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ok realtalk honeyworks is a long romance series with a bunch of characters and bowlcut-kun's like lmao not important at all (i think hes the only character on the honeyworks relationship chart without his own song) and somehow i fell in love w him

and in turn damian did too

so we like drafted an entire background and personality for him and now hes our boy we love him

canon: he likes photography, he likes reading, he is assertive yet quiet and kind

damianandkim-canon: he has a little sister, he has an office worker dad with whom he gets along (but bowlcut-kun wants to break away from the mold and work on his art), he likes comfy yet sophisticated fashion, he is not girlshy but is waitin for the right girl to sweep him off his feet......

honeyworks' second movie came out recently and im rly excited to see it cuz our boy is gonna be in it and wow he'll be in ACTION

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