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ok I beat it but it involved the first two Hell Gates fainting 3? 4? enemies between them

and dorothy blinding one

what the fuck

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"take down a half-dozen 1500hp attack dogs with only two party members"

seems fair

yeah, this is the worst fight in first chapter. think on my hard mode run i positioned estelle and joshua to one of the bottom corners before the fight, then hell gate spam/heal/taunt with estelle

it's the at delay that does you in. and the blood saber does WAY too much damage

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yeah, this is the worst fight in first chapter. think on my hard mode run i positioned estelle and joshua to one of the bottom corners before the fight, then hell gate spam/heal/taunt with estelle

it's the at delay that does you in. and the blood saber does WAY too much damage

by "first chapter" I assume you mean "trails in the sky first chapter (FC)", as opposed to chapter 1 of said game?

if so: I definitely found the Ch. 2 bossfight a lot stupider than that (am playing HM). battle at the top of carnelia tower (which I just finished) was also really dumb but by the end of it I felt like a lot less of it was up to chance so probably not.

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yeah, I meant tits fc, haha

I didn't have much trouble with chapter 2's boss, but I killed them both at the same time, so death throes never activated for me

battle on top of carnelia tower is a bit tough, but again, I didn't find it too bad. and speaking of carnelia, have you been reading the books?

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yeah, I meant tits fc, haha

I didn't have much trouble with chapter 2's boss, but I killed them both at the same time, so death throes never activated for me

battle on top of carnelia tower is a bit tough, but again, I didn't find it too bad. and speaking of carnelia, have you been reading the books?

I keep meaning to but I always forgot

my issue with ch2 boss was that they'd 2-shot any one of my guys and they'd move twice as fast as me (unboosted)

which is just kind of ridiculous in all shapes and forms

and unlike the others you can't cheese them with hell gate or something since like all good bosses they're status-immune, and they have thousands of hp to chew through

earth wall cheeses them okay (if you can call that much effort and time 'cheese') but it just feels WRONG

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I keep meaning to but I always forgot

my issue with ch2 boss was that they'd 2-shot any one of my guys and they'd move twice as fast as me (unboosted)

which is just kind of ridiculous in all shapes and forms

and unlike the others you can't cheese them with hell gate or something since like all good bosses they're status-immune, and they have thousands of hp to chew through

earth wall cheeses them okay (if you can call that much effort and time 'cheese') but it just feels WRONG

sounds like you were underlevelled to me, estelle shouldn't be dying in two hits against them

are you using joshua's flicker craft? at delay helps immensely in all boss fights

don't feel bad for using earth wall

and fyi: that penguin boss is a million times worse in sc. please go on normal for sc. i did it on hard and the first third of the game is bone-crushingly brutal and a real patience tester

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I think estelle might've taken three hits to die, don't remember 100%. it helps that she had earth wall up 90% of the time.

that entire fight was clock up (ex) + earth wall + flicker + OCCASIONAL heals / hell gates

+ s-crafts at the end

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Nice. Joshua has Black Fang now, no?

Yeah. I haven't used it yet though.

I wanna finish up Chapter 3 tonight, but I don't think there's any way that's gonna happen. Gonna sleep instead.

'night all

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I think estelle might've taken three hits to die, don't remember 100%. it helps that she had earth wall up 90% of the time.

that entire fight was clock up (ex) + earth wall + flicker + OCCASIONAL heals / hell gates

+ s-crafts at the end

you can change that to "hard/nightmare mode is clock up + earth wall"

also i have a discord gosh ugh

Edited by PKLucas531
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