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So, now that everyone has fully recovered from the Rat Fever (too bad, no more crazy!Kotset), they discuss about Elche. They easily figure she's been brainwashed, though with a different process from how artificial Newtypes are mind tampered. That could actually make it harder to break. Elesewhere, Birin wonders why her sister (Caloon) would now side with the Innocent. On the Argama's meeting room, Jamil suggest they should stop making their way to Jop Point. With the threat of Iron Gear class landships, Artifical Newtypes, and the like, it's best to scout first. "Kihel" brings up about contacting Arthur as soon as possible, and when Bright points out the talks would still need Queen Diana, it prompts Jamil to finally speak what he was suspecting until now. Seems Harry's arrival was the final nail in the coffin for him. Well, the ruse is over. He now reveals "Kihel" is really Queen Diana.

And now they cliffhang to the Intermission Screen.

Nothing new in the Bazaar. There's a Government, a Promeuth, and a Zamel, like in last chapter. But now I no longer need more Governments. Interestingly enough, Birin and Maria got moved to the Xabungle, forcing me to move Fatman and Blume to the Goverments the girls were using. I can't even move them out of the Xabungle, same with Rag in the Xabungle2. That can mean only one thing. Chapter 30's story is forcing the girls to sortie in the Xaungles. Considering things, it might be related to Birin and Caloon's situation. But well, we'll find out...

... some other time. And that's it for Stage 29.

Edited by Acacia Sgt
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2 hours ago, FrostyFireMage said:

All I see is the team crying out in pain what am I missing


just the worst dungeon ever

1 hour ago, Trisitei said:

that's not the team

that's more ebony herself

and anyone who went through that hell

i cry

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12 minutes ago, Ebony said:

i cry


2 minutes ago, Fleece said:

im dyign i saw where there is a ygo mobile game officially released and im tempted to play but i have enough mobile games to play as is and i could never get the hang of the rules


maybe delete a game you dont feel like playing anymore?

what do you have anyway? 

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7 minutes ago, Trisitei said:


maybe delete a game you dont feel like playing anymore?

what do you have anyway? 

I already deleted Mystic Messenger, I was only keeping it just incase they added DLC/more content but the Christmas stuff was massively underwhelming and I don't care as much about the series anymore...All I got left is Grand Order and School Idol Festival which I still play religiously, I was thinking of deleting Tales of Link because even doing research I still can't figure out which of my units would make a good team and struggling, but I've been doing better now and gotten some decent stuff I think so I'm like aaaaaaa idk

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4 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

Ebony, what was your class in DnD?

that i play or like... in a quiz?

i usually play rogues in dnd, if there's a quiz i dont know

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24 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

everything should still be there if you delete it, yeah?

nope, all the mobile games i've played so far will be wiped clean if you delete and reinstall, have to keep a code thats temporary to restore your account if you switch systems or need to reinstall the game for any reason and TOLink is no different :/ though you can also bind it to your facebook acct but I don't use that so ehhhhh

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make a secret facebook page just to keep the games safe
just in case, ya know?

but removing things is your call


Just now, Hattusili I said:

[12:18:19 AM] Glaceon Mage: GAIDEN REMAKE
[8:09:10 AM] Hattusili Canafinwë: WHAT
[8:09:15 AM] Hattusili Canafinwë: OMG REALLY


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Work in Progress
names will change to fit the user
As well as some other users i have not put in yet either due to not knowing class, or simply i forgot them


Kinumi = Magus
LuxSpes = Light Mage
shinpichu = Gunner
Hashuni Mei = Cleric
Hattusili I = Dragoon
Jedi = Warrior
Trisitei = Swordsman
Sophie = Mage Knight
SecondWorld = Paladin
DodgeDusk = Knight
Tonton = Dark Knight
Soledai = Marshal
Ebony = Rogue
Hero King = Hero
FrostyFireMage = Fire Mage
ShadowFrost Zenbiniar = Summoner
Acacia Sgt = Engineer
Makaze = Alchemist
Emeraldfox = Sentinel
Lettuce = Monk
Shirley = Sage
Glaceon Mage = Ranger
Polydeuces = Berserker
Duck = Pirate
Nobody = Mime
Naughx = Blue Mage


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the ygo thing might be moot now though because even though I can install the game just fine, when I actually boot the game up and starts downloading it always freezes around 68/276 and when I try to boot up the game again it shows a black screen :/

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