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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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c-cardboard......did you buy an anime cutout, refa

hahahahahahahahahaha that'd be great

nah it was a bunch of children's trading cards though

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wouldn't cardboard feel uncomfy for stuff

well you probably wouldn't do stuff with a cardboard cutout

someone has that kink somewhere I bet

yeah probably

oh no

hahahahahahahahahaha that'd be great

nah it was a bunch of children's trading cards though

thats CUTE

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Thanks to now having Netflix via mooching off my bro, I finally took the time to watch Fate/Stay Night.

After just finishing Season 1..... I've













mind you, that I'm normally never triggered by anything

Edited by Motendra
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dude r u kiddin me thats the epitome of cute

lmao i need to reevaluate my definition of cute then

I call things cute that a lot of people don't find cute tbh

well you're in the right place for that [citation needed]

omg that sounded so hipster tumblry

hopefully you're making your posts from your local starbucks then

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Thanks to now having Netflix via mooching off my bro, I finally took the time to watch Fate/Stay Night.

After just finishing Season 1..... I've













mind you, that I'm normally never triggered by anything

what triggered you
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