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3 minutes ago, Chen said:


but nothings better than the music for Scrum Debate

2 minutes ago, Ebony said:

noctis dancing like a dork has given me back 5 years of my life

but then kenny showed up dancing and i was spooked solid
(not really, but i was really confused)

4 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Destroying the regalia is one of my favorite things to do in FFXV

how many times was it because of a tree

4 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

I'm surprised that Avatar units have been getting more hate that Children Units as possible additions to the new FE games.

why say that? 

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1 minute ago, Trisitei said:

why say that? 

Over the past few years, I've seen the kids get derided as shoehorned, especially Fates, but for every post I see worrying about kids getting readded, I see 10 worrying about avatars.  I like customizable units, I just don't want a Mary Sue.

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Well, when you add Avatars, you add the high probability of kids, so instead of avoiding the byproduct, just avoid the potential source... probably something they think, couldn't say.

Edited by Soledai
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2 minutes ago, Ebony said:

i remember telling my bf that i think i like noctis more then dante and he was silent for like 5 minutes and i thought i offended him

But Noct is cool

Just now, Rezzy said:

Over the past few years, I've seen the kids get derided as shoehorned, especially Fates, but for every post I see worrying about kids getting readded, I see 10 worrying about avatars.  I like customizable units, I just don't want a Mary Sue.

I've been seeing Avatars usually being on the end of the stick being called shoehorned(Especially Kris and Robin), which i feel they are
I just never liked the idea of your character coming in and suddenly being able to be everyones best friend and stronger than others because reasons
too mary sue-ish for me.

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2 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Over the past few years, I've seen the kids get derided as shoehorned, especially Fates, but for every post I see worrying about kids getting readded, I see 10 worrying about avatars.  I like customizable units, I just don't want a Mary Sue.

Well, I could think that perhaps peopel compare the way both concepts have been used, and the Avatar concept hasn't made a better impression of the two.

Compare how Children units first appeared in Genealogy. And the Avatar in New Mystery. Then the second time both appeared (Awakening), then Fates for the third time for both. At least from what I've seen, people agree Children units were still decently handled in Awakening, while the Avatar concept already was under criticism since the start with Kris. But who knows...

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12 minutes ago, Trisitei said:

how many times was it because of a tree

Not that many

what i like to do is try to bump into other cars despite the game trying to prevent it.

10 minutes ago, Rezzy said:

Over the past few years, I've seen the kids get derided as shoehorned, especially Fates, but for every post I see worrying about kids getting readded, I see 10 worrying about avatars.  I like customizable units, I just don't want a Mary Sue.

Tbh i don't even mind corrin and robin, and children units are harder to explain and are getting older

but i do despise kris and prefer the children to them hehe

but i think it might have to do with the fact that children units have distinct personalities, are optional and aren't meant to be "yourself". 

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Children in FE4 and Awakening were alright. got some favorite kids in Fates but their existance was really shoehorned. damn baby dimensions
and Awakening's time travel was..eh

4 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Not that many

what i like to do is try to bump into other cars despite the game trying to prevent it.

love when it's so beaten up that the glass looks like it could shatter from a pebble

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I just did an entire post in the Switch section about avatars lol

My position is that they should either go all out and make your avatar's personality change depending on your choice as well as have several decisions that have meaningful impacts on the story throughout the game or just get rid of Avatar altogether. Also get rid of the player worshiping. Corrin and Fates story are really hampered by how much the game and characters make sure that Corrin know that they can do no wrong. Also, characters who's entire existence revolve around Corrin are pretty bad.

I like children because they're units with a degree of customizability, but I'd prefer them being gone than having baby realms again. If they really want to bring back children, include a time-skip in the game. 

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Children in Awakening were the example of "good ideas, bad execution" or another way, they were victims of their plot. Because time travelling babies isn't even new or original, it's clear what they tried to do, but yeesh.

FE4 was done right, Fates was awful no discuss.

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