sure what the bottom hem is doing

-- jacket is good

-- pants r good but also cut at a weird length.....also why are the pockets down so low

-- nice shoes

overall: good first impression but details r wonky, i'd get a crewneck shirt for him and also longer pants. imo the jacket is also a kind of ambiguous length, it'd make a better statement if it were either longer or shorter. the button details also go better along with the necklace and shoes in giving him a more sophisticated look so i'd also button his jacket up since his shirt doesn't really add much to his outfit anyway.


-- not a personal fan of beanies but he seems to like them and im not one to judge!!

-- i like his shirt and jacket theyre both very LOOK AT ME

-- i especially appreciate his shirt being kinda tucked in and kinda not

-- i like his belt too


overall: very individualistic and out of all the characters he probably has the most consistent fashion sense i appreciate it!! i can't think of anything i'd personally add to his outfit to make it better tbh. like i'd probably change the shoes but it goes along with the rest of his outfit in that it's "wow hey what" so it's pretty good. the outfit even looks comfy and practical like wow hey pockets!! he probably spent a while on his outfit and it makes me happy.


-- tbh naming things i dont like about his outfit would be easier than naming things i like

-- his plaid shirt is nice and layering the sweater over it is rly nice

-- good shoes also i like his hair but i dont rly know what hes doing with it lmao...

overall: his mom probably decided his outfit for him lmao. i feel like his outfit could be improved if he added something more ~unique~ than those criminal pants like a watch or patterned socks or a graphic sweatshirt. the plaid is decent and it's a very nice touch to the otherwise plain patterns on his outfit but the windowpane check pattern is still boring. if i were him i'd wear tartan or madras plaid instead.


-- i appreciate the unconventional way he's wearing his scarf

-- nice ribbon

-- ah fuck yeah skinny jeans


overall: honestly his outfit is good looking at separate pieces but as a whole it's kind of all over the place. i know i said i appreciate the scarf but the messy look doesn't go well with the rest of the outfit!! id tie it with a braided knot so it's normal-looking but UNIQUELY normal-looking!! or even get rid of the ribbon and tie a french knot. i dont really know what to say about his sweater because i can't see much of it, but there's nothing immediately wrong with it. his pants would definitely improve if they were longer and were tucked into his boots, also.

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y'all making me wanna just reuse my yoshikage kira theme again

I just got Kira'd


So I was on the YouTube homepage and over half of the recommended section is now JoJo


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-- inconsistent as fuck. she's usually tomboyish but why is she wearin ribbons and tube skirts all of a sudden

-- good shoes

-- good jacket too

-- the bow details are cute but not really /her/

overall: the outfit as a whole is pretty good but it doesn't match her!! at all!!!! she fuckin wears track pants under her school uniform because it's easier to move around and suddenly she's here wearin a tube skirt what!! the varsity jacket is very good and goes with her character though. so are the shoes. personally i'd get rid of the ribbons and give her shorts and also a regularly-sized shirt because that one looks kinda big woops


-- tbh the outfit is rly plain and i dont know what to say about it

-- i think she's wearin long sleeves under the dress and while i dont personally like that look i can respect it!!

-- i appreciate the bow belt

-- good socks

-- also good shoes!!

overall: man she has no pockets but dresses shouldn't really have pockets anyway so i guess that's on her. the shoes and socks match the girliness of the dress but if the dress had scalloped sleeves or underthingos it'd be like "heh wow it matches her shoes." also bow details on the shoes to match the belt. the empire dress and its length don't really match that well lmao i'd either shorten the dress or make the dress tighten at the waist instead of under the bust. also i feel like her outfit would drastically improve with a simple necklace


-- cute!! CUTE!!!!

-- i like her peter pan collar a lottttt

-- her cardigan and its little longer-at-the-back thing is very cute. also the sleeve length is obviously purposely oversized and that's cute and nice

-- skirt is cute af

-- idk what to say about the shoes. kinda underwhelming i guess

overall: unlike a majority of the other characters she also definitely has a theme goin on w her outfit!! the peter pan collar and oversized cardigan and box-pleated a-line miniskirt all go together and make it v cute.....i think her shoes should be changed to oxfords or mary janes to go along with the rest of the outfit, though. also longer socks!! not like knee length but probably halfway there because it shouldnt dominate her outfit, the skirt is clearly the focus of it. i dont think there's rly anything else to criticize tbh!! miou has a very good fashion sense too, no wonder she's my girl.


-- cute also but also boyish

-- i appreciate the asymmetry of her overalls

-- ribbon is rly cute

-- striped tank is also nice

overall: the overalls (heh) are like IM QUIRKY ribbons are like IM CUTE but the stripes are like IM BASIC and the shoes are like IM LADYLIKE she should rly pick a theme. im gonna go along w her character and assume that the cute was the intended focus........the tank top should be changed to small tight polka dots and if she wants small-coverage shoes then sandals or sth but from the other characters' outfits i think i can assume that it's winter and lmao not even kim is insane to wear an outfit like that during winter but whatever you do you hina.

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