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Hah, the Gretta Gary got a taste of the Electromagnetic Ball and Electromagnetic V-Slash. Got the skill point.

Karas will attempt to flee, though Cotset is able to give chase and ram the Iron Gear into the Gretta Gary, killing Karas. Don't know what happens if there are still other enemies around, but at this point I've rout them all anyway. Since Tron survived the whole thing, she's impressed, and anyone fighting the Innocent is alright in her book. And thus she joins. Good thing there's no more enemies showing up... are they...?

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Okay, no, no more enemies.

If the Iron Gear was already in bad shape, then now it's even worse. Cotset plans to take parts from the also-wrecked Gretta Gary, though Kid (not the J9 one) instead proposes they just repair the Gretta Gary and use that instead. Ooh, battleship "upgrade". In SRW it's rare to see a battleship to be replaced/upgraded. Usually that only happens with the one Captain Bright commands. They even plan to paint the Gretta Gary to the Iron Gear's colors. lol

In other news, Lune says she has just been wandering Gallia. The heroes at this point have become the main talk around, which helped her find them. Despite attempts, a proper resistence movement against the Innocent has not yet materialized, which is why Birin and Maria are also here, wanting to join with the Iron Gear crew instead. At this point, however, they receive a transmission, from none other than Biel himself. He wants the heroes to come back to P-Point, to talk. Bright agrees, considering the dome at this point wouldn't be in any shape to fight back if it was a trap. Harry and Diana (still in her Kihel impersonation, naturally) also take this chance to finally see if they can get info about Arthur.

At the dome, Biel finally speaks up about the Innocent's true purpose. The "Human Reawakening" project. Long ago, after a cataclysmic event, Earth's surviving population fled to the Moon, the Moon Race's ancestors. Earth was able to recover in time, and some humans did return, but they could no longer live in the recovered enviroment. Thus, they built domes to live in, the Innocent's ancestors. Through the years, they've used eugenics to have people capable of once more living on Earth: the Civilian-class humans. The ultimate plan is for the Innocent to eventually stop dictating the lives of the Civilians and let them have Zora/Earth fully for themselves. Of course, some Innocent ended up not wanting to let the current situation change. This faction is led by Kashim King, and currently has Arthur as "hostage", in Jop Point. And thus, the heroes' next location is set.

And that's it for stage 28. As a side-note, the "Hard and Medium/Easy" route split is almost at its end. Considering the nature of this route split, the other route is likely to have had a different plot altogether so far, though key parts are liekly to be the same in both, like going to Jop Point, most likely. One big difference that I know, however, is Tron. She can't or won't join in the Medium/Easy path, only in the Hard path. Maybe she doesn't even appear in the other path. But again, don't know.

And that's it for tonight. Will continue some other day.

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not really, but that feel comes one way or another

like, it happened a few days ago because i was trying to break out of some toxic places and kind of at the same time was having some weird emotional problems

i guess i kinda revealed i'm somewhat of a misanthrope and a friend of mine started this long paragraph with "if you commit suicide in the future i wouldn't be surprise"

i really didnt expect to read that i guess, it made me think if i'm really that depressing to be around

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I don't think i've ever seen you at your most negative, so far to me you just seem like a pretty normal person, who whie shy does open up when it matters and really likes Kiritsugu, Yoshikage Kira and Noctis a bit much

yeah, there's some parts here and there but they're relatable issues that anyone would have

maybe they said it in a way to help get that internal thoughts starting to try to make a better change, ya know?

if you want to keep talking about this, maybe we can move to private messaging

Edited by Trisitei
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this subreddit makes me so happy

I don't think i've ever seen you at your most negative, so far to me you just seem like a pretty normal person, who whie shy does open up when it matters and really likes Kiritsugu, Yoshikage Kira and Noctis a bit much

yeah, there's some parts here and there but they're relatable issues that anyone would have

maybe they said it in a way to help get that internal thoughts starting to try to make a better change, ya know?

if you want to keep talking about this, maybe we can move to private messaging

honestly the reason why i think it doesn't come out a lot here is because this is a good site

like there are people i'm baffled by and get aggravated at but i don't feel unwelcome or like i'm in a bad environment, so most of the worst never really happens because here i'm never really in any mood to be in a bad spot

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haha what subreddit is that?

honestly the reason why i think it doesn't come out a lot here is because this is a good site

like there are people i'm baffled by and get aggravated at but i don't feel unwelcome or like i'm in a bad environment, so most of the worst never really happens because here i'm never really in any mood to be in a bad spot

Well it's always good that you can have a place to feel welcome at and not want to constantly get in meaningless squabbles with other people

So at least you have that

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haha what subreddit is that?

Well it's always good that you can have a place to feel welcome at and not want to constantly get in meaningless squabbles with other people

So at least you have that


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^ This is actually a thing.

They have a pretty well behaved VG subforum... on the forum I saw it at, mind you.

EDIT: This was..... a long time ago though

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