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Hello, Hi, Hey: I'm $$$ richh

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I've never watched Jojo; I've watched a lot of anime, but even so there's a good number of popular/classic ones I've never seen, like Madoka Magica, Attack on Titan, Guilty Crown, Sailor Moon, etc., and Jojo is one of them. But when other anime make reference to it, and when some one makes reference to it probably expecting some sort of reaction from you and you can't respond in any way, it does does sort of make me wonder what it's all about....

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Duilin, Lord of the House of the Swallow: he kills many foes with his arrows from the walls of Gondolin. However, he is eventually hit by a bolt of fire hurled at him by a Balrog, falls off the wall and dies.

Edited by Hattusili I
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Rog, Lord of the House of the Hammer of Wrath: after the North Gate is breached, he leads the House of the Hammer of Wrath in a charge against the enemy. So strong are they that they manage to slay even Balrogs, the mighty demons of fire; a feat never before accomplished in the history of the world. The enemy flees before them and they pursue them, until they are deep within enemy ranks and surrounded. They fight bravely to their deaths; it is said that every one of them killed at least seven foes before himself dying.

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Penlod, Lord of the House of the Pillar and Lord of the House of the Tower of Snow: he defends the reclaimed North Gate after Rog's sally. He tries to come to Rog's aid, but is driven back by a new onset of foes. He dies with his back to the wall.

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Ecthelion, Lord of the House of the Fountain: he bravely defended the King's Square. There he fights Gothmog, Lord of the Balrogs. Gothmog hits Ecthelion's sword arm with his whip of fire, which delivers such a burning pain that Ecthelion can no longer wield his sword. He then hurls himself at the demon and drives his spiked helmet deep into his flesh. Gothmog falls backwards into the King's Fountain, in which both drown.

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Turgon, King of Gondolin and Lord of the House of the King: fights bravely to defend the King's Square. When he realizes that Gondolin's fall is inevitable, he orders Tuor to flee with all the people he can gather. He himself then retreats into the King's Tower with his bodyguards, comes out onto the rooftop and draws the attention of the enemy army by loudly proclaiming: "Great is the triump of the Noldor!" He dies as the enemy topples his tower, crushed by the mighty building.

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Glorfindel, Lord of the House of the Golden Flower: in an attempt to attack the enemy in their flank at the battle at the North Gate, he is ambushed while leading his forces through the Great Market. He fights bravely before retreating to the King's Square. He leaves Gondolin with Tuor, but they are pursued. As they attempt to escape by climbing the mountains, a Balrog comes upon them from behind. Glorfindel duels with the Balrog, and casts both him and himself into the abyss.

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Salgant, Lord of the House of the Harp: he spent the entire battle in bed, too afraid to join the battle outside. Some believe that he died when his house was burned down in the sacking of the city; others believe that he was taken captive, brought before Morgoth and made into his personal buffoon.

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