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Part of me wants to get FFXV now, but another part is telling me to wait until the game stops getting patches/Director's Cut.

I'll just get the PC version it should probably be at that point already Edited by Tonfaton
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also i won't lie i ended up being up past 5 am playing ffxv and i didnt even realize until my mom was done getting ready for work

don't see anything wrong with that


youre on weird parts of Tumblr
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[7:52:03 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar:

tfw you forget and wish you forgot this was a thing

[7:52:33 PM] Tristian S.: I was waiting for that the moment I saw the figures up on goodsmile

[7:52:57 PM] Adrian ;p.: I don't remember the last time I played Fates

[7:53:21 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: I remember going to the hospital the last time I got fates

[7:53:30 PM] Shadowfrost Zenbiniar: because it was cringe

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