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"I would like you to introduce yourself to the class as your first assignment. The purpose of doing so is to introduce yourself so that others can get to know you individually. Compose a brief message that includes the following information:

1. Your background (your interests; your experience using technology).

2. Career plans or goals that relate to this course, if any.

3. Why you enrolled in this course and what you hope to accomplish with it.

4. A statement about yourself that will help us to remember you from the many other students in the course. The statement should focus on what is unique about you."

oh god class doesn't start for another 6 days and I want to go into hiding already this is worse than the last intro I DONT HAVE AN ANSWER FOR ANY OF THESE.. i aint got no aspirations or motivations or skills or personality im just trashman

3) If you basically chose it "just because" you can say you wanted to try out something. You may not know what you want for the future and this'll help you figure out what you want to do.

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3) If you basically chose it "just because" you can say you wanted to try out something. You may not know what you want for the future and this'll help you figure out what you want to do.

It was just because but I didn't want to say that because I thought it'd be a bad look, but that sounds better yes thanks

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"I would like you to introduce yourself to the class as your first assignment. The purpose of doing so is to introduce yourself so that others can get to know you individually. Compose a brief message that includes the following information:

1. Your background (your interests; your experience using technology).

2. Career plans or goals that relate to this course, if any.

3. Why you enrolled in this course and what you hope to accomplish with it.

4. A statement about yourself that will help us to remember you from the many other students in the course. The statement should focus on what is unique about you."

Okay, let's have a gander or two.

1. Your background, given the context, shouldn't be too difficult to explain, I think. Your interests are....... wait, what are you interests??? And you seem technologically competent, so just think of the most amazing thing you did with technology.

> Though if it makes you feel any better, back when I got something similar in the college days, I just straight up said "I like video games and I made a website(sort of)" So try not to think too hard about your answer if my word's anything to go on.

2. Unfortunately I don't know this, since I haven't been around much for the "Life and times of Lettytuce", but I think any goal should suffice... Also, note the "if any". That's your bailout button if you need it.

3. Easy enough, just ask yourself: "Why did you enroll?" Your answer to that is your answer to this. What you hope to accomplish depends on the class, so I think that should be easy enough too.

4. Ah, essentially the "express yourself" part. I like the Lettuce thing that was mentioned earlier. Also, you seem kind of spunky for someone who has no personality.

Also, what kind of class is this? At the very worst, you could just sound somewhat boring... I think.

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Okay, let's have a gander or two.

1. Your background, given the context, shouldn't be too difficult to explain, I think. Your interests are....... wait, what are you interests??? And you seem technologically competent, so just think of the most amazing thing you did with technology.

> Though if it makes you feel any better, back when I got something similar in the college days, I just straight up said "I like video games and I made a website(sort of)" So try not to think too hard about your answer if my word's anything to go on.

2. Unfortunately I don't know this, since I haven't been around much for the "Life and times of Lettytuce", but I think any goal should suffice... Also, note the "if any". That's your bailout button if you need it.

3. Easy enough, just ask yourself: "Why did you enroll?" Your answer to that is your answer to this. What you hope to accomplish depends on the class, so I think that should be easy enough too.

4. Ah, essentially the "express yourself" part. I like the Lettuce thing that was mentioned earlier. Also, you seem kind of spunky for someone who has no personality.

Also, what kind of class is this? At the very worst, you could just sound somewhat boring... I think.

oh wow, thanks!

- UHH yeah about that my interests are usually short-lived....idk if thats related to mental illness or if I have a tendency of getting bored and not sticking to things in general

aaaaanyway like the only things that are somewhat consistent is media like video games and a complicated relationship with art, nature is PRETTY COOL too but I don't go outdoors a lot or study anything about it

also for technology idk if it counts but I learned html when I was around 12, super SUPER basic stuff though that I long forgot about since I don't play Neopets anymore to mess around with petpages like I did then lol

- no goal for now =(

- credits p much, I wasn't even planning on attending this spring semester because I feel like I'm still in a bad place and don't think I'll do well like this but my dad pressured me to at the last minute and I didn't have much options by then though I don't want to state that for obvious reasons

- I had no idea lol

also its history of world civilization I

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oh wow, thanks!

- UHH yeah about that my interests are usually short-lived....idk if thats related to mental illness or if I have a tendency of getting bored and not sticking to things in general

aaaaanyway like the only things that are somewhat consistent is media like video games and a complicated relationship with art, nature is PRETTY COOL too but I don't go outdoors a lot or study anything about it

also for technology idk if it counts but I learned html when I was around 12, super SUPER basic stuff though that I long forgot about since I don't play Neopets anymore to mess around with petpages like I did then lol

- no goal for now =(

- credits p much, I wasn't even planning on attending this spring semester because I feel like I'm still in a bad place and don't think I'll do well like this but my dad pressured me to at the last minute and I didn't have much options by then though I don't want to state that for obvious reasons

- I had no idea lol

also its history of world civilization I

Oh, I like that. "Your interests gravitate from one thing to the next, I never really stick with one thing" or words to that effect. Gives you that slight look of longing and/or mystique. (Or does that only work in animu?)

Also, I like the sound of complicated relationship with art, and I find myself a bit curious at what makes it complicated.

Ahh, that seems okay to me. That's also what I'd say, the html part, mind you.

:( I personally think you could think of a goal, but if you can't in the remaining time, you still have that bailout button. ):

To be honest, I'd say that, but you know me. I'm not sure if being that frank is your style, I'd just leave out certain parts of that... and maybe make up something about "wanting a change of pace for the semester". You know how it is.

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i don't want to die that much tris

Everything will be fine

in the words of the late poet of our time, George Michael

Ya gotta have Faith

(or alternatively don't do it. you don't know what they've plotted for 11 years)

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thankfully neopets don't die
but they obviously remember the pain and suffering of not eating for 11 years, the emotion in their hearts is no longer there and they spend their life wishing they could die to end the suffering of dying from lack of food.

Or something like that.

Edited by Sophie
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thankfully neopets don't die

but they obviously remember the pain and suffering of not eating for 11 years, the emotion in their hearts is no longer there and they spend their life wishing they could die to end the suffering of dying from lack of food.

Or something like that.


this is why you be weary of what they've been plotting for that time

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