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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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5: Medium (4ft. – 8ft.)

10. Ancient (801 – 1,000)

1. Animal

2. Orange

6. Alligator-like

6. Hairy

7. Bat-like pair in middle of back

4. Four legs

5. Chimera

5. Cycloptic eye

3. Rows of teeth – each bite attack counts as 1d4 bite attacks

10. Wondrous breath – Breathes an effect from the rod of wonder

20. Can only be hit by magic weapons

6. Beautiful women, for sex, love, or food

Mine's an old hairy stupid pervert :/

Edited by FrostyFireMage
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o ya the dragon thing:

- colossal
- young adult
- genius
- yellow
- alligator-like
- mosaic scales
- single pair in middle of back
- 100 legs
- normal head
- cycloptic eye
- laser eyes
- hallucinogenic breath
- super heated/frozen body
- hoards knowledge, books, scrolls, smart people

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